Do I have to wait for startup to complete even when the database is in recovery mode if I specify -w on Windows? - postgresql

Normally, when the command to start server is given as pg_ctl.exe -D ..\data -o"-p8028 -w start", the server waits until startup gets completed.
But my scenario is, I had forcefully shutdown the server using the -m immediate option. Then I tried to start the server with the command pg_ctl.exe -D ..\data -o"-p8028" -w start. While starting the server after immediate shutdown, it will move into the recovery mode.
So my question is, while starting the postgres server after immediate shutdown with the command pg_ctl.exe -D ..\data -o"-p8028" -w start, whether it will wait for the recovery mode to complete or not?

I found out that, even when we start the PostgreSQL server with the command
pg_ctl.exe -D ..\data -o"-p8028" -w start
it will not wait until the recovery mode is complete. It will wait for the time that we have specified during startup.


Correct way to terminate a postgres replication mode connection

I have the following code that enables logical decoding in PostgreSQL 9.4:
pg_recvlogical -h localhost --slot test_slot --create-slot
pg_recvlogical -h localhost --slot test_slot --start -f -
I spawn a node.js subprocess to run this code and listen for changes however I'm unsure of what the correct procedure is to terminate the connection. I usually just CNTRL+C from the command line or kill the subprocess in code but I always get a pg_recvlogical: unexpected termination of replication stream: error. What is the correct way to terminate this connection?
The PostgreSQL documentation says,
Begin streaming changes from the logical replication slot specified by --slot, continuing until terminated by a signal. If the server side change stream ends with a server shutdown or disconnect, retry in a loop unless --no-loop is specified.
So I assume the standard Linux signals meanings apply. Therefore, SIGINT or SIGQUIT should be acceptable, giving the app time to finish.
What I do is I send SIGINT, then enter a loop, check if /proc/$PID_/stat exists, and after custom timeout, I send it SIGKILL, and wait $PID_ for it.
kill -2 $PID_
for i in `seq 1 8`; do
if [ ! -f /proc/$PID_/stat ] ; then
sleep 1;
if [ -f /proc/$PID_/stat ] ; then
kill -9 $PID_;
This is Bash, but any decent platform/language will have tools to do it.
Shortened, so there may be a bug :)
I did the following to kill a zombie active replication slot.
connect to the server where postgres is installed using CLI with ssh.
ssh -i <generated_security_key_name/path>.pem <username>#<hostIp>
once connected with the VM in your server. type following command to connect to postgres sql.
sudo -i -u <postgres-username>
you can go with psql which is a terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL
check the pid against your replication slot.
select * from pg_replication_slots;
Enter the following to kill it.
sudo kill <pid>

How to shutdown raspberry pi over ssh

I am accessing my raspberry pi 3 from ssh. Can you tell me how to shut it down from ssh. Whenever I use sudo shutdown -h now the terminal just freezes without any output. If I kill the terminal I can ssh into raspberry again showing it did not shut down.
Add the -P flag:
sudo shutdown -h -P now
sudo shutdown -h now or sudo halt
You can’t use shutdown (or halt) unless you have sudo privileges.
-h instructs to halt the system, now means to run command right now. You can add a number X to tell it to shut down in X minutes. It also allows a specific time in this format XX:XX (note this is in 24 hour format seperated by a : colon).
sudo halt should be help you in this case
Just run sudo halt and wait until the green light turns off to power it off.
If you're on Linux, you should try:
sudo shutdown -h now && exit
A solution is to launch the shutdown in the background, with some delay to allow the user to safely exit the ssh connection.
Something like this :
{(sleep 5; sudo halt;) &}; exit
I created as script to suspend or shutdown a remote host over ssh. This may be used to suspend / shutdown a remote computer without an interactive session and yet not keep a terminal busy. You will need to give permissions to the remote user to shutdown / suspend using sudo without a password. Additionally, the local and remote machines should be set up to SSH without an interactive login. The script is more useful for suspending the machine as a suspended machine will not disconnect the terminal.
local_user#hostname:~$ ssh remote_user#remote_host "screen -d -m sudo pm-suspend"
source: कार्यशाला (Kāryaśālā)
Use the command systemctl poweroff
You will then be asked to authenticate yourself and enter your password. For reasons I don't know, it asks you to enter your password a second time.
Once authenticated, enter poweroff and the pi will shutdown.

pg_ctl: no operation specified

I tried to start postgresql server using pg_ctl with following command:
pg_ctl -D /opt/PostgreSQL/9.3/data start
causes following error message:
Postgres-XC: must start as either a Coordinator (--coordinator) or Datanode (--datanode)
So I made some changes to the command, namely
pg_ctl -D /opt/PostgreSQL/9.3/data -Z "Coordinate" start
which causes
pg_ctl: no operation specified
I have searched on the web and found no answer. How can I start the server correctly?

