How do I fix Postgres so it will start after an abrupt shutdown? - postgresql

Due to a sudden power outage, the Postgres server running on my local machine shut down abruptly. After rebooting, I tried to restart Postgres and I get this error:
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data restart
pg_ctl: PID file "/usr/local/pgsql/data/" does not exist
Is server running?
starting server anyway
server starting
$:/usr/local/pgsql/data$ LOG: database system shutdown was interrupted at 2009-02-28 21:06:16
LOG: checkpoint record is at 2/8FD6F8D0
LOG: redo record is at 2/8FD6F8D0; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown FALSE
LOG: next transaction ID: 0/1888104; next OID: 1711752
LOG: next MultiXactId: 2; next MultiXactOffset: 3
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
LOG: redo starts at 2/8FD6F918
LOG: record with zero length at 2/8FFD94A8
LOG: redo done at 2/8FFD9480
LOG: could not fsync segment 0 of relation 1663/1707047/1707304: No such file or directory
FATAL: storage sync failed on magnetic disk: No such file or directory
LOG: startup process (PID 5465) exited with exit code 1
LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure
There is no file in the data directory. What possibly could be the reason for this sort of behavior and of course what is the way out?

You'd need to pg_resetxlog. Your database can be in an inconsistent state after this though, so dump it with pg_dumpall, recreate and import back.
A cause for this could be:
You have not turned off hardware
write cache on disk, which often
prevents the OS from making sure data is written before it reports successful write to application. Check with
hdparm -I /dev/sda
If it shows "*" before "Write cache" then this could be the case. Source of PostgreSQL has a program src/tools/fsync/test_fsync.c, which tests speed of syncing data with disk. Run it - if it reports all times shorter than, say, 3 seconds than your disk is lying to OS - on a 7500rpm disks a test of 1000 writes to the same place would need at least 8 seconds to complete (1000/(7500rpm/60s)) as it can only write once per route. You'd need to edit this test_fsync.c if your database is on another disk than /var/tmp partition - change
#define FSYNC_FILENAME "/var/tmp/test_fsync.out"
#define FSYNC_FILENAME "/usr/local/pgsql/data/test_fsync.out"
Your disk is failing and has a bad block, check with badblocks.
You have a bad RAM, check with memtest86+ for at least 8 hours.

Reading a few similar messages in the archives of the PostgreSQL
mailing list ("storage sync failed on magnetic disk: No such file or
directory") seems to indicate that there is a very serious hardware
trouble, much worse than a simple power failure. You may have to prepare yourself to restore from backups.

Had db corruption too, my actions
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:10.3 bash
su - postgres
/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_resetwal -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -f

I had this same problem and I was about to dump, reinstall and import from db dump (a really painfull process), however I just tried this as the last resource and it worked!
brew services start postgresql
Then I restarted and that was it.

Run start instead of restart.
Execute the below command:
$pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data start

Had this problem a couple of times, when my laptop turned off unexpectedly, when on very low battery while running PSQL in the background.
My solution after searching all over was, Hard delete and Reinstall, then import data from db dump.
Steps for Mac with brew to uninstall and reinstall psql 9.6
brew uninstall postgresql#9.6
rm -rf rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgresql#9.6
rm -rf .psql.local .psql_history .psqlrc.local l.psqlrc .pgpass
brew install postgresql#9.6
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/postgresql#9.6/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
brew services start postgresql#9.6
createuser -s postgres
createuser {ENTER_YOUR_USER_HERE} --interactive

As others stated, a stop + start instead of a restart worked for me. In a Docker environment this would be:
docker stop <container_name>
docker start <container_name>
or when using Docker Compose:
docker-compose stop
docker-compose start


Macbook M1 - Postgres Installation - "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" - Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap

