modify frame border width using script - framemaker

I'm trying to write a script file for FrameMaker that creates a keyboard shortcut for a frame border. Everything works fine except for the BorderWidth attribute:
aframe.Pen = 0;
aframe.Color = "Black";
aframe.BorderWidth = 0.5;
I want to set the border width to 0.5pt but it always comes out as 1pt.
How can I make the border thinner using this script?

In framemaker 1 pt is equal to 65536.
By setting 0.5, youve set it to a value lower than the minimum, so it defaults to 1 pt.
To get the desired result, set BorderWidth to 65536/2.


Math doesn't work for the size and position of Game Pieces WRT the size of their container "room"

The positions and sizes of my Game Pieces, as set by CGPoint(..) and CGRect(..), don’t make arithmetic sense to me when looked at with respect to the width and height of the surrounding container of all Game Pieces?
Let me illustrate with just one specific example –
I call the surrounding container = “room”.
One of many specific Game Pieces = “rock”.
Here’s the math
roomWidth = Double(UIScreen.main.bounds.width)
roomHeight = Double(UIScreen.main.bounds.height)
While in Portrait mode:
roomWidth = 744.0
roomHeight = 1133.0
When rotated to Landscape mode:
roomWidth = 1133.0,
roomHeight = 744.0
So far so good .. here’s the problem:
When I look at my .sks file, the width of the “rock” and its adjacent game pieces far exceeds the roomWidth; for example,
Widths of rock + paddle + tree = 507 + 768 + 998 which obviously exceeds the room’s width for either Portrait or Landscape mode – and this math doesn’t even address the separation between Game Pieces.
The final math “craziness” looks at the swift xPos values for each Game Piece as specified in my .sks file:
Room: xPos = 40,
Rock: xPos = -390,
Paddle: xPos = -259,
Tree: xPos = 224
I cannot grasp the two high negative numbers .. to me, that means the Rock and the Paddle shouldn’t even be visible .. seriously off-screen.
One significant addition = I did set the Autoresizing Mask to center horizontally and vertically
I need a serious infusion of “smarts” here.
The default anchorPoint of an sks file (SpriteKit Scene file) is (0.5, 0.5). So the origin (0, 0) of the scene is drawn at the center of the SKView. You can change the anchor point in the Attributes inspector when editing the sks file. The default means that negative coordinates not too far from the origin will be visible in the SKView.
The scene also has a scaleMode property which determines how the scene is scaled if its size doesn't match the SKView's size. The default is .fill, which means the view scales the scene's axes independently so the scene's size exactly fills the view.

how to move a line Shape object

Using EaselJS 1.0 I want to move a line. I can get this to work setting the x and y by incrementing and decrementing, but not by setting x and y directly to numbers. IOW - line.x++; works, but line.x = 300; does not work. The code editor here seems cranky, so in case I fail inserting code see two versions running online here:
In the init function:
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
stage = new createjs.Stage("canvasOne");;;, 400);, startY);;
in the tick event:
//Run these two lines: Expected = line moves right and up. Actual = line moves right and up AND GETS LONGER.
Run these two lines: Expected = line appears centered at 600,600. Actual = line is not visible. Check debugger, x and y are set to 600.
line.x = 600;
line.y = 600;
I think the problem here might be that you are confusing the graphics coordinates with the line's position.
The line you are making is at [0,0]. Its registration point has not moved. You are then drawing the line from the internal coordinates of [300,400] to wherever your startX and startY are. The line position doesn't change because of the internal graphics coordinates.
My guess is that when you set the line to x=600, it is not visible because your graphics are now off-stage. The line position will be 600, but the line graphics start at 300 on top of that.
Here is a quick fiddle
var line = new createjs.Shape();;"#ff0000");, 0);, 400);;
stage.x = 300; // sets the graphic container to x=300
I hope that helps!
Thanks! I think the easiest way to move a line shape is probably to put the line in a bitmap, and move the bitmap.

