delete range of rows of a cell array under certain condition, MATLAB - matlab

I have a very large cell array containing a lot of measures. In general the measurements are in the range of 3 to 15 meters. My problem is that some of these measurements don't have this range, so it's invalid data, I want to remove these range of data from my cell array.
Here is what I have tried (in resume):
ind_cond = find(strcmp('Machine',A{:,1}));
A = table2cell(A);
for i = 1:(length(ind_cond)-1);
cond = ismember(A(ind_cond(i):ind_cond(i+1),11),'15');
if cond == 0
A(ind_cond(i):ind_cond(i+1),11) = [];
So first I search for the word 'Machine' because this is in all the headers so I can have the total number of measurements. Then I try to find the string '15' (I convert this later to num) on the range of the measurements, and if there is no '15' I want to delete that range of rows from the array.
I get the following error:
"A null assignment can have only one non-colon index"
Many thanks
Here is a picture of how the data looks ( I don't know how to upload this, is a .csv file, sorry)
The 11 column is the important thing, here is the data that I'm interested. The problem is for example that some data sets (they are a lot, from 0.25 to 17 meters) are incomplete, because they don't have the value '15' so I want to delete the entire dataset in that case.
My first attemp was make something like this
for i = 1:(length(ind_cond)-1);
if ind_cond(i+1,1)- ind_cond(i,1) < 30 ;
A(ind_cond(i):ind_cond(i+1),:) = [];
And it works well but this don't delete all the conflictive data, since I have one (1) very large data set that don't have '15', and the condition above can't eliminate it.
In the picture "What i want to delete" is an example of how are the conflictive data, and I want to delete all that data.
Overview of data
What i want to delete

If the intent is to remove the cells that don't have the string '15', you can do the following:
A = [{'TEST'} {'Machine'} ; ...
{'test1'} {'3'}; ...
{'test2'} {'7'}; ...
{'test3'} {'16'}; ...
{'test4'} {'15'} ; ...
{'test5'} {'1'}; ...
{'test6'} {'8'}];
machine_cell = A(:,2);
% keep only cells that where there in no '15'
new_A = A(contains(machine_cell,'15'),:);
The new cell array will be:
>> new_A =
1×2 cell array
{'test4'} {'15'}
The opposite, keep all cells that doesn't have '15' then just negate contains:
new_A = A(~contains(machine_cell,'15'),:);
>> new_A =
6×2 cell array
{'TEST' } {'Machine'}
{'test1'} {'3' }
{'test2'} {'7' }
{'test3'} {'16' }
{'test5'} {'1' }
{'test6'} {'8' }


Clear Contents of Specific Ranges

I am still new to VBA. I wanted to clear all the contents of the data (Row 3 to Row 12, Row 15 to Row 24, etc) below the yellow headers, without deleting all of the headers as shown in the photos (Fig 1 becomes Fig. 2). The headers go all the way down to row 109 (increments of 12 from Row 1, so Rows 1,13,25 ...85). I have a code but its too basic and long:
Sub Clear_All()
Set Unitsheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet"1)
.'up to
End Sub
I need a code that is short, since the rows may reach up to more than 1000.
Any help will be much appreciated.
Sub clear()
Dim i, rows As Long
rows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.rows.Count
For i = 1 To rows
If Sheet1.Cells(i, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = -4142 Then
Sheet1.Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.ClearContents
End If
End Sub
this function finds all used rows in sheet1
it iterates all rows , if color of cell in A column has no color index (-4142) it clears all contents in entire row

How to insert a structure within a structure

I have a 1x1 structure called imu_data.txyzrxyz1. It has one field called txyzrxyz1 and the value is 4877x7 double. I just want to "copy and paste" row 62 into row 63 (double up that row) so that the structure now becomes a 4878x7 structure. I've tried the following, with other versions without success:
extra_63 = imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63,:);
imu_data2.txyzrxyz1 = [{imu_data.txyzrxyz1(1:62,:) extra_63 imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63:end,:)}]
You can index the row to duplicate twice while matrix indexing:
row_to_duplicate = 63;
yourdata = rand(100,10); = yourdata; =[1:row_to_duplicate, row_to_duplicate:end],:)
So in case of 63, 1:row_to_duplicate will create a column vector from 1:63, and row_to_duplicate:end will create a column vector from 63:100 in this example. When combining these, 63 will occur twice, hence that row is duplicated.
You were almost there, you only had to get rid of the {}'s and put the data in the right orientation by using ; instead of a space between matrix entries to vertically concatenate instead of horizontally:
extra_63 = imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63,:);
imu_data2.txyzrxyz1 = [imu_data.txyzrxyz1(1:62,:); extra_63; imu_data.txyzrxyz1(63:end,:)]

