How to configure Redhat Developer (pom.xml) - jboss

I'm new to Jboss.
I tried everything: the Jboss documentation, YouTube videos, but I'm out of luck.
I'm using Redhat Developer to run quickstart examples like helloworld but I don't know why I am having this POM.xml error. I follow everything but still I'm getting this error.
As you can see the server is running good but I cannot see the option run as server.
I'm using Win 10 and Jboss eap 7.1 for runtime.


JBoss EAP migration 6.3 to 7.1

I'm trying to migrate my JBoss eap 6.3 to JBoss eap 7.1, using a jboss migration tool, but the is giving me illegalargumentexception: failed to retrieve server SOURCE
I'm tryin to follow this guide
But unfortunately can't even get to run the migration tool
here is my directory structure
Hopefully someone can guide me on this
THanks in advance
I don't see -s or -t in the instructions. Try one of the versions in the guide. This one is when using a properties file.
EAP_HOME/bin/ --source EAP_PREVIOUS_HOME --environment path/to/

Eclipse che cannot deploy web application archive

I'm trying to run eclipse che and i'm stuck. Everything runs fine until the 3rd step of workspace creation "injecting and starting workspace agent".
After deploying web application archive it just shows an error that the workspace agent is not responding and it will be stopped. There isn't any other error during the initialization and everything seems to load fine. I suppose
I got the same issue on both windows (8 and 10) and ubuntu latest LTS. I suppose docker is responsible for the error but i can't find any solution.
Uninstalling everything, and downloading the docker toolbox manually solved the issue on windows. Seems like the eclipse che installer has some version issues.

GlassFish Server works on Netbeans 7.2 but not on 7.3

I have just installed Netbeans 7.3. Prepared a sample web application.
But Glassfish does not start.
Error message is "....\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1036: Deployment error: GlassFish Server 3+ Server start failed. Cant create start proccess.
See the server log for details."
Unfortunately nothing in the server log.
I deleted domains folder and server then recreated. Nothing changed. :(
Is it a bug related to ?
Any solution?
My system is 64 Bit Windows 7 with Turkish locale.
Web application is Primefaces based, JSF 2.1
I think this is about language settings.
You can change localization settings in the netBeans configuration file($NETBEANSHOME/etc/netbeans.conf).
Just add "--locale en" to end of the "netbeans_default_options" line.
Also you can start glassfish with asaadmin tool with following these steps.
1- execute C:\Program Files\glassfish-\bin\asaadmin.bat
2- start-domain

Remote Tomcat 7 debug issues in Eclipse

I'm able to create a simple Web project in Eclipse that has a simple single HelloWorld servlet. I'm able to debug this fine with the local Tomcat (setting breakpoints in the index.jsp or in the servlet), which land when I try the sample URL:
However, when I try to use the Eclipse debug configuration for a remote java application, I am able to connect and see the server threads, but my application does not deploy, and the URL appears as if the web module never deployed. (There are 404 errors for the same URL above.) Help me StackOverflow, you're my only hope.
Things I have tried:
Set environment variables such as JPDA_ADDRESS to 8000, JPDA_TRANSPORT to dt_socket.
Set those in the (on a remote linux Tomcat7 server) or catalina.bat
Run the catalina startup script with jpda run, or with jpda start
I've extensively scoured online resources and noone else seems to have this problem, other than one article that simply recommended Jetty. (I came from a background of never having a problem with this using WAS.)
Other pieces of info:
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)
MyEclipse 10 (based on Eclipse 3.7.2)

unable to download glassfish 3 from netbeans

I have centos installed on myserver and for development i have installed NetBeans IDE 6.9.1.
Now as glassfish 3 was not present on my server i tried to download it from netbeans itself using
add server panel but when i click on download i am getting I/O exception , following is the screen shot
can anyone tell me how to get rid off it ..
This is caused by some poor programming on my part and the CollabNet to Kenai migration of the web sites.
The url for downloading became something like when the migration took place. 6.9.1 had shipped long before the migration took place and remapping this URL did not get put on 'the list' of URLs that had to be remapped.
Some of the coding problems have been addressed in 7.0 builds. Since 7.0 is nearly FCS, you may want to consider using those builds instead of 6.9.1...
Note: you download GlassFish Server Open Source Edition with the following link: