Using EaselJS 1.0 I want to move a line. I can get this to work setting the x and y by incrementing and decrementing, but not by setting x and y directly to numbers. IOW - line.x++; works, but line.x = 300; does not work. The code editor here seems cranky, so in case I fail inserting code see two versions running online here:
In the init function:
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", handleTick);
stage = new createjs.Stage("canvasOne");;;, 400);, startY);;
in the tick event:
//Run these two lines: Expected = line moves right and up. Actual = line moves right and up AND GETS LONGER.
Run these two lines: Expected = line appears centered at 600,600. Actual = line is not visible. Check debugger, x and y are set to 600.
line.x = 600;
line.y = 600;
I think the problem here might be that you are confusing the graphics coordinates with the line's position.
The line you are making is at [0,0]. Its registration point has not moved. You are then drawing the line from the internal coordinates of [300,400] to wherever your startX and startY are. The line position doesn't change because of the internal graphics coordinates.
My guess is that when you set the line to x=600, it is not visible because your graphics are now off-stage. The line position will be 600, but the line graphics start at 300 on top of that.
Here is a quick fiddle
var line = new createjs.Shape();;"#ff0000");, 0);, 400);;
stage.x = 300; // sets the graphic container to x=300
I hope that helps!
Thanks! I think the easiest way to move a line shape is probably to put the line in a bitmap, and move the bitmap.
I have created small iOS Unity app that draws a line between 2 points. I am getting the distance as well showing in a TextMeshPro. Now I want to render this text on the line except showing it on somewhere else on the screen. This is how I draw the line and shows the distance.
GameObject start = points[0];
GameObject end = points[1];
measureLine.SetPosition(0, start.transform.position);
measureLine.SetPosition(1, end.transform.position);
var measurement = Vector3.Distance(start.transform.position, end.transform.position) * measurementFactor;
distanceText.transform.position = end.transform.position + offsetMeasurement;
var hasHit = Physics.Raycast(ray,out hit, float.PositiveInfinity,layersToInclude);
distanceText.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal);
distanceText.text = $"Distance: {measurement.ToString("F2")}cm";
But I want to render this distanceText on the line just like in the below picture.
In my case it just shows at the end point which also perpendicular to the line. How can I do that? Please help me. Thank you very much.
My current result is like this
I have a line with line renderer attached to it . The user can move the line and rotate it. How do I go about getting the new positions of the line renderer which has been moved or rotated? since the coordinates of vertices of line renderer do not change , only the positions and the rotation of the line object as a whole changes .
The positions in the bottom part of image do not change on moving or rotating it. These positions are returned by the getpositions() method which is not useful in my case.
The LineRenderer in unity takes a list of points (stored as Vector3s) and draws a line through them. It does this in one of two ways.
Local Space: (Default) All points are positioned relative to
transform. So if your GameObject moves or rotates, the line would
also move and rotate.
World Space: (You would need to check the Use World Space
Checkbox) The line will be rendered in a fixed position in the
world that exactly matched the Positions in the list. If the
gameObject moves or rotates, the line would be unchanged
So what you really want to know is
"How do I get the world space position of a local space point in my line?"
This common use case is addressed by methods on a gameObjects transform
It takes a local space point (which is how the data is stored in the line renderer by default) and transforms it to world space.
An Example:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LineRendererToWorldSpace : MonoBehaviour
private LineRenderer lr;
void Start()
lr = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
// Set some positions in the line renderer which are interpreted as local space
// These are what you would see in the inspector in Unity's UI
Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[3];
positions[0] = new Vector3(-2.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f);
positions[1] = new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f);
positions[2] = new Vector3(2.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f);
lr.positionCount = positions.Length;
Vector3[] GetLinePointsInWorldSpace()
Vector3[] positions;
//Get the positions which are shown in the inspector
var numberOfPositions = lr.GetPositions(positions);
//Iterate through all points, and transform them to world space
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfPositions; i += 1)
positions[i] = transform.TransformPoint(positions[i]);
//the points returned are in world space
return positions;
This code is just for demonstration purposes, as I am not exactly sure of the use case.
Also, my links are to 2018.2 which is a very recent version of unity, however the logic and methods used should be quite similar going back.
I am using Vectrosity to draw some shapes and I have come across a problem I'm unable to solve. This is not an issue with Vectrosity, but rather a hole in my knowledge. I hope someone here can help me get this right! :)
The red bar in the image is moving around the circle using a script that in short looks like this:
// Make the red bar move around the dashed circle
float dist = 0;
void Update()
if (dist > 1)
dist = dist - 1;
dist += Time.deltaTime * (Mathf.Abs(speed) / 8);
Vector3 point = line.GetPoint3D01(dist);
redbar.localPosition = pos;
So far so good - this works exactly like I want it to.
The issue I am having is with the dashed line itself. I need it to move with the same speed as the red bar. I can make it work by setting a fixed value for the speed for a given resolution, but as soon as the screen resolution changes, the dashed line no longer move with the same speed as the red bar.
I have tried to figure out a formula that sets the textureOffset dynamically - without any success. The dashed line is "moved" by changing the textureOffset like this:
// Make dashed line appear to rotate
void Update()
dashedline.textureOffset = -Time.time * (speed * 4.8f) % 1f;
How can I make the dashed line appear to rotate with the exact same speed as the red bar across all screen resolutions?
