Postgresql Service stopped running - service

I am running PostgreSQL v9.6 on windows 10. Today I tried using a program that uses PostgreSQL Databases and couldn't connect to it. I went to the Services menu in Computer Management and noticed PostgreSQL wasn't running. I tried to run it and received
When I goto PGAdmin4 both Databases are still running however.


pgAdmin 4: Cannot open public schema "Tables" after upgrading to Win11

I am hosting a PostgreSQL 9.5 database on a DigitalOcean Droplet. I am using pgAdmin 4 v6.14 to access the database server.
Since upgrading to Windows 11, I still can connect and manually query the databases, but if I try to open /Schemas/public/Tables, there is just an endless "Windows-Sweep-Waiting-Icon" without any result nor error message. Other subsections such as Sequences are seemingly working fine. Other stakeholders using Windows 11 are experiencing the same issue, while users using Windows 10 can still use pgAdmin to access the database tables.
Are there any experiences with this problem? Is "just upgrade your postgreSQL version" the way to go? I am unexperienced in hosting a postgreSQL server and since there are multiple projects currently running, I am afraid to mess up with the server while it is "basically" working, and Windows 11 seems to be the discriminant factor.
Best regards

PG bouncer running on vm instance stops connecting to cloud sql

The issue:
I'm not sure how to begin problem solving this or where to look for errors.
Running a node.js backend via GCR and it's hitting a postgres db on cloud sql through a GCE vm with pg bouncer to handle connection pooling.
Every once in a while, I’ll get hit with a ‘unable to reach the db’ error. It happens once every 1-2 months and I’m not sure what’s causing it.
When it does happen, I have to re-terraform the pgbouncer vm to be able to connect to my db again.
I used this terraform module: cloud-sql-pgbouncer

Impossible to connect to a PostgreSQL server after a new installation

I have installed postgresql on my new laptop (on Windows).
I see the service postgresql-x64-11 - PostgreSQL Server 11 is running and is automatic. Perfect.
I have installed "dbeaver" (21.21). I would like to create my first database via dbeaver. I always get this message:
Database postgres does not exist
Is it possible to create a database with dbeaver ? Or not ? Or must I do the creation with some command lines ?

Postgresql application server cannot be started

After Installing Postgresql, when I open pgadmin 4, It shows " The application server cannot be started" error.
I tried all ways by reinstalling postgresql and delete the pgadmin folder from appdata\Roaming.
Even I cant restart the service, It automatically stop once I started and stop the service from task manager also and also changes the port number. Its not working.. I am struck.. Please help me to solve the issue.

How can I prevent connection error to postgreSQL database after computer restart?

I tried this several times:
I have windows 7. I installed postgresql 9.6.1.-1. I can connect via pgAdmin 4 to the database. But as soon as I restart the PC, I get a connection error: