Split IEC 61131-3 DINT into two INT variables (PLC structured text) - matlab

I want to publish a DINT variable (dintTest) over MODBUS on a PLC to read it with Matlab Instrument Control Toolbox. Turns out, Matlab can read Modbus variables but only INT16. So i want to split the DINT variable into two INT variables in IEC. I found this solution, but this only allows values from +- 0 ... 32767^2:
dintTest := -2;
b := dintTest MOD 32767;
a := dintTest / 32767;
result := 32767 * a + b;
c := DINT_TO_INT(b); // publish over modbus
d := DINT_TO_INT(a); // publish over modbus
What would be the solution for the whole range of DINT?
I read with a matlab function block in simulink (requires Instrument Control Toolbox):
function Check = MBWriteHoldingRegs(Values,RegAddr)
m = modbus('tcpip', '');
Check = Values;

I would better split DINT to 2 WORD
diInt: DINT := -2;
dwTemp: DWORD;
w1: WORD;
w2: WORD;
dwTemp := DINT_TO_DWORD(diInt);
w1 := DWORD_TO_WORD(dwTemp);
w2 := DWORD_TO_WORD(SHR(dwTemp, 16));
And then I could build it back in matlab.
The point here is not using mathematic but bit masks.


Programming with Maple for Numerical Analysis : Relative error

I am working on some Numerical Analysis with Maple as a part of my course and I am not sure where my error is with the code I am using.. If anyone can point out my flaw It would be very much appreciated as I seem to be getting the answer wrong.
f(x)=sqrt((cosh(x))^2 + 1) - sinh(x).
Find a good approximation to f(4.86) using a 6-digit arithmetic.
Then, Use 20 digit arithmetic to calculate the relative error.
Finally, round it to 6 (significant) digits
f := sqrt(cosh(x)^2+1)-sinh(x);
f1 := evalf[6](f(4.86));
f1 := 0.0155
f2 := evalf(f(4.86));
f2 := 0.01550004
Digits := 20;
Digits := 20
Q4 := abs((f2-f1)/f2);
Q4 := 0.0000025806385015780604437
Digits := 6;
Digits := 6
Thanks everyone
You've made one syntax transcription mistake, and one Maple programming mistake.
Your first line is
f := sqrt(cosh(x)^2+1)-sinh(x);
but you subsequently call it like an operator (procedure), eg. f(4.86) and obtain a numeric value. Therefore you must have originally used something like this procedure, instead.
f := x -> sqrt(cosh(x)^2+1)-sinh(x);
So that was likely just a transcription error when posting here.
You have made a programming mistake, in computing
f2 := evalf(f(4.86));
before setting the working-precision environment variable Digits to 20. Thus you have computed f2 at only the default Digits=10 working precision. But from the wording of the question it seems that you are being asked to compute f2 also at 20 digits of working precision.
Your code might be revised as follows:
f := x -> sqrt(cosh(x)^2+1)-sinh(x):
f1 := evalf[6](f(4.86));
f1 := 0.0155
Digits := 20:
f2 := evalf(f(4.86));
f2 := 0.015500036806894590
Q4 := abs((f2-f1)/f2);
Q4 := 0.0000023746327217512077767
You have used two different mechanisms for specifying the working precision. You could have also done it (slightly more consistently in methodology) as follows:
f := x -> sqrt(cosh(x)^2+1)-sinh(x):
f1 := evalf[6]( f(4.86) );
f1 := 0.0155
f2 := evalf[20](f(4.86));
f2 := 0.015500036806894590
rel := evalf[20]( abs((f2-f1)/f2) );
rel := 0.0000023746327217512077767
evalf[6]( rel );
There's always the possibility that I have misunderstood the question. What is the desired answer?

