Solving system of equations on MATLAB, when a constant exists in variable matrix? - matlab

How do I solve the following system of equations on MATLAB when one of the elements of the variable vector is a constant? Please do give the code if possible.
More generally, if the solution is to use symbolic math, how will I go about generating large number of variables, say 12 (rather than just two) even before solving them?

For example, create a number of symbolic variables using syms, and then make the system of equations like below.
syms a1 a2
A = [matrix]
x = [1;a1;a2];
y = [1;0;0];
eqs = A*x == y
sol = solve(eqs,[a1, a2])
In case you have a system with many variables, you could define all the symbols using syms, and solve it like above.
You could also perform a parameter optimization with fminsearch. First you have to define a cost function, in a separate function file, in this example called cost_fcn.m.
function J = cost_fcn(p)
% make sure p is a vector
p = reshape(p, [length(p) 1]);
% system of equations, can be linear or nonlinear
A = magic(12); % your system, I took some arbitrary matrix
sol = A*p;
% the goal of the system of equations to reach, can be zero, or some other
% vector
goal = zeros(12,1);
% calculate the error
error = goal - sol;
% Use a cost criterion, e.g. sum of squares
J = sum(error.^2);
This cost function will contain your system of equations, and goal solution. This can be any kind of system. The vector p will contain the parameters that are being estimated, which will be optimized, starting from some initial guess. To do the optimization, you will have to create a script:
% initial guess, can be zeros, or some other starting point
p0 = zeros(12,1);
% do the parameter optimization
p = fminsearch(#cost_fcn, p0);
In this case p0 is the initial guess, which you provide to fminsearch. Then the values of this initial guess will be incremented, until a minimum to the cost function is found. When the parameter optimization is finished, p will contain the parameters that will result in the lowest error for your system of equations. It is however possible that this is a local minimum, if there is no exact solution to the problem.

Your system is over-constrained, meaning you have more equations than unknown, so you can't solve it. What you can do is find a least square solution, using mldivide. First re-arrange your equations so that you have all the constant terms on the right side of the equal sign, then use mldivide:
>> A = [0.0297 -1.7796; 2.2749 0.0297; 0.0297 2.2749]
A =
0.029700 -1.779600
2.274900 0.029700
0.029700 2.274900
>> b = [1-2.2749; -0.0297; 1.7796]
b =
>> A\b
ans =


How do I optimize constrained integral expressions in MATLAB using anonymous functions?

I have an integrated error expression E = int[ abs(x-p)^2 ]dx with limits x|0 to x|L. The variable p is a polynomial of the form 2*(a*sin(x)+b(a)*sin(2*x)+c(a)*sin(3*x)). In other words, both coefficients b and c are known expressions of a. An additional equation is given as dE/da = 0. If the upper limit L is defined, the system of equations is closed and I can solve for a, giving the three coefficients.
I managed to get an optimization routine to solve for a purely based on maximizing L. This is confirmed by setting optimize=0 in the code below. It gives the same solution as if I solved the problem analytically. Therefore, I know the equations to solve for the coefficent a are correct.
I know the example I presented can be solved with pencil and paper, but I'm trying to build an optimization function that is generalized for this type of problem (I have a lot to evaluate). Ideally, polynomial is given as an input argument to a function which then outputs xsol. Obviously, I need to get the optimization to work for the polynomial I presented here before I can worry about generalizations.
Anyway, I now need to further optimize the problem with some constraints. To start, L is chosen. This allows me to calculate a. Once a is know, the polynomial is a known function of x only i.e p(x). I need to then determine the largest INTERVAL from 0->x over which the following constraint is satisfied: |dp(x)/dx - 1| < tol. This gives me a measure of the performance of the polynomial with the coefficient a. The interval is what I call the "bandwidth". I would like to emphasis two things: 1) The "bandwidth" is NOT the same as L. 2) All values of x within the "bandwidth" must meet the constraint. The function dp(x)/dx does oscillate in and out of the tolerance criteria, so testing the criteria for a single value of x does not work. It must be tested over an interval. The first instance of violation defines the bandwidth. I need to maximize this "bandwidth"/interval. For output, I also need to know which L lead to such an optimization, hence I know the correct a to choose for the given constraints. That is the formal problem statement. (I hope I got it right this time)
Now my problem is setting this whole thing up with MATLAB's optimization tools. I tried to follow ideas from the following articles:
Tutorial for the Optimization Toolbox™
Setting optimize=1 for the if statement will work with the constrained optimization. I thought some how nested optimization is involved, but I couldn't get anything to work. I provided known solutions to the problem from the IMSL optimization library to compare/check with. They are written below the optimization routine. Anyway, here is the code I've put together so far:
function [history] = testing()
% History
history.fval = [];
history.x = [];
history.a = [];
% Equations
polynomial = #(x,a) 2*sin(x)*a + 2*sin(2*x)*(9/20 -(4*a)/5) + 2*sin(3*x)*(a/5 - 2/15);
dpdx = #(x,a) 2*cos(x)*a + 4*cos(2*x)*(9/20 -(4*a)/5) + 6*cos(3*x)*(a/5 - 2/15);
% Upper limit of integration
IC = 0.8; % initial
LB = 0; % lower
UB = pi/2; % upper
% Optimization
tol = 0.003;
% Coefficient
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dpda = #(x,a) 2*sin(x) + 2*sin(2*x)*(-4/5) + 2*sin(3*x)*1/5;
dEda = #(L,a) -2*integral(#(x) (x-polynomial(x,a)).*dpda(x,a),0,L);
a_of_L = #(L) fzero(#(a)dEda(L,a),0); % Calculate the value of "a" for a given "L"
EXITFLAG = #(L) get_outputs(#()a_of_L(L),3); % Be sure a zero is actually calculated
% NL Constraints
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Equality constraint (No inequality constraints for parent optimization)
ceq = #(L) EXITFLAG(L) - 1; % Just make sure fzero finds unique solution
confun = #(L) deal([],ceq(L));
% Objective function
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% (Set optimize=0 to test coefficent equations and proper maximization of L )
optimize = 1;
if optimize
%%%% Plug in solution below
% Optimization options
options = optimset('Algorithm','interior-point','Display','iter','MaxIter',500,'OutputFcn',#outfun);
% Optimize objective
objective = #(L) -L;
xsol = fmincon(objective,IC,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,confun,options);
% Known optimized solution from IMSL library
% a = 0.799266;
% lim = pi/2;
disp(['IMSL coeff (a): 0.799266 Upper bound (L): ',num2str(pi/2)])
disp(['code coeff (a): ',num2str(history.a(end)),' Upper bound: ',num2str(xsol)])
function varargout = get_outputs(fn, ixsOutputs)
output_cell = cell(1,max(ixsOutputs));
[output_cell{:}] = (fn());
varargout = output_cell(ixsOutputs);
function stop = outfun(x,optimValues,state)
stop = false;
switch state
case 'init'
case 'iter'
% Concatenate current point and objective function
% value with history. x must be a row vector.
history.fval = [history.fval; optimValues.fval];
history.x = [history.x; x(1)];
history.a = [history.a; a_of_L(x(1))];
case 'done'
I could really use some help setting up the constrained optimization. I'm not only new to optimizations, I've never used MATLAB to do so. I should also note that what I have above does not work and is incorrect for the constrained optimization.
UPDATE: I added a for loop in the section if optimizeto show what I'm trying to achieve with the optimization. Obviously, I could just use this, but it seems very inefficient, especially if I increase the resolution of range and have to run this optimization many times. If you uncomment the plots, it will show how the bandwidth behaves. By looping over the full range, I'm basically testing every L but surely there's got to be a more efficient way to do this??
UPDATE: Solved
So it seems fmincon is not the only tool for this job. In fact I couldn't even get it to work. Below, fmincon gets "stuck" on the IC and refuses to do anything...why...that's for a different post! Using the same layout and formulation, fminbnd finds the correct solution. The only difference, as far as I know, is that the former was using a conditional. But my conditional is nothing fancy, and really unneeded. So it's got to have something to do with the algorithm. I guess that's what you get when using a "black box". Anyway, after a long, drawn out, painful, learning experience, here is a solution:
options = optimset('Display','iter','MaxIter',500,'OutputFcn',#outfun);
% Conditional
index = #(L) min(find(abs([dpdx(range(range<=L),a_of_L(L)),inf] - 1) - tol > 0,1,'first'),length(range));
% Optimize
%xsol = fmincon(#(L) -range(index(L)),IC,[],[],[],[],LB,UB,confun,options);
xsol = fminbnd(#(L) -range(index(L)),LB,UB,options);
I would like to especially thank #AndrasDeak for all their support. I wouldn't have figured it out without the assistance!

Vectorizing the solution of a linear equation system in MATLAB

Summary: This question deals with the improvement of an algorithm for the computation of linear regression.
I have a 3D (dlMAT) array representing monochrome photographs of the same scene taken at different exposure times (the vector IT) . Mathematically, every vector along the 3rd dimension of dlMAT represents a separate linear regression problem that needs to be solved. The equation whose coefficients need to be estimated is of the form:
DL = R*IT^P, where DL and IT are obtained experimentally and R and P must be estimated.
The above equation can be transformed into a simple linear model after applying a logarithm:
log(DL) = log(R) + P*log(IT) => y = a + b*x
Presented below is the most "naive" way to solve this system of equations, which essentially involves iterating over all "3rd dimension vectors" and fitting a polynomial of order 1 to (IT,DL(ind1,ind2,:):
%// Define some nominal values:
R = 0.3;
IT = 600:600:3000;
P = 0.97;
%// Impose some believable spatial variations:
pMAT = 0.01*randn(3)+P;
rMAT = 0.1*randn(3)+R;
%// Generate "fake" observation data:
dlMAT = bsxfun(#times,rMAT,bsxfun(#power,permute(IT,[3,1,2]),pMAT));
%// Regression:
sol = cell(size(rMAT)); %// preallocation
for ind1 = 1:size(dlMAT,1)
for ind2 = 1:size(dlMAT,2)
sol{ind1,ind2} = polyfit(log(IT(:)),log(squeeze(dlMAT(ind1,ind2,:))),1);
fittedP = cellfun(#(x)x(1),sol); %// Estimate of pMAT
fittedR = cellfun(#(x)exp(x(2)),sol); %// Estimate of rMAT
The above approach seems like a good candidate for vectorization, since it does not utilize MATLAB's main strength that is MATrix operations. For this reason, it does not scale very well and takes much longer to execute than I think it should.
There exist alternative ways to perform this computation based on matrix division, as demonstrated here and here, which involve something like this:
sol = [ones(size(x)),log(x)]\log(y);
That is, appending a vector of 1s to the observations, followed by mldivide to solve the equation system.
The main challenge I'm facing is how to adapt my data to the algorithm (or vice versa).
Question #1: How can the matrix-division-based solution be extended to solve the problem presented above (and potentially replace the loops I am using)?
Question #2 (bonus): What is the principle behind this matrix-division-based solution?
The secret ingredient behind the solution that includes matrix division is the Vandermonde matrix. The question discusses a linear problem (linear regression), and those can always be formulated as a matrix problem, which \ (mldivide) can solve in a mean-square error sense‡. Such an algorithm, solving a similar problem, is demonstrated and explained in this answer.
Below is benchmarking code that compares the original solution with two alternatives suggested in chat1, 2 :
function regressionBenchmark(numEl)
if nargin<1, numEl=10; end
%// Define some nominal values:
R = 5;
IT = 600:600:3000;
P = 0.97;
%// Impose some believable spatial variations:
pMAT = 0.01*randn(numEl)+P;
rMAT = 0.1*randn(numEl)+R;
%// Generate "fake" measurement data using the relation "DL = R*IT.^P"
dlMAT = bsxfun(#times,rMAT,bsxfun(#power,permute(IT,[3,1,2]),pMAT));
%% // Method1: loops + polyval
disp('-------------------------------Method 1: loops + polyval')
tic; [fR,fP] = method1(IT,dlMAT); toc;
fprintf(1,'Regression performance:\nR: %d\nP: %d\n',norm(fR-rMAT,1),norm(fP-pMAT,1));
%% // Method2: loops + Vandermonde
disp('-------------------------------Method 2: loops + Vandermonde')
tic; [fR,fP] = method2(IT,dlMAT); toc;
fprintf(1,'Regression performance:\nR: %d\nP: %d\n',norm(fR-rMAT,1),norm(fP-pMAT,1));
%% // Method3: vectorized Vandermonde
disp('-------------------------------Method 3: vectorized Vandermonde')
tic; [fR,fP] = method3(IT,dlMAT); toc;
fprintf(1,'Regression performance:\nR: %d\nP: %d\n',norm(fR-rMAT,1),norm(fP-pMAT,1));
function [fittedR,fittedP] = method1(IT,dlMAT)
sol = cell(size(dlMAT,1),size(dlMAT,2));
for ind1 = 1:size(dlMAT,1)
for ind2 = 1:size(dlMAT,2)
sol{ind1,ind2} = polyfit(log(IT(:)),log(squeeze(dlMAT(ind1,ind2,:))),1);
fittedR = cellfun(#(x)exp(x(2)),sol);
fittedP = cellfun(#(x)x(1),sol);
function [fittedR,fittedP] = method2(IT,dlMAT)
sol = cell(size(dlMAT,1),size(dlMAT,2));
for ind1 = 1:size(dlMAT,1)
for ind2 = 1:size(dlMAT,2)
sol{ind1,ind2} = flipud([ones(numel(IT),1) log(IT(:))]\log(squeeze(dlMAT(ind1,ind2,:)))).'; %'
fittedR = cellfun(#(x)exp(x(2)),sol);
fittedP = cellfun(#(x)x(1),sol);
function [fittedR,fittedP] = method3(IT,dlMAT)
N = 1; %// Degree of polynomial
VM = bsxfun(#power, log(IT(:)), 0:N); %// Vandermonde matrix
result = fliplr((VM\log(reshape(dlMAT,[],size(dlMAT,3)).')).');
%// Compressed version:
%// result = fliplr(([ones(numel(IT),1) log(IT(:))]\log(reshape(dlMAT,[],size(dlMAT,3)).')).');
fittedR = exp(real(reshape(result(:,2),size(dlMAT,1),size(dlMAT,2))));
fittedP = real(reshape(result(:,1),size(dlMAT,1),size(dlMAT,2)));
The reason why method 2 can be vectorized into method 3 is essentially that matrix multiplication can be separated by the columns of the second matrix. If A*B produces matrix X, then by definition A*B(:,n) gives X(:,n) for any n. Moving A to the right-hand side with mldivide, this means that the divisions A\X(:,n) can be done in one go for all n with A\X. The same holds for an overdetermined system (linear regression problem), in which there is no exact solution in general, and mldivide finds the matrix that minimizes the mean-square error. In this case too, the operations A\X(:,n) (method 2) can be done in one go for all n with A\X (method 3).
The implications of improving the algorithm when increasing the size of dlMAT can be seen below:
For the case of 500*500 (or 2.5E5) elements, the speedup from Method 1 to Method 3 is about x3500!
It is also interesting to observe the output of profile (here, for the case of 500*500):
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
From the above it is seen that rearranging the elements via squeeze and flipud takes up about half (!) of the runtime of Method 2. It is also seen that some time is lost on the conversion of the solution from cells to matrices.
Since the 3rd solution avoids all of these pitfalls, as well as the loops altogether (which mostly means re-evaluation of the script on every iteration) - it unsurprisingly results in a considerable speedup.
There was very little difference between the "compressed" and the "explicit" versions of Method 3 in favor of the "explicit" version. For this reason it was not included in the comparison.
A solution was attempted where the inputs to Method 3 were gpuArray-ed. This did not provide improved performance (and even somewhat degradaed them), possibly due to wrong implementation, or the overhead associated with copying matrices back and forth between RAM and VRAM.