Swift CAShapeLayer gets partially transparent at 1pt or lower

I've been trying to get a solid color when I draw a 0.5pt width line but it gets opaque when the value is 1.0 or less (see picture).
This is the code (Swift 4)
func DrawLine(from:CGPoint, to:CGPoint) {
let path = UIBezierPath()
path.move(to: from)
path.addLine(to: to)
let lineLayer = CAShapeLayer()
lineLayer.path = path.cgPath
lineLayer.lineWidth = linesWidth
lineLayer.strokeColor = linesColor.cgColor
lineLayer.isOpaque = false // trying to make it work line
lineLayer.opacity = 1 // trying to make it work line
lineLayer.shadowColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor // trying to make it work line
lineLayer.shadowOffset = .zero // trying to make it work line
lineLayer.shadowOpacity = 0 // trying to make it work line
self.layer.insertSublayer(lineLayer, at: 0)
I found an answer at (All because the anti-aliasing as explained in the first answer by Codo)
If you have oddly sized straight lines, you’ll need to position them
at plus or minus 0.5 points to prevent anti-aliasing
So, if the lineWidth is 1pt or less I add 0.5 points or (1 / scale).
Now the line is crispy
I think when you say opaque you rather mean partially transparent. And I guess we're talking about macOS here, right?
How do you expect a line of less than 1 pixels looks on the screen? A pixel is the smallest unit of the screen. The entire pixel has the same color. It can't be partially red and partially white.
So macOS – as part of the antialiasing – blends the thin line and the background, i.e. it makes the pixels partially transparent before drawing them on the background. The effect is that the line is perceived as thinner even though it is still 1 pixel wide.
If you don't like this effect, do not draw lines of less than 1 pixel. But it's the only way a line looks thinner than 1 pixel.
BTW: Pixel size depends on the resolution. On a retina device, 1 pixel is 0.5 point, on non-retina devices it's 1 point and there are even factors in-between.