User defined functions with params

In codesys some functions support what in other languages is usually called 'params', i.e. a function that can take a varied amount of similarly typed variables. For example the ADD Operator (function in ladder).
My question is, if there's any way to do the same in user defined functions?
The only idea that I have so far is to take an ARRAY [*] OF SOMETHING and use LOWER_BOUND and UPPER_BOUND to do the computations. This does work, but requires the user to create an additional array variable every time they want to call my function. For example, we have the CONCAT function that concatenates 2 strings. Suppose I want a CONCAT_ALL function that takes n strings and concatenates them all:
STRS: ARRAY [0..9] OF STRING := [STR1, STR2, STR3, STR4, STR5, STR6, STR7, STR8, STR9, STR10];
// This works, but I want to avoid creating an array variable!
// This doesn't work!
(EDIT: As I was asked, I am using Schneider Electric Machine Expert 1.2, or CODESYS compiler
There is hope in the future!
In Codesys V3.5 SP16 it seems to be finally possible to use FUNCTIONs and METHODs with optional arguments. Of course this will be in non-codesys products, like TwinCAT and Schneider, in later versions.
This means you can finally create a CONCAT with 100 arguments and call it with just for example 3! Awesome.
Here is an object oriented example of a string concatenator Function Block:
First we define an Interface with 2 methods:
INTERFACE I_MultipleConcat
METHOD concatString : I_MultipleConcat
sTarget : STRING;
METHOD getResult
sRetrieveResult : STRING(1000);
Then the Function Block which implements the Interface:
FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_MultipleConcat IMPLEMENTS I_MultipleConcat
uiLen : UINT;
sResult : STRING(1000);
METHOD concatString : I_MultipleConcat
sTarget : STRING;
//make sure that the length of sResult is not exceeded
IF uiLen + INT_TO_UINT(LEN(sTarget)) <= (SIZEOF(sResult)-1)
//add uiLen as offset to sResult memory access
memcpy(ADR(sResult) + uiLen,ADR(sTarget),LEN(sTarget));
uiLen := uiLen + INT_TO_UINT(LEN(sTarget));
//return the instance of this FuncBlock in order to concat new strings
//with concatString() or pass the result to another STRING with getResult()
concatString := THIS^;
METHOD getResult
sRetrieveResult : STRING(1000);
sRetrieveResult := sResult;
sResult := '';
uiLen := 0;
You can call it like this:
IF NOT bInit
bInit := TRUE;
//s1 must be a STRING(1000) otherwise compile error
.concatString('Test1 ')
.concatString('Test2 ')
.concatString('Test3 ')
Short answer: There is no way to pass n arguments to a function.
Structured text is a strongly and statically typed language designed for hard real time requirements and it is not a scripting language like Python.
If you have a lot of string manipulations in your code that you don't want to do in python but in your real time loop (and you should assess if it's really necessary depending on your requirements) and still want to make it in a comfortable way, then you have to put some effort in it and build a string manipulation library yourself.
After that you could have a very comfortable function call like this:
sResult := F_Concat6(str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6);
I understand that it is tempting to adopt thought and programming patterns learned from other programming languages, but structured text and real time industrial control programming is really another kind of beast compared to common user land programming.
With that I mean, that there are specific reasons why the language is designed as it is and when those principles are correctly understood and applied, rock solid architectures derive from them.
To sum it up, my two cents of advice on this:
Think and write software as expected by your domain and do not port incompatible working methods from other domains.
No you cannot pass n arguments to function.
But you can pass an array, with none fixed number of elements. Syntaxyx for Codesys 2.3.
asParts: POINTER TO ARRAY[0..10000] OF STRING(20); (* Array of strings *)
iNum: INT; (* Number of elements *)
iCount: INT; (* For cycle *)
FOR iCount := 0 TO 10000 DO
IF iCount > iNum THEN
(* Array 1 to test *)
asTest1: ARRAY[1..2] OF STRING(20) := 'String 1', 'String 2';
(* Array 2 to test *)
asTest2: ARRAY[1..3] OF STRING(20) := 'String 1', 'String 2', 'String 3';
s1: STRING(250);
s2: STRING(250);
s1 := CONCAT_ALL(ADR(asTest1), 2);
s1 := CONCAT_ALL(ADR(asTest2), 3);

Twincat 3: How to convert 4 HEX array to Float?

we are receiving (via UDP datagram) a float value codified by 4 bytes hex array.
We need to convert from 4 hex bytes to a float.
udp_data[0] = 'BE';
udp_data[1] = '7A';
udp_data[2] = 'E0';
udp_data[3] = 'F4';
In the given example, the correct equivalence, after transformation, udp_data is equivalent to -0.24499:
What is the optimal conversion in Twincat 3 PLC? maybe some library? We need to perform 52 transformation at once of this type.
I attached an example with an example taken from an online calculator:
You can use a UNION type, which will at the same address hold a byte array (like the one you get from your UDP communication) and the real var which you want to convert to.
When you change the byte array, the real automatically reflects it. The conversion works the other way around also, in fact.
TYPE U_Convert :
arrUDP_Data: ARRAY [0 .. 3] OF BYTE; // Array must start with LSB
rReal : REAL;
In MAIN you can declare the following var.
uConvert: U_Convert;
fValue : REAL;
And in the body of MAIN, update the byte array to requested values.
// Here we update the byte array
uConvert.arrUDP_Data[0] := 16#F4; // LSB
uConvert.arrUDP_Data[1] := 16#E0;
uConvert.arrUDP_Data[2] := 16#7A;
uConvert.arrUDP_Data[3] := 16#BE; // MSB
// Here we 'use' the converted value
fValue := uConvert.rReal;
I assume you have an array of bytes.
Header (put this in own function block if you want):
aByteArray : ARRAY[1..4] OF BYTE := [16#F4, 16#E0, 16#7A, 16#BE];
fRealValue : REAL;
pt := ADR(aByteArray);
fRealValue := pt^;
Will give you the desired result:

