How do I get the last commit programmatically in Java code? Jenkins / sbt - scala

I started writing a little tool that basically can do something (ex. compile or test code) and then send an email if it fails.
I want to add a feature where this tool can programmatically look at the last commit in the working directory, look at the author of the commit, extract their email, and then email that person whether their commit resulted in a pass or a failure.
For example, I want it to do something like: Git: See my last commit
Where the email basically says:
Subject: Test Results
Message: All your tests passed in dev for commit 0e39756383662573.
Does Jenkins provide this functionality already? I want to make my setup email the person who put in the most recent commit.
Also, is there a way I can obtain the email of the author of the most recent commit programmatically (ex. perhaps with or )?
I don't really care how I get email notifications - I just want them and I can't use TravisCI.

I will try to give solutions part by part.
Part 1 :
Yes, you can run ShellScript(Shell Commands) from Jenkins Link.
Part 2
How to get the Email Id and other Stuff from GitCommit.
For that Jenkins sever should have git command installed in build server.
Create one conf file ex. /conf/reference which have
app {
git {
emailId = "EMAIL_ID"
When making your build run the command
sed -i'' "s/CURRENT_COMMIT/$(git rev-parse HEAD)/g" conf/reference.conf
sed -i'' "s^CURRENT_REPO^$(git config --get remote.origin.url)^g" conf/reference.conf
sed -i'' "s/CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/$(git show -s --format=%ci HEAD)/g" conf/reference.conf
sed -i'' "s/EMAIL_ID/git --no-pager show -s --format='%an <%ae>' CURRENT_COMMIT/g" conf/reference.conf
above code will put the values in reference.conf.
Now you can use to get the info and send the mail. As far as I know, Jenkins gives the capability to send the Email. Jenkins work on the environment variables rather than putting this into reference.conf you can put this in Environment variable and use the environment variables to send the mail.
FYI: I haven't tested this code but as far as I remember working in Jenkins, we used to send email through this way.


Pull Request "reviewers" using github "history"

Is there any way (for on premise github) to :
For N number of files in the Pull Request.
Look at the history of those files.
And add any/all github users (on the history) .. to the code reviewers list of users?
I have searched around.
I found "in general" items like this:
But cannot find anything in regards to the specific "workflow" I describe above.
We can get the list of changed files to the text file from PR. Then we can run the git command below to get the list of users included in last version's blame. For each file we get from file list, run the blame command. This might be also simple script.
Generate txt file from list of files of PR.
Traverse all filenames through txt file. (python, bash etc.)
Run blame command and store in a list.
Add reviewers to the PR from that list manually or some JS script for it.
For github spesific: list-pull-requests-files
The blame command is something like :
git blame filename --porcelain | grep "^author " | sort -u
As a note, if there are users who are not available in github anymore. Extra step can be added after we get usernames to check whether they exist or not. (It looks achievable through github API)

How to deploy releases automatically to gitlab using ci

Im currently trying to figure out how to deploy an gitlab project automatically using ci. I managed to run the building stage successfully, but im unsure how to retrieve and push those builds to the releases.
As far as I know it is possibile to use rsync or webhooks (for example Git-Auto-Deploy) to get the build. However I failed to apply these options successfully.
For publishing releases I did read, but im not sure if I understand the required pathing schema correctly.
Is there any simple complete example to try out this process?
A way is indeed to use webhooks:
There are tons of different possible solutions to do that. I'd go with a sh script which is invoked by the hook.
How to intercept your webhook is up to the configuration of your server, if you have php-fpm installed you can use a PHP script.
When you create a webhook in your Gitlab project (Settings->Webhooks) you can specify for which kind of events you want the hook (in our case, a new build), and a secret token so you can verify the script has been called by Gitlab.
The PHP script can be something like that:
// Check token
$security_file = parse_ini_file("../token.ini");
$gitlab_token = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_GITLAB_TOKEN"];
if ($gitlab_token !== $security_file["token"]) {
echo "error 403";
// Get data
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($json, true);
// We want only success build on master
if ($data["ref"] !== "master" ||
$data["build_stage"] !== "deploy" ||
$data["build_status"] !== "success") {
// Execute the deploy script:
shell_exec("/usr/share/nginx/html/ 2>&1");
I created a token.ini file outside the webroot, which is just one line:
token = supersecrettoken
In this way the endpoint can be called only by Gitlab itself. The script then checks some parameters of the build, and if everything is ok it runs the deploy script.
Also the deploy script is very very basic, but there are a couple of interesting things:
# See 'Authentication' section here:
# The path where to put the static files
# The path to use as temporary working directory
# Where to save the downloaded file
cd $TMP;
# Whatever, do not do this in a real environment without any other check
rm -rf $DEST;
cp -r _site/ $DEST;
rm -rf _site/;
First of all, the script has to be executable (chown +x and it has to belong to the webserver’s user (usually www-data).
The script needs to have an access token (which you can create here) to access the data. I inserted it as environment variable:
sudo vi /etc/environment
in the file you have to add something like:
and then remember to reload the file:
source /etc/environment
You can check everything is alright doing sudo -u www-data echo PERSONAL_TOKEN and verify the token is printed in the terminal.
Now, the other interesting part of the script is where is the artifact. The last available build of a branch is reachable only through API; they are working on implementing the API in the web interface so you can always download the last version from the web.
The url of the API is
While you can imagine what branchname and jobname are, the projectid is a bit more tricky to find.
It is included in the body of the webhook as projectid, but if you do not want to intercept the hook, you can go to the settings of your project, section Triggers, and there are examples of APIs calls: you can determine the project id from there.