How to filter and save each variable on matlab

I have a data (matrix) with 3 columns : DATA=[ID , DATE, Value]
I want to filter my data by ID for example DATAid1= DATA where ID==1 and so on ..
for that I write this code in MATLAB
load calibrage_capteur.mat
data = [ID ,DATE , Valeur]
minid = min(data(:,1));
maxid = max(data(:,1));
for i=minid:maxid
ind=find(data(:,1) == i)
dataID = [ID(ind) ,DATE(ind) , Valeur(ind)]
As a result he register the last value in this example the max ID=31 so he register dataId31. Now I need how to save the variable each iteration. How can I do this?
You will want to use a cell array to hold your data rather than saving them as independent variables that are named based upon the ID.
data_by_ID = cell();
ids = minid:maxid;
for k = 1:numel(ids)
data_by_ID{k} = data(data(:,1) == ids(k),:);
Really though, depending on what you're doing with it, you can use data all of the time since all operations are going to be faster on a numeric matrix than they are on a cell array.
%// Do stuff with data ID = 10
do_stuff(data(data(:,1) == 10, :));
If you absolutely must name your variables you could do the following (but please don't do this and use one of the methods above).
for k = 1:numel(ids)
eval(['dataId', num2str(ids(k)), '= data(k,:);']);
Your question is a bit unclear but it sounds like you simply want to save the result at each iteration of the for loop.
I'm assuming min and max id are arbitrary and not necessarily the variable you are trying to index on.
kk = min_id:max_id;
for ii = 1:numel(kk)
ind=find(data(:,1) == kk(ii))
dataID(kk) = [ID(ind) ,DATE(ind) , Valeur(ind)]
This is better than indexing by min_id or max_id since it isn't clear that min_id starts at at 1 (maybe it starts at 0, or something else.)

Matlab regexp split time array and save time output for plotting

I'm trying to loop through an array of dates/times in matlab, split each column using regexp with the following delimiters ('/' or ':' or '.'), and store each column separately as year, day, hour, min, sec, ss, respectively. Ultimately I'm trying to turn this array of Julian dates and times into a plot-able format in matlab. So far I've been able to loop through my array called 'time' and created a new 1x6 cell called 'clean2_time' which splits each row into 6 columns (year, day, hour, min, sec, ss) based on the delimiters '/' ':' and '.'. My issue is that the loop overwrites 'clean2_time' every iteration and I am left with only the final 1x6 time stamp for the last row. I have tried creating a new variable of all zeros 'z' and setting 'clean2_time' equal to z but have no luck.
Sample of 'time':
Code I've tried so far:
for i = 1:size(time,1) % for i = 1 to 5922
clean2_time = regexp(time{i,1}, '[/:.]', 'split');
z{i,1} = clean2_time(i,1)
z{i,2} = clean2_time(i,2)
z{i,3} = clean2_time(i,3)
z{i,4} = clean2_time(i,4)
z{i,5} = clean2_time(i,5)
z{i,6} = clean2_time(i,6)
You are on the right track, however, you don't need the for loop.
Simply doing this would suffice:
clean2_time=regexp(time, '[/:.]', 'split');
Then clean2_time is a cell structure in which every row contains another 1x6 cell array. You can then access the different values with: clean2_time{row}{column}. If you really want clean2_time to be a nx6 numerical matrix instead of this cell array of strings, simply use this to reshape:
for i = 1:size(time,1) % for i = 1 to 5922
clean2_time(i,:)=regexp(time{i,1}, '[/:.]', 'split')
clean2_time(i,:) indexes the i-th row of the cell.

How to read data in chunks from notepad file in Matlab?

My data is in following format:
FILE: name_1
TIME name_3
day name_4
-0.01 0
364.99 35368.4
729.99 29307
1094.99 27309.5
1460.99 26058.8
1825.99 25100.4
2190.99 24364
2555.99 23757.1
2921.99 23240.8
3286.99 22785
3651.99 22376.8
4016.99 22006.1
4382.99 21664.7
4747.99 21348.3
5112.99 21052.5
5477.99 20774.1
5843.99 20509.9
6208.99 20259.7
6573.99 20021.3
6938.99 19793.5
7304.99 19576.6
FILE: name_1
TIME name_6
day name_7
-0.01 0
364.99 43110.4
729.99 37974.1
1094.99 36175.9
1460.99 34957.9
1825.99 34036.3
2190.99 33293.3
2555.99 32665.8
2921.99 32118.7
3286.99 31626.4
3651.99 31175.1
4016.99 30758
4382.99 30368.5
4747.99 30005.1
5112.99 29663
5477.99 29340
5843.99 29035.2
6208.99 28752.4
6573.99 28489.7
6938.99 28244.2
7304.99 28012.9
Till now I was splitting this data and reading the variables (time and name_i) from each file in following way:
[TIME(:,j), name_i(:,j)]=textread('filename','%f\t%f','headerlines',5);
But now I am producing the data of those files into 1 file as shown in beginning. For example I want to read and store TIME data in vectors TIME1, TIME2, TIME3, TIME4, TIME5 for name_3, name_6, _9 respectively, and similarly for others.
First of all, I suggest you don't use variable names such as TIME1,TIME2 etc, since that gets messy quickly. Instead, you can e.g. use a cell array with five rows (one for each well), and one or two columns. In the sample code below, wellData{2,1} is the time for the second well, wellData{2,2} is the corresponding Oil Rate SC - Yearly.
There might be more elegant ways to do the reading; here's something quick:
%# open the file
fid = fopen('Reportq.rwo');
%# read it into one big array, row by row
fileContents = textscan(fid,'%s','Delimiter','\n');
fileContents = fileContents{1};
fclose(fid); %# don't forget to close the file again
%# find rows containing TABLE NUMBER
wellStarts = strmatch('TABLE NUMBER',fileContents);
nWells = length(wellStarts);
%# loop through the wells and read the numeric data
wellData = cell(nWells,2);
wellStarts = [wellStarts;length(fileContents)];
for w = 1:nWells
%# read lines containing numbers
tmp = fileContents(wellStarts(w)+5:wellStarts(w+1)-1);
%# convert strings to numbers
tmp = cellfun(#str2num,tmp,'uniformOutput',false);
%# catenate array
tmp = cat(1,tmp{:});
%# assign output
wellData(w,:) = mat2cell(tmp,size(tmp,1),[1,1]);