JBoss EAP migration 6.3 to 7.1 - jboss

I'm trying to migrate my JBoss eap 6.3 to JBoss eap 7.1, using a jboss migration tool, but the jboss-server-migration.sh is giving me illegalargumentexception: failed to retrieve server SOURCE
I'm tryin to follow this guide
But unfortunately can't even get to run the migration tool
here is my directory structure
Hopefully someone can guide me on this
THanks in advance

I don't see -s or -t in the instructions. Try one of the versions in the guide. This one is when using a properties file.
EAP_HOME/bin/jboss-server-migration.sh --source EAP_PREVIOUS_HOME --environment path/to/my-server-migration.properties


how to migrating application jboss fuse standalone to jboss fuse openshift

I'm a newbie in DevOps. So I want to migrate an application from JBoss fuse in my laptop to Openshift fuse. How do I do that?
I have tried using oc command to build my source code on laptop but it doesn't work.
here is the error pic
thank you in advance
this seems to be the oc bug 1398330, which was merged into ocp and is in OCP v3.5.0.7 or newer.
Please test with the newest version.

How to configure Redhat Developer (pom.xml)

I'm new to Jboss.
I tried everything: the Jboss documentation, YouTube videos, but I'm out of luck.
I'm using Redhat Developer to run quickstart examples like helloworld but I don't know why I am having this POM.xml error. I follow everything but still I'm getting this error.
As you can see the server is running good but I cannot see the option run as server.
I'm using Win 10 and Jboss eap 7.1 for runtime.

How to install fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-262 patch in EAP 6.4 server

Could you please help me in installing fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-262 patch in EAP 6.4 server. I have already installed fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-187, now I need to install fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-262.
Thanks in advance.
You run fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-262.jar and it will apply the upgrade. For example:
java -jar fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-262.jar /opt/jboss-eap-6.4
I updated the answer as it seems you hit a problem:
C:\Temp\Selva\Installations\EAP_Server_6.4>java -jar
M:\Selva\Software\fuse-eap-installer-6.3.0.redhat-262.jar Error: Unable to determine current fuse patch version
If I remember correctly, there's a bug in the installer on Windows. There's a knowledge base article which explains how to resolve the problem here https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2960241.

Easier Approach - Jboss AS Upgrade 6.1 to 6.4 - RedHat Linux

We got farm of Red Hat servers which has Jboss 6.1 in our environments. Now we need to upgrade Jboss AS to 6.4. The easy way is to deploy the new version on the server and copy the config files and modules to the new jboss instance. It requires additional space in the filesystem.
Is there any other way to upgrade to 6.4 without having multiple instances. I am looking something like a patch upgrade on the existing Jboss 6.1 instance in CLI mode.
Please update your valuable thoughts.
You can use patch in CLI mode, See the guide[1]

How to upgrade JBoss Web in JBoss 5.x.x?

JBoss Web 2.1.3 in JBoss 5.1.0 has some fixes that I need on a production server running JBoss Web 2.1.2 in JBoss 5.0.1.
I don't want to upgrade to JBoss 5.1.0 yet on a production cluster. This is too risky.
So how do I upgrade JBoss Web only?
This is a sar. So I'd imagine all that is required is to switch in jbossweb.sar from JBoss 5.0.1.
Has anybody done this? Is this the correct approach? Are there any gotchas?
I can't find any useful documentation in relation to this on the web.
Maybe I should ask this question on serverfault - but there seems to be less activity there.
Swapping out jbossweb.sar might work, but it's pretty risky in itself. If you're averse to the risk in moving to 5.1, I'd be just as averse to the risk of swapping JBossWeb.
That said, if you have a good automated test suite, then you might be able to get enough confidence in the swap to take it to production.
This sort of situation is where I get a lot of value from the RedHat/JBoss EAP subscription - they will backport fixes to the version of JBoss that you're running, plus test and verify it for you.
I managed to reproduce the bug we had and verified that it did not occur with jboss 5.1.0.
I upgraded to jboss 5.1.0 to sort this out.
That plus lots of system testing and everyone was happy.
Based on https://docs.jboss.org/jbossweb/2.1.x/building.html and https://developer.jboss.org/thread/156024:
mkdir -p /tmp/jbossweb && cd /tmp/jbossweb
svn checkout https://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbossweb/branches/2.1.x/
wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.6.5-bin.tar.gz
tar -zxvf apache-ant-1.6.5-bin.tar.gz && cd 2.1.x
../apache-ant-1.6.5-bin/bin/ant download
cp output/jars/jbossweb.jar $JBOSS_5.1.0.GA_HOME/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/