Github-plugin for Jenkins get committer and author name

If I understand well, git plugin exposes committer and author names and emails to environmental variables GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_COMMITTER_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL based on the global configuration of git. Is there a way to get that info using Github-plugin? Does Github-plugin exposes payload info, getting from github-webhook, to environmental variables or to something else?
In reality these variables are available just when you overwrite the Author Name and Author Email on the Advanced features of the SCM configuration.
"Additional Behaviours" -> "Custom user name/email address"
This is described on the source code:
Solution: In order to retrieve the author name and email I suggest scripting this:
GIT_NAME=$(git --no-pager show -s --format='%an' $GIT_COMMIT)
GIT_EMAIL=$(git --no-pager show -s --format='%ae' $GIT_COMMIT)
Being $GIT_COMMIT the SHA1 commit id.
You can use this workaround in your scripted pipeline file:
script: "git --no-pager show -s --format='%ae'",
returnStdout: true
You can try for below command, it worked for me:
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%ae'
You need check who is contributing this variables, github plugin only triggers git build that runs Git SCM (that is git-plugin). This variables probably injected by git-plugin.

CVS: How to get the date when a tag is created?

We have a CVS repository and we create a tag on the active branch whenever a successful build is done.
Is there any way by which I can determine the date when the tag was created?
Looking into the history doesn't helps since it only tells the date-time stamps of the file when it was modified.
You can easily configure CVS to log all tag-related actions.
In the file '$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/taginfo' you can hook up a
pre-tag script like this:
If this script returns a non-zero exit value, the tag operation will
be aborted. This allows for syntax checks on the tag names. You can
also use this hook to send emails, whenever a new release has been
tagged. To write a history of all tag operations, you need to do
something like this in your do_tag file:
echo -n "$(date): user $USER, tag " >> $TAGHISTORY
echo "$*" >> $TAGHISTORY
exit 0
If you have the history function enabled, you can execute
the following command:
cvs history -a -T
It will give you some lines like this, giving you date+time, user, module and tagname of each tagging operation:
T 2011-04-02 07:55 +0000 ralph mylib [testtag:A]
For more information check the cvsbook on history

Setting SVN username (Author Name in Eclipse) when using svn+ssh

When I commit changes in Eclipse, svn records my author name as the one that I entered the first time I committed changes in Eclipse (Alok). By author name, I mean the name that shows up when you run "svn log" or "svn blame".
However, when I commit changes from the command line, the Author Name is set to the username that I use to ssh to the repository (svnadmin). Is there a way to set the equivalent of Author Name/svn username independently of the ssh username from the command line when using svn+ssh? I have tried
svn --username Alok ci
but the username in this case is ignored, and the change is attributed to svnadmin.
It is by design that you cannot change the username for svn+ssh. If you could, you would be able to fake somebody else as the committer - when the SSH key would normally clearly identify yourself as the committer.
So if you want different committer names to show up with svn+ssh, you need to change something on the server:
Create separate remote users, and put your key into the authorized_keys file for the user you want to appear as committer. Alternatively,
Put command= lines into the authorized_keys file of the svnadmin user. The command should read /usr/bin/svnserve -t --tunnel-user Alok; optionally also with a --root option.
One workaround is to first enable editing of revision tags by putting a shell script like the following in hooks/pre-revprop-change
if [ "$PROPNAME" = "svn:log" ]; then exit 0; fi
if [ "$PROPNAME" = "svn:author" ]; then exit 0; fi
exit 1
Then, after the commit you can change the svn:author with
svn propset --revprop -r1234 svn:author Alok
This does not explain how eclipse is able to set svn:author at commit time without having a pre-revprop-change hook. This solution is a little unsatisfying because it allows any user to change the svn:author of any commit, it would be nice to know what eclipse is actually doing.