How to write this query in JPA - jpa

How to write this query in JPA?
select sol.ID_UNICA, sol.version
from uexdfr01.SOLUTION sol
(select solution4_.ID_UNICA, max(solution4_.version) as maxVersion
from uexdfr01.ORDER order3_
inner join uexdfr01.SOLUTION solution4_ on order3_.ID_SOLUTION=solution4_.ID_SOLUTION
where solution4_.ID_UNICA in (130,139,143,129,126,128,141,121,124,131)group by solution4_.ID_UNICA) as groupedtt
on sol.ID_UNICA = groupedtt.ID_UNICA
AND sol.version = groupedtt.maxVersion*

If you are not sure about db relationships use createNativeQuery and pass your query inside parenthesis.
Query selectRecords = getEntityManager().createNativeQuery(sqlQuery.toString());
Returned values are type of Objects so make sure to assign them in List as following way..
List<Object[]> data= selectRecords.getResultList();


How to add oracle hint (use_nl) to a spring boot jpa query

I have a hql query
select new com.packagename.CountryInfoDto(c.countriesId, c.internationalCode, c.countryName, from Country c
inner join OtherTable ot on c.otid =
where c.deleted = (:deleted)
order by c.countryName
I create the query like this.
TypedQuery query = entityManager.createQuery(queryString,
Now if I want to hint use_nl(c ot) (use nested loops) how can I add that hint?
You can't. You need to use a native query.

Inner join on one PostgreSQL database table and another one is normal array

I am new to PostgreSQL.
Can you please tell me why the below query is not working.
Select *
from custom_test as dbtable
inner join aLocalArray as localtable on =
Here custom_test is database table in PostgreSQL. aLocalArray is an array which is prepared by me.
If you want to join the array, you probably want to use UNNEST(array):
FROM custom_test AS dbtable
JOIN UNNEST (aLocalArray) AS localtable (id)
ON =
But as suggested in the comments, the = any(aLocalArray) predicate or even the ARRAY[] #> aLocalArray operator might also do the trick.

how to call spring jap query none parameters

I use spring data jpa with native query
I have already some query like this
How to use native query none parameter.
String q="SELECT t1.blockNumber-1 FROM someTAble t1 LEFT JOIN someTAble t2 ON t2.blockNumber = t1.blockNumber-1 WHERE t2.blockNumber IS NULL AND t1.blockNumber> 0 ORDER BY t1.blockNumber";
#Query(value = q,nativeQuery = true)
List<Entity> findByBlockNumberIs();
they are occur errors Column 'sequence' not found.
That query means are when i insert some Contiguous data int value then i find missing data.
this query working
SELECT *,t1.blockNumber-1 FROM someTAble t1 LEFT JOIN someTAble t2 ON t2.blockNumber = t1.blockNumber-1 WHERE t2.blockNumber IS NULL AND t1.blockNumber> 0 ORDER BY t1.blockNumber
The difference between the two queries is whether there is a '*' or not
how to change simple to my query.
How to i changed error
OR How to use spring data jpa predicate
QEntity qBe1= QEntity .blockEntity;
QEntity qBe2= QEntity .blockEntity;
is predicate can use left join?
use this.
List<Integer> findByBlockNumber()

