Pull Request "reviewers" using github "history" - github

Is there any way (for on premise github) to :
For N number of files in the Pull Request.
Look at the history of those files.
And add any/all github users (on the history) .. to the code reviewers list of users?
I have searched around.
I found "in general" items like this:
But cannot find anything in regards to the specific "workflow" I describe above.

We can get the list of changed files to the text file from PR. Then we can run the git command below to get the list of users included in last version's blame. For each file we get from file list, run the blame command. This might be also simple script.
Generate txt file from list of files of PR.
Traverse all filenames through txt file. (python, bash etc.)
Run blame command and store in a list.
Add reviewers to the PR from that list manually or some JS script for it.
For github spesific: list-pull-requests-files
The blame command is something like :
git blame filename --porcelain | grep "^author " | sort -u
As a note, if there are users who are not available in github anymore. Extra step can be added after we get usernames to check whether they exist or not. (It looks achievable through github API)


How do I get the last commit programmatically in Java code? Jenkins / sbt

I started writing a little tool that basically can do something (ex. compile or test code) and then send an email if it fails.
I want to add a feature where this tool can programmatically look at the last commit in the working directory, look at the author of the commit, extract their email, and then email that person whether their commit resulted in a pass or a failure.
For example, I want it to do something like: Git: See my last commit
Where the email basically says:
Subject: Test Results
Message: All your tests passed in dev for commit 0e39756383662573.
Does Jenkins provide this functionality already? I want to make my setup email the person who put in the most recent commit.
Also, is there a way I can obtain the email of the author of the most recent commit programmatically (ex. perhaps with http://www.eclipse.org/jgit/ or http://javagit.sourceforge.net )?
I don't really care how I get email notifications - I just want them and I can't use TravisCI.
I will try to give solutions part by part.
Part 1 :
Yes, you can run ShellScript(Shell Commands) from Jenkins Link.
Part 2
How to get the Email Id and other Stuff from GitCommit.
For that Jenkins sever should have git command installed in build server.
Create one conf file ex. /conf/reference which have
app {
git {
emailId = "EMAIL_ID"
When making your build run the command
sed -i'' "s/CURRENT_COMMIT/$(git rev-parse HEAD)/g" conf/reference.conf
sed -i'' "s^CURRENT_REPO^$(git config --get remote.origin.url)^g" conf/reference.conf
sed -i'' "s/CURRENT_TIMESTAMP/$(git show -s --format=%ci HEAD)/g" conf/reference.conf
sed -i'' "s/EMAIL_ID/git --no-pager show -s --format='%an <%ae>' CURRENT_COMMIT/g" conf/reference.conf
above code will put the values in reference.conf.
Now you can use to get the info and send the mail. As far as I know, Jenkins gives the capability to send the Email. Jenkins work on the environment variables rather than putting this into reference.conf you can put this in Environment variable and use the environment variables to send the mail.
FYI: I haven't tested this code but as far as I remember working in Jenkins, we used to send email through this way.

ClearCase - How to list all checkout that may conflict with mine?

I am working on a script that will update a bunch of files in a given ClearCase folder. Before to start, I want to check in the script if any checkout that will be performed during the process may fail (because of another checkout). The script does not know the config spec in use.
The basic idea based on cleartool lsco -rec cannot work because of the many false-positive result (mostly, checkout done on a not selected branch, or unreserved checkout).
So the question is: How can I list all file that I cannot checkout because of another checkout that will conflict with mine?
Thanks in advance for your help!
"The basic idea based on cleartool lsco -rec cannot work"
Yet it should work.
You can compare cleartool lsco -brtype abranch -me and cleartool lsco -brtype abranch in order to see other checkouts done on the target branch, not by you.
You can |grep -v unreserved to trim out any unreserved checkout.
The end result is the list of files, checkout not by you, reserved.
You can then compare that list with the files your script has to modify.
If you're using a classic-UCM environment, this would generally not happen if you're not working in a shared stream. So, I'm going to assume you are working in base clearcase.
One way to check this would be to look at the version trees of the files you plan on checking out. However, to automate it, you would need to also know what branch you're working on.
For a single file:
cleartool lsvtree {my file} | findstr CHECKEDOUT
cleartool lsvtree {my file} | grep CHECKEDOUT
Any CHECKEDOUT returns on your branch (which may be /main if you're not doing parallel development) would block you.
If you have a list of files, it would depend on how you want to process that list.

How to change (CQ5) VLT repo url/port?

I have checked out vlt repo using:
vlt co http://localhost:4502/crx/-/jcr:root path/to/repo --force
But now, my CQ instance changed location (port). Is there a way to set new URL(port) to vlt?
(without checking out again)
I have tried unzipping path/to/repo/.vlt and changing repository.url file sometimes it works, but in most cases it breaks local repo, or I'm unable to unzip.
I understand you're looking for something like the "svn relocate" command. This is not possible with the VLT tool directly.
Options (any one of these should do it):
I recommend checking out a new copy of the repository and reapplying the changes that show from running "vlt status" over there.
Set up a new CQ server on the old port, then use "vlt rcp". The process would probably be: copy the whole repository from old to new server, push your local stuff to the new server, copy part of the tree from new to old.
The repository.url setting is nested in .vlt files under all subdirectories of the repository. You could try a global/recursive search & replace for all of these. I've never tried this though. For example, something like this: (I get permission denied running this, needs more work.)
find -name .vlt -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/localhost:4502/localhost:4503/g'
Remove all the .vlt files and use the vlt import/export commands to load. See the "Using import/export instead of .vlt control" section of this document: http://wem.help.adobe.com/enterprise/en_US/10-0/core/how_to/how_to_use_the_vlttool.html

CVS command to get brief history of repository

I am using following command to get a brief history of the CVS repository.
cvs -d :pserver:*User*:*Password*#*Repo* rlog -N -d "*StartDate* < *EndDate*" *Module*
This works just fine except for one small problem. It lists all tags created on each file in that repository. I want the tag info, but I only want the tags that are created in the date range specified. How do I change this command to do that.
I don't see a way to do that natively with the rlog command. Faced with this problem, I would write a Perl script to parse the output of the command, correlate the tags to the date range that I want and print them.
Another solution would be to parse the ,v files directly, but I haven't found any robust libraries for doing that. I prefer Perl for that type of task, and the parsing modules don't seem to be very high quality.

TFS command line to get list of files checked in yesterday

I'm looking for a simple way to get a list of files that were checked in on a certain day. Is there a command line I can use? I don't want changesets just the file names.
A bit late, but for others asking the same question.
Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) and use the command:
tf history "local path" /version:D2011-03-29 /recursive /noprompt
Replace the date with the date you wan't information about and localpath to the local folder you bound to, you WILL get the changeset number, but also all items changes. It's also possible to use a collection and remote path instead of local path.
Naturally you can discard noprompt and login and put in that information in a prompt.
More information about the TFS 2010 commandline: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yxtbh4yh.aspx
Use tf command line. It may do what ever you want.