Solve Lognormal equation for mu and sigma given fixed y and x in Matlab

I have the equation of the lognormal:
y = 1/(3.14*x*sig)*exp(-(log(x)-mu)^2/(2*sig^2))
and for fixed
y = a
x = b
I need to find the values of mu and sig. I can set mu in Matlab like:
mu = [0 1 1.1 1.2...]
and find all the values corresponding sig values, but I can't make it with solve or subs. Any ideas please???
Here's a proof of concept to use fzero to numerically search for a sigma(x,y,mu) function.
Assuming you have x,y fixed, you can set
mu = 1; %or whatever
myfun = #(sig) y-1./(3.14*x*sig).*exp(-(log(x)-mu)^2./(2*sig.^2)); %x,y,mu from workspace
sigma = fzero(myfun,1);
This will solve the equation
for sig starting from sig==1 and return it into sigma.
You can generalize it to get a function of mu:
myfun2 = #(mu,sig) y-1./(3.14*x*sig).*exp(-(log(x)-mu).^2./(2*sig.^2));
sigmafun=#(mu) fzero(#(sig)myfun2(mu,sig),1);
then sigmafun will give you a sigma for each value of mu you put into it. The parameters x and y are assumed to be set before the first anonymous function declaration.
Or you could get reaaally general, and define
myfun3 = #(x,y,mu,sig) y-1./(3.14*x*sig).*exp(-(log(x)-mu).^2./(2*sig.^2));
sigmafun2 = #(x,y,mu) fzero(#(sig)myfun3(x,y,mu,sig),1);
The main difference here is that x and y are fed into the function of sigmafun2 each time, so they can change. In the earlier cases the values of x and y were fixed in the anonymous functions at the time of their definition, i.e. when we issued myfun = #(sig).... Depending on your needs you can find out what you want to use.
As a proof of concept, I didn't check how well it behaved for the actual problem. You should definitely have an initial idea of what kind of parameters you expect, since there will be many cases where there's no solution, and fzero will return a NaN.
Update by Oliver Amundsen: the resulting sig(mu) function with x=100, y=0.001 looks like this:

