Updating a CloudFormation stack with a Cognito pool claims that we're adding attributes when we're not - aws-cloudformation

Starting on Nov 7, 2018 we started getting the following error when updating our CloudFormation stacks:
Updating user pool schema is not allowed from cloudformation. Use the
AddCustomAttributes API or the AWS Cognito Console to update user pool
Our CF stacks don't have any changes to the custom attributes of the Cognito pool. They only have changes to the PostConfirmation and CustomMessage triggers, as well the addition of API Gateway responses.
Does anybody know why we might be seeing this? How can we avoid this error message?

We had the same problem with deployment. For now we are deploying it without CustomMessage trigger and setting CustomMessage trigger manually after deployment.

we removed the CustomMessage changes from our template and that seemed to do the trick.

Mostly by luck, I've found an answer that allows me to get around this in an automated manner.
How our scripts used to work
First, let me explain how this used to work. I used to have the following set of cloudFormation scripts:
cognitoSetup.template --> <Serverless Framework> --> <cognitoSetup.template updated with triggers>
So we'd setup the Cognito pool, run the Serverless Framework to add the Cognito Lambda functions, and then update the cognitoSetup.template file with the ARNs for the lambdas exported when the Serverless Framework ran.
The Fix
Now, we include the ARNs for the Lambdas in the cognitoSetup.template. So now cognitoSetup.template looks like this:
"CognitoUserPool": {
"Type": "AWS::Cognito::UserPool"
"Properties": {
"LambdaConfig": {
"CustomMessage": "arn:aws:lambda:<our aws region>:<our account#>:function:main-<our stage>-onCognitoCustomMessage"
Note, we're setting this trigger before the lambda even exists. The trigger just needs an ARN, and it doesn't seem to care that it's not there yet. Then we run sls deploy which creates the actual Lambda function and everything works fine.
Now our scripts look like this:
cognitoSetup.template --> <Serverless Framework>
Why does this fix this error? I don't actually know. CloudFormation seems to be fine with this modification but not okay with modifying the same file later in our process. But it works.


Is there an elegant way to clone a Keycloak realm with all its configurations (clients and roles) for a multitenant application?

I'm building a multitenant application and I'm using Keycloak for authentication and authorization.
Foreach each tenant, the idea is to have a dedicated Keycloak realm. Each tenant will have exactly the same roles and clients.
I have tried to export one existing realm, use it as template and import it for new tenant. Problem: I'm facing database constraint violation due to internal id.
Question: Is there an elegant way to achieve this, having a template to create a new realm ?
Be sure that the feature for uploading script is enabled. For a deployment with a docker-compose just add this:
command: -Dkeycloak.profile.feature.upload_scripts=enabled
Export your realm (the one to be used as model)
Remove all line containing "id:" and "_id:"
Search and replace template realm name by the new realm name
In Keycloak UI admin console, Add new realm, provide the file and that is all.
You can use the cleaned exported file as template.
Can't comment due to rep,
but I'd like to add to #Youssouf Maiga's answer,
that you should also modify any fields that contain values under "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides":
Replace any entries that have values assigned under "direct_grant" or "browser"
"authenticationFlowBindingOverrides": {
"direct_grant": "f5d1wb45e-27eb-4466-937439-9cc8a615ad65e",
"browser": "5b23141a1c-7af8d-410e-a9b451f-0eec12039c72e9"
replaced with
"authenticationFlowBindingOverrides": {},
I tried cloning my realm based on this and got an error saying:
"Unable to resolve auth flow binding override for: direct_grant" when importing the modified realm export.
Keycloak version 16.1.1
What you could do is configure everything using the Keycloak Terraform provider. That way you only have to define the configuration once, in code, and then apply it using Terraform. See for the documentation: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/mrparkers/keycloak/latest/docs
An advantage of this is that you can put your code in an SCM tool (e.g. git), so you can track your changes, and go back to a previous version if necessary.

Have a fallback for ImportValue on a CloudFormation template?

I've got two projects (backoffice and frontoffice) deployed using CloudFormation.
In the frontoffice, I import some DynamoDB table names from the backoffice stack as Environment variables for my Lambdas.
To run some acceptance tests I need to sometimes deploy the frontoffice withtout deploying the backoffice. Therefore, the frontoffice will try to do an ImportValue of an Export that doesn't exists.
Is there any pattern that would allow me to get the Frontend deployed anyway - and then handle the lack of value in my code ?
You could pass an additional Parameter to frontoffice indicating whether you are going to deploy with backoffice or not.
Based on the value of the parameter, you could use DependsOn and/or Fn::If to either import or not the DynamoDB table names.
For a fully automated solution without any extra Parameter, you would have to use custom resource. The resource would be a lambda function, which would use AWS SDK to query CloudFormation stacks and check for backoffice.