Thank you!
I'm working on a gui and using GUIDE. It loads and image and has the user draw an ROI around a point (the particle ROI). I would then like to have two sliders for creating a second ROI (the Scan ROI) where the user can use sliders to set the width and height of the second roi and see it updated on the image. The sliders seem to work ok but my gui keeps drawing a new roi on top of the image so it gets messy looking really fast. I would like to remove the user sizeable roi from the image before redrawing it (while still keeping the original particle ROI on the image. I currently do it the following way :
Inside the callback for the setroi size button (this should be for the particel ROI)
particleroiSize=imrect;% - draw a rectagle around the particle to get a meausr eof ROI size
roiPoints=getPosition(particleroiSize); %-get tha parameters fo the rectanlge
partX1 = round(roiPoints(1));
partY1 = round(roiPoints(2));
partX2 = round(partX1 + roiPoints(3));
partY2 = round(partY1 + roiPoints(4)); % these are the ROi positions in pixels
roiHeight = round(roiPoints(3)); % - these are just the ROI width and height
roiWidth = round(roiPoints(4));
handles=guidata(hObject); %_ update all the handles...
handles.roicenterX = (partX1 + round(roiPoints(3))/2);
handles.roicenterY= (partY1 + round(roiPoints(4))/2);
handles.roiHeight = roiHeight;
handles.roiWidth = roiWidth;
current_slice = round(get(handles.Image_Slider,'Value'));
set(handles.RoiSizeDisplay,'String',strcat('Particle ROI is ',' ',num2str(roiHeight),' ', ' by ',num2str(roiWidth)) );
And then inside the call back for the sliders that set the Scan ROI size I have (this is inside two different sliders one adjusts the width and one the height :
% plus any cleanup code you want
WidthValue = get(handles.ScanAreaSliderWidth,'value');
HeightValue = get(handles.ScanAreaSliderHeight,'value');
set(handles.ScanAreaWidthDisplay,'String',strcat('Scan Area Width is ',' ', num2str(WidthValue))); % sets the to do the drawing...
%h = imrect(hparent, position);
%position = [Xmin Ymin Width Heigth];
position = [ round(handles.roicenterX-WidthValue/2) round(handles.roicenterY-HeightValue/2) WidthValue HeightValue];
handles.ScanArea = imrect(handles.Image_Sequence_Plot,position);
%h = imrect(hparent, position)
guidata(hObject, handles);
But it never deletes the scan area ROI and keeps redrawign over it..I thought the try...catch would work but it doens't seem to. Am I making extra copies of the ROI or something? Please help..
If you need to delete the ROI drawn with imrect, you can use findobj to look for rectangle objects (which are of type "hggroup") and delete them:
hfindROI = findobj(gca,'Type','hggroup');
and that should do it. Since you first draw particleroiSize, which is of the hggroup type as well, you might not want to delete all the outputs from the call to findobj. If there are multiple rectangles in your current axis, then hfindROI will contain multiple entries. As such you might want to delete all of them but the first one, which corresponds to particleroiSize.
I hope i got your question right. If not please ask for clarifications!
Thanks. This worked perfectly except that I had to use
hfindROI = findobj(handles.Image_Sequence_Plot,'Type','hggroup');
to get rid of everything but the first ROI, so I guessteh hggoup objects are added at the start ? (I thought I would use deleted(hfindROI(2:end)) to delete all but the first. Also, why does hfindROI return a list of numbers? Do they represent the hggroup objects or something like that?
Is there any way to constraint the the imline to be always perpendicular to the other imline drawn on the same object. for ex. I draw a first line using "imline" now I want to draw second line across the first line to be perpendicular to it. if there is a way to force the second imline to be perpendicular to the first line keeping the flexibility of extending the length it will solve my problem some extent.
I want something like a flexible cross hair(which can rotate along the axis and have flexible sides) on my image to measure the height and width of the certain object.
function perpline()
line1 = imline(gca,[50 50; 150 150]);
line2 = imline(gca,[50 150; 150 50]);
function callback_line(pos)
% Must update line1 based on line2's position
pos_line1 = getPosition(line1);
pos_line2 = getPosition(line2);
% Get middle
pos_center = [(pos_line2(1,1)+pos_line2(2,1))/2 (pos_line2(1,2)+pos_line2(2,2))/2];
% Find displacement
vec_disp = [pos_line2(2,1)-pos_line2(1,1) pos_line2(2,2)-pos_line2(1,2)];
% Get normal unit vector
vec_perp = [-vec_disp(2) vec_disp(1)]/norm(vec_disp);
% Preserve length of line2
length_line1 = norm([pos_line1(2,1)-pos_line1(1,1) pos_line1(2,2)-pos_line1(1,2)]);
pos_line1_update = [-vec_perp*length_line1/2+pos_center;
% Set position
Save it as a function then call it. You can drag the green line around and the red line remains perpendicular. Note that you have to define how you want it to preserve the perpendicularity. I chose to preserve the length of the red line and keep it in the center of the green line.