Solving an ODE when the function is given as discrete values -matlab-

I have the following ODE:
x_dot = 3*x.^0.5-2*x.^1.5 % (Equation 1)
I am using ode45 to solve it. My solution is given as a vector of dim(k x 1) (usually k = 41, which is given by the tspan).
On the other hand, I have made a model that approximates the model from (1), but in order to compare how accurate this second model is, I want to solve it (solve the second ODE) by means of ode45. My problem is that this second ode is given discrete:
x_dot = f(x) % (Equation 2)
f is discrete and not a continuous function like in (1). The values I have for f are:
What I want now is to solve this second ode using ode45. Hopefully I will get a solution very similar that the one from (1). How can I solve a discrete ode applying ode45? Is it possible to use ode45? Otherwise I can use Runge-Kutta but I want to be fair comparing the two methods, which means that I have to solve them by the same way.
You can use interp1 to create an interpolated lookup table function:
fx = [0.5644 0.6473 0.7258 0.7999 0.8697 0.9353 0.9967 1.0540 1.1072 1.1564 ...
1.2016 1.2429 1.2803 1.3138 1.3435 1.3695 1.3917 1.4102 1.4250 1.4362 ...
1.4438 1.4477 1.4482 1.4450 1.4384 1.4283 1.4147 1.3977 1.3773 1.3535 ...
1.3263 1.2957 1.2618 1.2246 1.1841 1.1403 1.0932 1.0429 0.9893 0.9325 0.8725];
x = 0:0.25:10
f = #(xq)interp1(x,fx,xq);
Then you should be able to use ode45 as normal:
tspan = [0 1];
x0 = 2;
xout = ode45(#(t,x)f(x),tspan,x0);
Note that you did not specify what values of of x your function (fx here) is evaluated over so I chose zero to ten. You'll also not want to use the copy-and-pasted values from the command window of course because they only have four decimal places of accuracy. Also, note that because ode45 required the inputs t and then x, I created a separate anonymous function using f, but f can created with an unused t input if desired.

Implementing iterative solution of integral equation in Matlab

We have an equation similar to the Fredholm integral equation of second kind.
To solve this equation we have been given an iterative solution that is guaranteed to converge for our specific equation. Now our only problem consists in implementing this iterative prodedure in MATLAB.
For now, the problematic part of our code looks like this:
function delta = delta(x,a,P,H,E,c,c0,w)
delt = #(x)delta_a(x,a,P,H,E,c0,w);
for i=1:500
delt = #(x)delt(x) - 1/E.*integral(#(xi)((c(1)-c(2)*delt(xi))*ms(xi,x,a,P,H,w)),0,a-0.001);
delta_a is a function of x, and represent the initial value of the iteration. ms is a function of x and xi.
As you might see we want delt to depend on both x (before the integral) and xi (inside of the integral) in the iteration. Unfortunately this way of writing the code (with the function handle) does not give us a numerical value, as we wish. We can't either write delt as two different functions, one of x and one of xi, since xi is not defined (until integral defines it). So, how can we make sure that delt depends on xi inside of the integral, and still get a numerical value out of the iteration?
Do any of you have any suggestions to how we might solve this?
Using numerical integration
Explanation of the input parameters: x is a vector of numerical values, all the rest are constants. A problem with my code is that the input parameter x is not being used (I guess this means that x is being treated as a symbol).
It looks like you can do a nesting of anonymous functions in MATLAB:
f =
>> ff = #(x) f(f(x))
ff =
>> ff(2)
ans =
>> f = ff;
>> f(2)
ans =
Also it is possible to rebind the pointers to the functions.
Thus, you can set up your iteration like
delta_old = #(x) delta_a(x)
for i=1:500
delta_new = #(x) delta_old(x) - integral(#(xi),delta_old(xi))
delta_old = delta_new
plus the inclusion of your parameters...
You may want to consider to solve a discretized version of your problem.
Let K be the matrix which discretizes your Fredholm kernel k(t,s), e.g.
K(i,j) = int_a^b K(x_i, s) l_j(s) ds
where l_j(s) is, for instance, the j-th lagrange interpolant associated to the interpolation nodes (x_i) = x_1,x_2,...,x_n.
Then, solving your Picard iterations is as simple as doing
phi_n+1 = f + K*phi_n
for i = 1:N
phi = f + K*phi
where phi_n and f are the nodal values of phi and f on the (x_i).