I just got a new Macbook Pro M1 and have been trying to install Postgres with homebrew. After trying a bunch of different approaches from installing different versions of Postgres to trying rm /usr/local/var/postgres/ I've had no luck. I am at the point now where I can't even successfully install Postgres without an error message. When I uninstall and then reinstall use brew install postgres I get:
➜ ~ brew install postgres
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/landonlapensee/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/34e850b9c47867f84334b48fe844f7a171369d777b5c118a4119297f7c215147--postgresql-14.1_1.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/landonlapensee/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/b74d7a88df70e29d3cd5714896c2dd5b16a1e8c01188164026a4b5762f18234b--postgresql--14.1_1.monterey.bottle.tar.gz
==> Pouring postgresql--14.1_1.monterey.bottle.tar.gz
==> /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/14.1_1/bin/initdb --locale=C -E UTF-8 /usr/local/var/postgres
Last 15 lines from /Users/landonlapensee/Library/Logs/Homebrew/postgresql/post_install.01.initdb:
Data page checksums are disabled.
fixing permissions on existing directory /usr/local/var/postgres ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 20
selecting default shared_buffers ... 400kB
selecting default time zone ... America/Vancouver
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... 2021-12-07 10:07:39.032 PST [52558] FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory
2021-12-07 10:07:39.032 PST [52558] DETAIL: Failed system call was shmget(key=1895806, size=56, 03600).
2021-12-07 10:07:39.032 PST [52558] HINT: This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded your kernel's SHMALL parameter. You might need to reconfigure the kernel with larger SHMALL.
The PostgreSQL documentation contains more information about shared memory configuration.
child process exited with exit code 1
initdb: removing contents of data directory "/usr/local/var/postgres"
Warning: The post-install step did not complete successfully
You can try again using:
brew postinstall postgresql
==> Caveats
To migrate existing data from a previous major version of PostgreSQL run:
brew postgresql-upgrade-database
This formula has created a default database cluster with:
initdb --locale=C -E UTF-8 /usr/local/var/postgres
For more details, read:
To restart postgresql after an upgrade:
brew services restart postgresql
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
/usr/local/opt/postgresql/bin/postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
==> Summary
🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/14.1_1: 3,304 files, 43.9MB
==> Running `brew cleanup postgresql`...
Disable this behaviour by setting HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP.
Hide these hints with HOMEBREW_NO_ENV_HINTS (see `man brew`).
Then if I run brew services start postgres I get:
➜ ~ brew services start postgres
Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error
Try re-running the command as root for richer errors.
Error: Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Users/landonlapensee/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist` exited with 5
If I run psql I get:
Error: Failure while executing; `/bin/launchctl bootstrap gui/501 /Users/landonlapensee/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist` exited with 5.
➜ ~ psql
psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?
And if I run ➜ ~ rm /usr/local/var/postgres/ I get:
rm: /usr/local/var/postgres/ No such file or directory
I am so lost on this issue. I am trying to set this up to use for a ruby on rails environment. Does anybody know what could be causing this issue? (I tried so many different threads/commands that I think I have created root files that are causing conflicts)
Or does anybody of any suggestions of any paid services that could walk me through fixing this?
I had the same problem. Apparently it did not start the server after reinstalling because there was another server, postgresql#13 (the previous version before updating) still running. I killed the process and then it started the updated server.

PostgreSQL server fails to start on ArchLinux: FATAL: could not create lockfile »/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock«

I am quite new in Arch and a total beginner in PostgreSQL, so this may be a very basic question.
I installed postgresql 11.5-4 from extra and pgadmin 4 from AUR, both seem to be running well.
I created a test DB with the following command:
initdb -D /home/lg/test-db
I got the answer:
You can start the db-server using:
pg_ctl -D /home/lg/test-db -l logdatei start
I tried that and got:
pg_ctl -D /home/lg/test-db -l logdatei start
waiting for serer to start.... stopped
pg_ctl: could not start the server
check the log.
The log only says that the lockfile »/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock« could not be created, because the folder could not be found. Under /run is no folder called "postgresql". I suppose postgresql can not create this folder, because it does not have the permission. Several posts online posts suggest to change the user/owner of the db to sudo, however. Postgresql prevents this, however. When I try any command as sudo, postgresql tells me that this command can't be run as root. There must be some very basic error in my thinking here, but I have not worked it out for 3 hours.
You'll have to remove /run/postgresql from unix_socket_directories in postgresql.conf before starting the server.
Probably You have /var/run symlinked to /run and run is on tmpfs. You should add something like d /run/postgresql 0755 postgres postgres - into /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/postgresql.conf

FATAL ERROR lock file "" already exists

I have recently installed PostGIS on my Mac (El Capitan 10.11.4, Postgres is version 9.5.1) using Homebrew, and I am following these instructions -
When I try to start Postgres using
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
I get the following error:
$ FATAL: lock file "" already exists
HINT: Is another postmaster (PID 280) running in data directory "/usr/local/var/postgres"?
So I spent a few hours researching how to address this, but to no avail.
Notably, I tried to kill the PID as recommended in an answer on Superuser - (in the case above, I ran kill 208), but as soon as I tried to start Postgres again, I got the same error, albeit with a different PID number. I saw a few people recommended deleting the file, but I feel like maybe I should save that as a last resort...
Admittedly part of the reason I'm not sure how to fix this is that I'm not really clear on what the postmaster even is - I'm just starting to learn about all of this.
Hopping into a Postgres database via the psql db_name command works just fine, for what it's worth.
Posting this in case it helps someone else:
I was having this same problem as the OP after a hard reboot when my laptop crashed. What helped me was running the following command to see what PID was associated with
cat /usr/local/var/postgres/
The first number that appears will be the PID. Looking in Activity Monitor, I was able to see that Postgres was running, but without a PID number that matched the one shown.
Instead of the steps outlined in the answer referenced on Superuser, I restarted my laptop properly and then opened up Terminal and ran
brew services restart postgresql
This worked without having to remove, which I saw a few other posts recommend. Sometimes it's the simple solutions that work.
I add here what worked for me, after a long time of searching:
Delete the file:
rm /usr/local/var/postgres/
Restart your postgres:
brew services restart postgresql
Hope this helps someone ...
Update 8/2022:
As Mike commented, for M1 Mac you would replace stage 1 with:
rm /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql/
With M1 and specify Postgres Version # 14
rm -rf /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql#14/
It often happens to me in OSx, when my system shutdown unexpectedly.
You can just remove the file
cd Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-{postgres-version}
and remove the file
in case you use brew then your path should be something like:
restart the Postgres by using this command
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres restart
Since you can connect to the database, you don't need to start the server again - it's already running.
pg_ctl is used to control the PostgreSQL server. Since your server is already started, your command:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
Returns an error, saying that there is a lock on - which is true since there is already a server running under that PID.
There are two ways:
The most basic way - skip that step, your server is already running!
Executing a needless operation - stopping the server, and then starting it again.
You could stop your server doing :
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop
So that you won't have the lock on postmaster anymore and you could use your command to start it again.
Postmaster is the main PostgreSQL process. You're trying to start PostgreSQL that's already running (and you're saying yourself you can connect to it). Just skip that step of your process.
When the system shutdown unexpectedly, my postgres crashs and i'm unable to connect to it.
What worked for me was:
1˚ Check postgres log:
tail -n 10000 /usr/local/var/log/postgres.log
2˚ Find the PID of postgress, should look like this:
FATAL: lock file "" already exists
HINT: Is another postmaster (PID 707) running in data directory "/usr/local/var/postgres"?
3˚ Kill that process:
kill 707
4˚ Restart your postgres
brew services restart postgresql
After those steps i was able to connect to the database within my rails application.
If you got no important data to lose :
sudo killAll postgres
brew services restart postgresql
AGAIN : You could get data corrupted by doing this !
do it at your own risk !
I am using mac and these step work for me:-
step1: cd Library/Application\ Support/Postgres
(most commonly your Postgres installation will be located here)
step2: cd var-13
(if you are using version 12 then use cd var-12. Hope got the point)
step3: ls
(As you can see among the files you find the, perfect.)
step4: rm
When you have removed the stale file you can restart PostgreSQL and everything should work as normal.
My OSX laptop had shutdown unexpectedly, and I was getting a stale error in the PostgresApp. Shutting down my laptop and turning it back on again solved the problem.
After running the following commands
rm /usr/local/var/postgres/
brew services restart postgresql
The error lock file "" already exists comes up again.
When we run launchctl list | grep postgres
28618 0 homebrew.mxcl.postgresql
The existing file "" was created by this daemon process hosted by launchctl.
We try to stop the homebrew.mxcl.postgresql through
sudo launchctl stop homebrew.mxcl.postgresql
launchctl disable homebrew.mxcl.postgresql
Unfortunately, none of them could stop the homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.
The reason is Disable and enable an agent using (persists between boots)
launchctl enable <name> or launchctl disable <name>
Two ways to solve it when the error lock file "" already exists comes up again
In order to stop an agent immediately through
launchctl kill homebrew.mxcl.postgresql
Restart your desktop and run brew services start postgresql#14. Now, PostgreSQL could start successfully.
Hope it could help someone who met the same issue again.
This worked for me. First locate (for me it was in the var directory as seen below, although it will be different on depending on your operating system). Then get rid of, then kill the postgres process, then start/restart postgres service.
cd /var/lib/pgsql/data/
sudo pkill -u postgres
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
If you have installed postgres with brew then simply run the following command and it will manage everything
brew services restart postgresql

