How to create feed using admin account without submit app - Graph API - facebook

I'm trying to publish a feed. I receive an error
The permission(s) manage_pages,publish_pages are not available. It could because either they are deprecated or need to be approved by App Review.
After I take a look at their example for app review, I see this.
In my understanding, I think this mean I do not need for a app review if I use admin user access token. Correct me if I am wrong.
As I am the only one who will publish feed on my page, I try to set the access token to my admin account access token. But, I receive another error
(#200) Unpublished posts must be posted to a page as the page itself.
Is that mean the only way I can do is to submit app review?


How does one add "integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s)" - FB Graph API (For IG) question

We have a simple app that summarizes the total number of mentions your instagram account gets using the IG-User/tags endpoint on the graph api (
The pre-requisite of the app is the user has their fb account linked to their IG - Business or IG - Creator account.
Unfortunately every time we've submitted it for review so far it has come back with the same comment from FB:
"Although we were able to login to your app using the Facebook Login authentication, we were unable to test the steps to connect an Instagram business account. As a result, you'll need to implement an integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s)"
Now as I understand it there is no way I can get the user to link their IG account to FB or to a FB page using the API. The "link account" action is purely handled using the Instagram app. Or am I missing something here.
Well after 3 weeks of back and forth with multiple seemingly segmented facebook support teams I have been able to get this permission from them.
Turns out that there's an unexplained flow here:
This is verbatim from the information I received from their chat support (but is not found anywhere in the documentation)
"You have needed to provide Test Users on your App Dashboard, grant the test user the Instagram_manage_comments permission and then provide us with the login details. We would then link that to an internal Instagram Business Account."(sic)
The part where they link an internal business account to the test user happens on their end and outside the scope of the app. I confirmed this and even then I failed the review multiple times because apparently the steps to approve IG business permissions have not been standardized yet and sometimes the approver simply doesn't know what needs to be done. It's a strange state of affairs and the answer it seems is to just keep pushing.
I'm having the same problem and looking forward to see some comments to your post since the first day. But I started to think it will never come.
I believe they want a new user to start with minimum permissions (which is the email permission) and add other permission only as they are needed. This requires a mechanism in your app that guide a new user logged in with only email permission to give other permissions (e.g. taping a button that opens up user’s IG business account needs instagram_basic and manage_pages permissions. Or taping “post comment” button needs manage_comments permission.) So your app should open up a window that the user can give permissions when any of these events fires. (or when user decides to take permission(s) back)
This is what I understand from “steps to connect an Instagram business account”.
But I am not sure if my understanding is correct. I would definitely like to hear if you found any solutions.
I'm also having the same problem as you as I'm developing similar service to IGBlade ( & Social Blade (
I'm beginning the wonder if I should change my app review request so that I would inform Facebook that the permissions my app is requesting work serverside and therefore there's no need to implement an integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s) to my app.
Any thoughts?
Here is what I have done to get the approval
Create a Facebook test user with correct permissions
Log in with this user
Create a Facebook Page
Edit settings on Facebook Page and add Instagram Business account (personal one)
Submit Facebook review with both credentials (Facebook test user + personal Instagram user).
Wait for review and do not forget to change your personal Instagram user password after the review.

Are Facebook App publish_pages permissions required for my personal API access?

I am trying to automate posting to my Facebook Business page. FB is forcing me to get an app review to approve the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. I am not making an app for any other users, it is just for me.
Is there a way to avoid app review since I am not creating a public app?
When I try to use my user token (I am a page admin) in the API call it gives me the permission not available error. I can publish using the page token in Dev mode, (which makes all the posts hidden).
Sorry, this isn't a specific code question, If there is a better place to post this I will move it.
When I use my user token:
(#200) The permission(s) publish_actions are not available. It has been deprecated. If you want to provide a way for your app users to share content to Facebook, we encourage you to use our Sharing products instead.
When I use my page token:
(#200) The permission(s) manage_pages,publish_pages are not available. It could because either they are deprecated or need to be approved by App Review.