Gnuplot, pie chart, placing labels on left, can't see them all

I need to make some pie charts using Gnuplot. I used the code I found here, on SO. My data file looks like this:
Województwo Suma
Dolnośląskie 3.6
Kujawsko-Pomorskie 7.5
Lubelskie 4.7
Lubuskie 3.3
Łódzkie 8.1
Małopolskie 6.9
Mazowieckie 12.5
Opolskie 2.6
Podkarpackie 6
Podlaskie 3.4
Pomorskie 8
Śląskie 14
And my Gnuplot script:
set encoding utf8
set datafile separator "\t"
set termoption enhanced
set terminal epscairo enhanced color dashed rounded size 8.5, 5.5
set output '2008-2015procent_pie.eps'
stats '2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u 2 noout # get STATS_sum (sum of column 2)
ang(x)=x*360.0/STATS_sum # get angle (grades)
perc(x)=x*100.0/STATS_sum # get percentage
set size square # square canvas
set xrange [-1:1.5]
set yrange [-1.25:1.25]
set style fill solid 1
unset border # remove axis
unset tics # remove tics on axis
unset colorbox # remove palette colorbox
unset key # remove titles
Ai = 0.0; Bi = 0.0; # init angle
mid = 0.0; # mid angle
i = 0; j = 0; # color
yi = 0.0; yi2 = 0.0; # label position
set palette defined (1 1 0.788 0.055, 2 0.090 0.161 0.659)
plot for [i=1:STATS_records] '2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u (0):(0):(1):(Ai):(Ai=Ai+ang($2)):(i) every ::i::i with circle linecolor palette,\
'2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u (mid=(Ai+ang($2)), Ai=2*mid-Ai, mid=mid*pi/360.0, -0.5*cos(mid)):(-0.5*sin(mid)):(sprintf('%.1f\%', $2, perc($2))) ever\
y ::1 w labels center font ',10',\
for [i=1:STATS_records] '2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u (1.45):(i*0.25):1 every ::i::i with labels left,\
for [i=1:STATS_records] '+' u (1.3):(i*0.25):(i) pt 5 ps 4 lc palette
I have 2 problems with this script:
I don't see all labels, is it possible to move the labels somehow that I could see them all?
Colours: here, on my pie chart I have basically only 2 colours - yellow and blue. How to make it so I could have a variety of colours, different colour for different value?
My chart looks like this now:
Thank you.
I changed a bit my script, as suggested by #RolandSmith, also, I modified a little my data file, Now it looks like this:
Województwo Suma
Dolnośląskie 3.6
Kujawsko-Pomorskie 7.5
Lubelskie 4.7
Lubuskie 3.3
Łódzkie 8.1
Małopolskie 6.9
Mazowieckie 12.5
Opolskie 2.6
Podkarpackie 6
Podlaskie 3.4
Pomorskie 8
Śląskie 14
Świętokrzyskie 2.8
Warmińsko-Mazurskie 4
Wielkopolskie 7.9
Zachodniopomorskie 4.6
And the modified script:
set encoding utf8
set datafile separator "\t"
set termoption enhanced
set terminal epscairo enhanced color dashed rounded size 8.5, 5.5
set output '2008-2015procent_pie.eps'
stats '2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u 2 noout # get STATS_sum (sum of column 2)
ang(x)=x*360.0/STATS_sum # get angle (grades)
perc(x)=x*100.0/STATS_sum # get percentage
set size square # square canvas
set xrange [-1:1.5]
set yrange [-1.25:1.25]
set style fill solid 1
unset border # remove axis
unset tics # remove tics on axis
unset colorbox # remove palette colorbox
unset key # remove titles
Ai = 0.0; Bi = 0.0; # init angle
mid = 0.0; # mid angle
i = 0; j = 0; # color
yi = 0.0; yi2 = 0.0; # label position
set palette rgb 33,13,10;
plot for [i=1:STATS_records] '2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u (0):(0):(1):(Ai):(Ai=Ai+ang($2)):(i) every ::i::i with circle linecolor palette,\
'2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u (mid=(Ai+ang($2)), Ai=2*mid-Ai, mid=mid*pi/360.0, -0.5*cos(mid)):(-0.5*sin(mid)):(sprintf('%.1f\%', $2, perc($2))) every ::1 w labels center font ',10',\
for [i=1:STATS_records] '2008-2015procent_pie.csv' u (1.45):(i*0.25)-1.9:1 every ::i::i with labels left,\
for [i=1:STATS_records] '+' u (1.3):(i*0.25)-1.9:(i) pt 5 ps 4 lc palette
Now the problem is with labels - I still can't see all of them. There should be 16 labels, as you can see from the CSV file. I tried to change the page size, with no success. Thank you for help.
Current pie:
To move the labels in the pie-chart inwards or outwards, change the "-0.5" in front of the sin and cos. To move the labels and the color-squares, change (i*0.25) to (i*0.25)-1.2 in the third and fourth plot.
Update: Change (i*0.25) to e.g. (i*0.18) to make the distance between the labels smaller. And change ps 4 to e.g. ps 3 to make the squares smaller.
Define a larger palete. Your current one only has two entries. Get one with as least as much colors as you have entries. You could use colorbrewer to generate palette colors.
Some other points.
While this is really very clever, you're probably pushing gnuplot way beyond what it was intended. Consider using another tool like e.g. Python's matplotlib.
Your data doesn't add up to 100, but only to 80.6. So you should scale your figure properly using the ang and perc functions. I can't put my finger on it, but it doesn't look right.
In the sprintf, you should only use the percentage:sprintf('%.1f\%', perc($2))

How to shrink the size of the text inside a label

Im trying to get text to fill the entire bounds of a label no matter how long or short the text string is. I want the largest possible font size without any truncation or clipping.
I set up my label like so:
var messageTitle = TTTAttributedLabel()
messageTitle.font = AppTheme.largeMessageFont()
messageTitle.verticalAlignment = .Bottom
messageTitle.numberOfLines = 0
messageTitle.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
messageTitle.minimumScaleFactor = 0.2
And set the various constraints to set the size of the label to be 250 x 250.
I'm pretty sure this used to work. The label text now gets truncated if it is long when it should be shrinking the size of the text
You can set the font into maximum font size then add this attribut
theLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
theLabel.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5 //this is the minimum scale factor, set it as small as you want