Unable to start Postgres Server because of permission denied on lock file

I restarted my Postgres server but now.
I checked my "pgstartup.log" log file. This says:
creating system views ... ok
loading system objects' descriptions ... ok
creating conversions ... ok
creating dictionaries ... ok
setting privileges on built-in objects ... ok
creating information schema ... ok
vacuuming database template1 ... ok
copying template1 to template0 ... ok
copying template1 to postgres ... ok
Success. You can now start the database server using:
/usr/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
/usr/bin/pg_ctl -D /var/lib/pgsql/data -l logfile start
FATAL: could not open lock file "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock": Permission denied
FATAL: could not open lock file "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock": Permission denied
Do you think deleting /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock would work ?
Postgres cannot write a file to /tmp because of permissions set on /tmp directory.
As root user execute in terminal:
chmod 1777 /tmp
PostgreSQL normally deletes the lock file when terminates correctly.
It is probably due to another PostgreSQL instance running with a different user that has been terminated abnormally (a kill -9 to postmaster).
So, if you are sure no Postgres processes are running, you can probably delete that file without any issue. You should also check with the ipcs command if there is any stale shared memory segment, and in that case delete it with ipcrm.
Probably the be best way to address all these things at once is rebooting the server.
P.S.: never kill -9 any PostgreSQL process.
It looks like you probably have another PostgreSQL instance running on the same port as a different user, or you previously started this PostgreSQL instance as a different user then stopped it uncleanly.
Check the ownership of /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock:
ls -l /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock
Does it match the user you're running PostgreSQL as?
It's relatively harmless to delete the lock files in /tmp/. (Never, ever delete the lock file though). If the other PostgreSQL instance is still running you'll lose the ability to connect to it over a unix socket, or you might get an error about being unable to bind to port 5432 on tcp.
I agree with #mnencia that a server reboot is the best option if it's easy and practical.
If you know that no other Postgres processes are running, please delete these 2 files and try again:
$ sudo rm /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock
$ sudo rm /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
Then, you would be able to run the server as a background process with the command:
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
If you are in OS X, put the alias in the.bash_profile as below:
alias pgb='pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start'
Now, source it with the command:
$ source ~/.bash_profile
The Postgres server will run with the command:
$ pgb
To me it was permission problem for database file, It was group/world readable. And that was wrong! Database file should be 0700. Aft
Thanks for the suggestions.
First I tried changing the permission of the lock file but it didn't work
Later I deleted the lock file which resolved my issue.
I was trying to install postgres on my mac.I was receiving
FATAL: could not open lock file "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock": Permission denied
After deleting the /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock file, the server started working.
Yes, I had the same issue, and I fixed it by running this command
$ sudo rm /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432.lock
$ sudo rm /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
$ pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
I killed the Postgress service running on port 5432 which is something you should never do, this can be done unknowingly. So running the above commands would remove the lock file, and now when you start a new Postgres server, it would create a new process for you
Not sure, but I think it's the lock file that another Postgres instance is working on.
Restart the PC, and then that instance will leave access to that lock file. And the Postgres server will start. It works for me.

postgres sometimes will not start after reboot

Something weird is happening with my postgres installation after I upgraded to version 9.3.2 homebrew.
Sometimes and not every time, if I enter psql I get this error message:
could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
It also appears that postgres is running because if I try and stop postgres with this command:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast
I get this response:
pg_ctl: server does not shut down
If I look in the server.log I can see the following entries:
FATAL: lock file "" already exists HINT: Is another
postmaster (PID 208) running in data directory
After some frantic googling, I am able to cure this by entering these commands:
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist
I would like to first of all understand what is happening and second of all I would like to fix it once and for all.
Can anyone explain what might be happening and a cure?
First, try to pull up a log on PostgreSQL, on OSX (and with PG 9.3) this will most likely be here:
Check this log and see if there are any entires in it that may explain more of what is happening. Post it here or in a past bin somewhere. This can help the community to debug the issue.
Next, the reason why 'pg_ctl' says the server is not shutdown is because you have a stale socket file and/or a stale .plist file that did not get removed on last shutdown. This may indicate that the PostgreSQl daemon was "crashed" or was shutdown by force and did not have a clean finish.
The commands you used removed the stale files and thus made way for a new socket file to be created.
Also it is important to know if this was a minor or a major upgrade of PostgreSQL. Major upgrades always require a migration of the data directory. Running an old PostgreSQL data directory with a new engine might have unexpected results.