Running PostgreSQL with Supervisord

I want to run PostgreSQL 9.1 using Supervisor on Ubuntu 10.04. At the moment, I manually start PostgreSQL using the init script:
/etc/init.d/postgresql start
According to this post:, I need to modify the PostgreSQL config to make it run on TCP port instead of Unix socket, in order to make PostgreSQL work with Supervisor.
I have two questions regarding this approach:
Considering this is more of hack, is there any implication (e.g. security/permissions, performance, etc) of doing this?
Why cannot we just run the same init script postgresql in Supervisor config? Instead, as shown in the link above, it runs postmaster?
Thanks to the useful suggestions from both answers below, I have setup a script for Supervisor to invoke PostgreSQL directly:
# This script is run by Supervisor to start PostgreSQL 9.1 in foreground mode
if [ -d /var/run/postgresql ]; then
chmod 2775 /var/run/postgresql
install -d -m 2775 -o postgres -g postgres /var/run/postgresql
exec su postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf"
I also set the config: /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/start.conf to manual so that PostgreSQL does not start automatically on boot (however, it's not clear to me whether this config is loaded). And then I setup the Supervisor config for postgres as:
So now, I can start PostgreSQL in supervisorctl by doing start postgres, which runs fine. However, after I issue stop postgres, although supervisorctl declares postgres is stopped, the server apparently is still running as I can psql into it.
I wonder if this is a Supervisor config issue, or a PostgreSQL issue. Any suggestion welcome!
The blog post is rather badly written. There is no "TCP mode": the post's suggested method will still listen on a Unix socket, just in a different directory. Comments in the post such as "external pid file - not needed for TCP mode" are very misleading.
postmaster is the traditional name for the postgresql executable (to distinguish the master dispatching process from the backend slaves). For some time now there has been no separate executable, and now it is installed as simply "postgres".
Assuming that Supervisor is broadly simliar to the qmail/daemontools supervise scheme, it would be entirely possible (in fact, quite normal) to have it run a script that sets up the directories and environment, and then execs postgres with the requisite arguments (or propagates arguments given to the wrapper script, which would be unusual with supervise but makes more sense when you have a config file to put arguments into).
The way supervise worked (and I'm going to continue to assume "Supervisor" is the same) is to have the supervisor process run a subprocess as specified, and simply relaunch a new subprocess if it exits. This is based on the idea that the process being launched is a long-lived daemon process that only exits when something goes badly wrong, and that simply restarting it is a valid fix. By contrast, init scripts such as in /etc/init.d run the subprocess and detach it, and return control to their caller- if the subprocess exits, nothing special happens, and it must be restarted manually. If you tried to simply run /etc/init.d/postgresql start from supervise, it would continuously keep spawning postgresql daemons, as the return from the init script would be interpreted as the daemon process having exited, when in fact it had been started and detached.
To avoid auto-starting the service with the /etc/init.d scripts, the package for postgresql 9.1 provides a file /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/start.conf that contains:
# Automatic startup configuration
# auto: automatically start/stop the cluster in the init script
# manual: do not start/stop in init scripts, but allow manual startup with
# pg_ctlcluster
# disabled: do not allow manual startup with pg_ctlcluster (this can be easily
# circumvented and is only meant to be a small protection for
# accidents).
This is the file to modify to avoid auto-start as opposed to moving away /etc/init.d/postgresql as the blog post suggests.
Also, changing unix sockets parameters for lack of /var/run/postgresql doesn't look like the best idea, because it's the default for any program linked with libpq, and because there's no difficulty in creating that directory with the proper permissions, just like it's done by the package's start sequence in /usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions:
# create socket directory
if [ -d /var/run/postgresql ]; then
chmod 2775 /var/run/postgresql
install -d -m 2775 -o postgres -g postgres /var/run/postgresql
And although the default value shouldn't cause a problem, note that whether postmaster ultimately stays in foreground or forks and runs in background is controlled by the silent_mode parameter in postgresql.conf. Make sure that it is off.
I am trying to make both tomcat and postgres run under supervisor, and found some hints here :
Here is my modified, using bash :
# This script is run by Supervisor to start PostgreSQL 9.1 in foreground mode
function shutdown()
echo "Shutting down PostgreSQL"
pkill postgres
if [ -d /var/run/postgresql ]; then
chmod 2775 /var/run/postgresql
install -d -m 2775 -o postgres -g postgres /var/run/postgresql
# Allow any signal which would kill a process to stop PostgreSQL
exec sudo -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main --config-file=/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf
With this script postgresql stops correctly after supervisorctl stop postgres.