Not able to post to Facebook using custom-ui project of socialauth-android project

I am not able to post Facebook using the custom-ui project of socialauth-android.
Here is the error log.
10-31 13:18:05.124: D/SocialAuthError(21880): org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthException: org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthException: Status not updated. Return Status code :403
10-31 13:18:05.124: W/System.err(21880): Message Not Posted
10-31 13:18:05.124: W/System.err(21880): at$
10-31 13:18:05.124: W/System.err(21880): at
I am not able to find the issue. I am using the same API keys got from the Github source.
You are getting 403 Authentication Error that clearly means that your app is presently not authorized to publish on Facebook profile of the user.
There is some problem the way you are trying to use Facebook APIs. I would suggest you to the latest Facebook SDK for Android as some of the older methods may be deprecated. Let me tell you the approach for doing this right way. (I recently implemented latest Facebook SDK)
You need a permission
There are some specific permissions that you require to do some specific operations with Facebook SDK. For example, You need publish_actions permission if you want your app to post status on user's profile.
Check Out It says,
For example, the publish_actions permission lets you post to a person's Facebook Timeline.
How to get Permissions
You need to show the user a login button which will ask him to do login with his facebook account and notifying the user what your app may do with his Facebook profile. It will show the permissions. In your case you need to add a login button with publish_actions permission. Once the user accepts it, your app becomes authorized to post status.
Complete Tutorial is here for doing the login process of Facebook with permissions.
You will need to do the following,
LoginButton authButton = (LoginButton) view.findViewById(;
authButton.setReadPermissions(Arrays.asList("user_likes", "user_status", "publish_actions"));
return view;
So you can see we are asking the user to give you the publish_actions permission. It is not mandatory to include user_likes or user_status permissions. You can remove them if you don't need them.
Next what after login
After the user logs in, you get an authentication token in your session with Facebook. So now you can use that to publish on user's profile.
How to post
Now there are many ways to publish posts or status on Facebook. The first one I would like to discuss is using the Graph API
Here is somewhat code, you can use to publish to facebook.
Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
new Request(
new Request.Callback() {
public void onCompleted(Response response) {
You do also need to create developer account with facebook and add your app to its dashboard, generate an app_id and mention the same in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Do review required if we want to get Facebook Page like count (Without Facebook login) by Facebook app token?

I am doing a static web page in my website, in which I am showing the like count of particular Facebook page. There is no kind of login required to see this web page. Also, I don't want to user to login with their Facebook account to see the Facebook page like count.
I have implemented this requirement by using Facebook app token.
API: ""
But the problem here is, If I use the app token of already approved app by Facebook with some permissions (manage_pages) exists, it works. It is not working for the app token of newly created Facebook app.
I have sent the app for review to Facebook by requesting manage_pages permission, but they rejected the app and said that my website doesn't have the Facebook login functionality implemented.
Since it is not documented clearly, I have a doubt that do the app need to send for review if I want to get the Facebook page like count without Facebook login (By using Facebook app token)? If yes, what permission do I want to request?
Any help would be much appreciated.
First of all, you need to learn what Tokens there are:
For your problem, you can just use an App Access Token. There is no need for any permission or Login Review, the links above tell you exactly how to create one. Make sure you never use the Token on the client, especially because it includes the App Secret. Do the API call on the server only (file_get_contents or curl, if you use PHP).
If by "it does not work" you mean that you only get the id and the name, then it´s not about "not working", you need to read the changelog and search for "Declarative Fields":
So if you want to get more than just id and name, the API call would be like this:,name,likes,...

Not able to Post on Facebook after getting approval of publish_actions from Facebook App Review team

I have created app for sending post on user's wall on his behalf. I got publish_actions approval from Facebook team for this app. but still i am not able to send post. I am gettoing following error.
{"error":{"message":"(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action","type":"OAuthException","code":200}}
Exception in thread "main" Insufficient permission for this operation.
There is also a problem when my app asking user for approval, its only showing public profile like following screen shot.
Have a look at
You need to add a comma-separated list of your permissions for the scope parameter:
scope. A comma separated list of Permissions to request from the person using your app.