Configuration Management in AKS Deployment with Azure Pipelines for Different Environments

I have created a ASP.NET Core WebAPI and deployed in an Dev Environment (Kubernetes) using Azure Pipelines. How can I update the configuration in the pipeline if I need to publish the same API in another environment (eg. SIT). Since I have different settings/configuration for Dev and SIT environments.
Kindly guide me.
You can use release variables to do this. Feel free to reachout if you need any assistance.
The problem occurs when I want to deploy the same API to other
environments like QA/UAT/Prod. Since each environment is having
separate databases
For this issue , there are several ways to achieve this. You can add Replace Tokens extension to the job to replace the database connection string in appsettings.json.
You can define your variable like below:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "#{connectstring}#"
You can refer to this case and lab for details.
Here are some reference for the same issue:
Replacing database connection strings in the Docker image
Set Json Property task to replace the ConnectionStrings

Taking over existing Domains (HostedZones) in CloudFormation

I've been setting up CloudFormation templates for some new infrastructure for a project and I've made it to Route 53 Hosted Zones.
Now ideally I'd like to create a "core-domains" stack with all our hosted zones and base configuration. Thing is we already have these created manually using the AWS console (and they're used for test/live infrastructure), is there any way to supply the existing "HostedZoneId" as a property to the resource definition and essentially have it introspect what we already have and then apply the diff? (If I've done my job there shouldn't be a diff hopefully so should just be a no-op!).
I can't see a "HostedZoneId" property in the docs: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-route53-hostedzone.html
Any suggestions?
PS. I'm assuming this isn't possible and I'll have to recreate all the HostedZones under CloudFormation but I thought I'd check :)
Found it. It's fine to make other HostedZones, they're issued with new Nameservers, just use the "HostedZoneConfig: Comment" field to note down which hosted zone is which and then you can switch the nameservers over when you're ready!

Can I force delete an AWS CloudFormation stack that is In Progress of Rollback

An AWS CloudFormation rollback (e.g., UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS) has been in progress forever, like over an hour and a half. I want to delete the stack altogether or force stop any activity. Is this possible?
Another common cause of blocked stack updates/rollbacks is errors in ECS::Service resource updates: it doesn't look like that is currently detected (in some cases?). Cloudformation is waiting for the service event for the service reaching a steady state, so simply updating the service to something that works (e.g. desired tasks to 0) will unblock it. Try to get the state back to what Cloudformation expects before sending more updates to avoid problems, though.
I guess your stack resources are changed or deleted by outside.
You can find official guide as below.
Manually sync resources so that they match the original stack's template, and then continue rolling back the update. For example, if you manually deleted a resource that AWS CloudFormation is attempting to roll back to, you must manually create that resource with the same name and properties it had in the original stack.
or (as #talentedmrjones said)
To fix the stack, contact AWS customer support.
In my case, I can stop same situation via re-creating deleted resource.
In my case it is an EC2 security group that cannot be deleted because it is referenced from another EC2 security group.
When dealing with a custom resource it is possible to construct a mocked up version of the return url.
The easiest way to do this is to grab the url which was used during the create. If you can get your hands on it, replace the section after the last %2F with the "Client Request Token" which you can get from your event log for the cloudformation.
If not, then here's the format of the url you'll have to construct.
https://{region}.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region={region}#/stacks?filter=active&tab=events&stackId={stack arn}%2F{stack name}%2F{client request token}
Run that url as a get and it will cause the resource to fail rollback or delete.
You can try to delete the resources and then the update rollback will complete successfully.
Sometimes this will occur if your user role is missing permissions to delete roles. This can be tested by trying to manually delete roles or users that have been created by the CloudFormation stack.
I had something like this happen once, and the stack seemed stuck forever in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS status. I'd recommend submitting a ticket to AWS support. That was the only way I was able to resolve it.
Was able to delete mine by manually deleting everything via AWS dashboard. I ended up having a couple dangling roles that just needed deletion.
I meet the same problem.
The console told me some resource depends on another, so can't be deleted. Under that state, rollback in unavailable.
I just delete the whole VPC and the resources in that VPC.
Because cloudformation will retry to delete resource every 10-20 min. So when it retry, it will find the resource have already been deleted, and it just skip the deletion and everything is smooth after that.
Yes, use this command to delete stacks stuck in 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS' state.
You can easily run this in AWS CloudShell also.
Go to Lambda Function->Monitor->CloudWatch Logs. Look for Log where "RequestType" is "Delete" and Copy the necessary fields to below command
curl -H 'Content-Type: ''' -X PUT -d '{"Status": "SUCCESS","PhysicalResourceId": "Add your physical resource ID", "StackId": "Add your StackId","RequestId": "Add your RequestID","LogicalResourceId": "LambdaFunction"}' 'Add your ResponseURL Here'
curl -H 'Content-Type: ''' -X PUT -d '{"Status": "SUCCESS","PhysicalResourceId": "cutomRes-LambdaFunction-1NC1ORF", "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:3343:stack/cutomRes/f52a-11eb-b5df-0a5c2cc1","RequestId": "d70931a2-364b-413e-a2","LogicalResourceId": "LambdaFunction"}' 'https://cloudformation-custom-resource-response-useast1.s3.amazonaws.com/arn%3Aaws%/cutomRes/f5466f6Expires=7200&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA6L7Q4OWT3GW5BT7K%2F20210330%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=1db1f83f'
Do Note that, example contains URL that mmaybe modified to not work for security purposes. It is for demonstration purposes only.
You will need to investigate why exactly the rollback is taking so long (e.g., if it's due to a missing resource modified outside of the CloudFormation stack, or a Custom Resource that failed to return the expected signals).
I went to the stack resources tab and checked why some of them couldn't be deleted then I deleted them manually first.
Usually, it works with just a quick refresh.
We need to go to the resources section and check which resource it is trying to delete. Go to that resource and check why Cloud formation is not able to delete that resource.
What we can do is try deleting the resource manually and check the error or dependency. Fix that and the stack will again then continue. Depending on you stack design and dependencies you might have to delete manually or fix manually multiple resources.
Check this for more details :