How do I fix Postgres so it will start after an abrupt shutdown?

Due to a sudden power outage, the Postgres server running on my local machine shut down abruptly. After rebooting, I tried to restart Postgres and I get this error:
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data restart
pg_ctl: PID file "/usr/local/pgsql/data/" does not exist
Is server running?
starting server anyway
server starting
$:/usr/local/pgsql/data$ LOG: database system shutdown was interrupted at 2009-02-28 21:06:16
LOG: checkpoint record is at 2/8FD6F8D0
LOG: redo record is at 2/8FD6F8D0; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown FALSE
LOG: next transaction ID: 0/1888104; next OID: 1711752
LOG: next MultiXactId: 2; next MultiXactOffset: 3
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
LOG: redo starts at 2/8FD6F918
LOG: record with zero length at 2/8FFD94A8
LOG: redo done at 2/8FFD9480
LOG: could not fsync segment 0 of relation 1663/1707047/1707304: No such file or directory
FATAL: storage sync failed on magnetic disk: No such file or directory
LOG: startup process (PID 5465) exited with exit code 1
LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
There is no file in the data directory. What possibly could be the reason for this sort of behavior and of course what is the way out?
You'd need to pg_resetxlog. Your database can be in an inconsistent state after this though, so dump it with pg_dumpall, recreate and import back.
A cause for this could be:
You have not turned off hardware
write cache on disk, which often
prevents the OS from making sure data is written before it reports successful write to application. Check with
hdparm -I /dev/sda
If it shows "*" before "Write cache" then this could be the case. Source of PostgreSQL has a program src/tools/fsync/test_fsync.c, which tests speed of syncing data with disk. Run it - if it reports all times shorter than, say, 3 seconds than your disk is lying to OS - on a 7500rpm disks a test of 1000 writes to the same place would need at least 8 seconds to complete (1000/(7500rpm/60s)) as it can only write once per route. You'd need to edit this test_fsync.c if your database is on another disk than /var/tmp partition - change
#define FSYNC_FILENAME "/var/tmp/test_fsync.out"
#define FSYNC_FILENAME "/usr/local/pgsql/data/test_fsync.out"
Your disk is failing and has a bad block, check with badblocks.
You have a bad RAM, check with memtest86+ for at least 8 hours.
Reading a few similar messages in the archives of the PostgreSQL
mailing list ("storage sync failed on magnetic disk: No such file or
directory") seems to indicate that there is a very serious hardware
trouble, much worse than a simple power failure. You may have to prepare yourself to restore from backups.
Had db corruption too, my actions
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:10.3 bash
su - postgres
/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_resetwal -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -f
I had this same problem and I was about to dump, reinstall and import from db dump (a really painfull process), however I just tried this as the last resource and it worked!
brew services start postgresql
Then I restarted and that was it.
Run start instead of restart.
Execute the below command:
$pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data start
Had this problem a couple of times, when my laptop turned off unexpectedly, when on very low battery while running PSQL in the background.
My solution after searching all over was, Hard delete and Reinstall, then import data from db dump.
Steps for Mac with brew to uninstall and reinstall psql 9.6
brew uninstall postgresql#9.6
rm -rf rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgresql#9.6
rm -rf .psql.local .psql_history .psqlrc.local l.psqlrc .pgpass
brew install postgresql#9.6
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/postgresql#9.6/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
brew services start postgresql#9.6
createuser -s postgres
createuser {ENTER_YOUR_USER_HERE} --interactive
As others stated, a stop + start instead of a restart worked for me. In a Docker environment this would be:
docker stop <container_name>
docker start <container_name>
or when using Docker Compose:
docker-compose stop
docker-compose start