Entity Framework 5: How to Outer Join Table Valued Function

I'm attempting to outer join a table with an inline table valued function in my LINQ query, but I get a query compilation error at runtime:
"The query attempted to call 'OuterApply' over a nested query, but 'OuterApply' did not have the appropriate keys."
My linq statement looks like this:
var testQuery = (from accountBase in ViewContext.AccountBases
join advisorConcatRaw in ViewContext.UFN_AccountAdvisorsConcatenated_Get()
on accountBase.AccountId equals advisorConcatRaw.AccountId into advisorConcatOuter
from advisorConcat in advisorConcatOuter.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
The function definition is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UFN_AccountAdvisorsConcatenated_Get()
SELECT AP.AccountId,
LEFT(AP.Advisors, LEN(AP.Advisors) - 1) AS Advisors
( SELECT AP2.PropertyValue + ', '
FROM dbo.AccountProperty AP2 WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE AP2.AccountId = AP.AccountId
AND AP2.AccountPropertyTypeId = 1 -- Advisor
FOR XML PATH('')) AS Advisors
FROM dbo.AccountProperty AP WITH (NOLOCK)) AP;
I can successfully perform the join directly in sql as follows:
SELECT ab.accountid,
FROM accountbase ab
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Ufn_accountadvisorsconcatenated_get() advisorConcat
ON ab.accountid = advisorConcat.accountid
Does anyone have a working example of left outer joining an inline TVF to a table in LINQ to entities - or is this a known defect, etc? Many thanks.
Entity Framework needs to know what the primary key columns of the TVF results are to do a left join. Basically you need to create a fake table which has same schema as your TVF results and update TVF in model browser to return the new created table type instead of default complex type. You could refer to this answer to get more details.

In JPA 2.0 JPQL, when one returns a NEW object, how may one make use of FETCH JOINs?

A colleague of mine has the following (apparently invalid) JPQL query:
SELECT NEW com.foobar.jpa.DonationAllocationDTOEntity(, a.campaign, a.campAppeal, a.campDivision, a.divisionFund)
FROM DonationAllocation a JOIN a.donation d JOIN a.allocationType t
JOIN FETCH a.campaign
WHERE = :donationId
AND (t.code = 'Pledge' OR t.code = 'MatchingPledge')
It is worth noting (for later in this message) that DonationAllocation's relationship with a Campaign entity is many-to-one, and is marked as FetchType.LAZY. My colleague's intent with this query is to (among other things) ensure that a.campaign is "inflated" (eagerly fetched).
Hibernate (obviously just one JPA implementation of several), when faced with this query, says:
query specified join fetching, but the owner of the fetched association was not present in the select list
This makes sense, as the select list contains only NEW DonationAllocationDTOEntity(), and section of the JPA 2.0 specification says:
The association referenced by the right side of the FETCH JOIN clause must be an association or element collection that is referenced from an entity or embeddable that is returned as a result of the query.
So since there is no "entity or embeddable that is returned as a result of the query" (it's a DTO constructed using the NEW operator), it follows that there is no possible association for a FETCH JOIN to reference, and hence this query is invalid.
How, given this limitation, should one construct a JPQL query in this case such that a.campaign--passed into the constructor expression--is fetched eagerly?
I would simply select the entity and its association, and llopover the results to invoke the DTO constructor explicitely. You would have the additional advantage of compile-time checks and refactorable code:
select a from DonationAllocation a
JOIN a.donation d
JOIN a.allocationType t
JOIN FETCH a.campaign
WHERE = :donationId
AND (t.code = 'Pledge' OR t.code = 'MatchingPledge')
for (DonationAllocation a : list) {
result.add(new DonationAllocationDTOEntity(,
This query should also select what's needed, and avoid selecting the whole DonationAllocation entity:
select, a.campaign, a.campAppeal, a.campDivision, a.divisionFund
from DonationAllocation a
JOIN a.donation d
JOIN a.allocationType t
WHERE = :donationId
AND (t.code = 'Pledge' OR t.code = 'MatchingPledge')
and you might just add the DTO constructor in the query if you want:
select new com.foobar.jpa.DonationAllocationDTOEntity(, a.campaign, a.campAppeal, a.campDivision, a.divisionFund)
from DonationAllocation a
JOIN a.donation d
JOIN a.allocationType t
WHERE = :donationId
AND (t.code = 'Pledge' OR t.code = 'MatchingPledge')
The fact the a.campaign is in the select clause should be sufficient to tell Hibernate to load the entity. At least that's how it behaves in my tests.