What does {block:HomePage} of Tumblr do? - tumblr

I tried a lot of keywords on Google but all of them was misunderstand with {block:IndexPage}. So what is true color of {block:HomePage}. And what is difference between it and {block:IndexPage}?
Tumblr Custom Theme document is so poor. It doesn't explain detail about this.

{block:HomePage} is only the home page (blog.tumblr.com/)
{block:IndexPage} includes pages like blog.tumblr.com/tagged/tag & blog.tumblr.com/search/query.


Display Tumblr’s nested blockquotes (reblog notes) like they are displayed in the dashboard

In a tumblr theme I want to adapt the way how reblog notes are displayed in the tumblr dashboard.
I want this:
tumblr reblog notes as nested blockquotes
to look like this:
tumblr reblog notes in dashboard
Any solution or idea is highly appreciated!
This question has already been asked here:
"Unnesting" Nested Blockquotes Using jQuery (to fit tumblr's September 2015 update)
but without a fiddle and I cannot comment yet.

Gigya Share bar Customization - buttonWithCountTemplate

I have asked a question regarding customizing the share bar especially providers facebook-like and google-plusone (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18330929/gigya-sharebar-unable-to-change-icon-for-facebook-like-and-google-plusone). But no answers so far. I was wondering if it can be done using buttonWithCountTemplate. I want to set the icons for facebook-like and google-plusone in sharebar using buttonWithCountTemplate. But there seems to be no example code that shows buttonWithCountTemplate usage. Can anyone provide the example usage of buttonWithCountTemplate in Gigya Share Bar Customization.
The template is a string value which you can use the following placeholders in: $iconImg, $text, $onClick, $count.
You would add the parameter like so:
buttonWithCountTemplate: '<div class="sBtnWrap"><div class="sBtn">$text<img src="$iconImg" /></div><div class="sCountBox">$count</div></div>'
Unfortunately it seems you can not control the styling of all the providers like facebook like or any of the goole providers. If you change facebook-like to just facebook as the provider it will be styleable.

Can you embed Tumblr code into a custom Tumblr page and how?

In the Tumblr customization section, you can add new pages to your blog. This gives you a few fields, including an html editor to add the content for that custom page.
Is it possible to embed Tumblr code into that? And if so, how?
I have tried adding it to the html editor - did not work. I tried pasting the tumblr code into the html source code - that did not work either. As far as I can determine, the tumblr code does not seem to be getting parsed.
I have had no luck on google with this either. So can it be done? And if so, how?

Remove facebook fan page profile picture on like box plugin

I just want to ask a simple question about facebook like box http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ I just want to remove the fan page profile photo.. Is there a solution for this? Thanks!
First: It is against the facebook rules to change or hide things in the social plugins.
That being said, afaik it is not possible anymore to use custom css in the social plugins. A long time ago you could pass the absolute URL of a css file to the plugin code but it does not work anymore.
I would recommend using a simple Like button. If you really need the stream of the page too, you could just use an app to read them by yourself, in that case even with your own design.
I just thought to answer this question as someone else might need this information in the future. All you need to do is reduce the width of the facebook like box. That’s it. I have done that in my website www.bringhopes.ca.
You can add the following CSS to hide the image

customizing the facebook registration widget with javascript

Is anyone aware of any restrictions Facebook places on modifying the look and feel of their registration widget?
We'd like to use the FB Registration widget on one of our pages, and then use jQuery to hide certain divs, text, etc. to make it a bit more compact and fit aesthetically better into our site.
Is is 'legal' or acceptable to do? I'm attempting to read through all of their documents to find out, but if someone already knows, that would really help.
Facebook uses iframes to load the registration plugin on your website. So there is no way you can change the looks of it with css or jQuery.
You can just customize however you want according to guidelines present here.