Average value of input Data in Mitsubishi GX Works 2

I need to obtain an average value of my input signals from mitsubishi input module Q64AD. I'm working in GX Works 2 in structured text.
This is how i used to obtain average value in Codesys:
timer_sr(IN:= NOT timer_sr.Q , PT:= T#5s );
SUM1:= SUM1 + napr1;
Nsum:=Nsum + 1;
IF timer_sr.Q THEN
timer_sr(IN:= NOT timer_sr.Q , PT:= T#5s);
outsr := SUM1 /Nsum;
Nsum := 0;
SUM1 := 0;
napr1 - is value from module
This piece of code is not working in GX Works 2, and i think because SUM1 is not an INT data type, but just a Word[signed] type.
Is there a way to make SUM1 an INT type or may be there is another logic to that solution?
In other platforms it should work but the compiler gives a warning so I guess it will still compile? Of course, if the value is negative there will be problems.
You can convert a WORD to INT by the IEC function WORD_TO_INT. I'm not sure how well your system follows the standard but if it does, try the following:
WORD_TO_INT(SUM1). If the SUM1 > 65535 then there will be problems as the upper bound of INTis 32767.
If this doesn't help, could you provide more details? How is it not workin?
Ps. The WORD is unsigned data type, not signed as you wrote.

How to customize the output of the Postgres Pseudo Encrypt function?

I would like to use the pseudo_encrypt function mentioned a few times on StackOverflow to make my IDs look more random: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Pseudo_encrypt
How can I customize this to output unique "random" numbers for just me. I read somewhere that you can just change the 1366.0 constant, but I don't want to take any risks with my IDs as any potential ID duplicates would cause major issues.
I really have no idea what each constant actually does, so I don't want to mess around with it unless I get some direction. Does anyone know which constants I can safely change?
Here it is:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "pseudo_encrypt"("VALUE" int) RETURNS int IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function_pseudo_encrypt$
l1 int;
l2 int;
r1 int;
r2 int;
i int:=0;
l1:= ("VALUE" >> 16) & 65535;
r1:= "VALUE" & 65535;
l2 := r1;
r2 := l1 # ((((1366.0 * r1 + 150889) % 714025) / 714025.0) * 32767)::int;
r1 := l2;
l1 := r2;
i := i + 1;
RETURN ((l1::int << 16) + r1);
$function_pseudo_encrypt$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
for bigint's
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "pseudo_encrypt"("VALUE" bigint) RETURNS bigint IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function_pseudo_encrypt$
l1 bigint;
l2 bigint;
r1 bigint;
r2 bigint;
i int:=0;
l1:= ("VALUE" >> 32) & 4294967295::bigint;
r1:= "VALUE" & 4294967295;
l2 := r1;
r2 := l1 # ((((1366.0 * r1 + 150889) % 714025) / 714025.0) * 32767*32767)::bigint;
r1 := l2;
l1 := r2;
i := i + 1;
RETURN ((l1::bigint << 32) + r1);
$function_pseudo_encrypt$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Alternative solution: use different ciphers
Other cipher functions are now available on postgres wiki. They're going to be significantly slower, but aside from that, they're better candidates for generating customized random-looking series of unique numbers.
For 32 bit outputs, Skip32 in plpgsql will encrypt its input with a 10 bytes wide key, so you just have to choose your own secret key to have your own specific permutation (the particular order in which the 2^32 unique values will come out).
For 64 bit outputs, XTEA in plpgsql will do similarly, but using a 16 bytes wide key.
Otherwise, to just customize pseudo_encrypt, see below:
Explanations about pseudo_encrypt's implementation:
This function has 3 properties
global unicity of the output values
pseudo-random effect
The first and second property come from the Feistel Network, and as already explained in #CodesInChaos's answer, they don't depend on the choice of these constants: 1366 and also 150889 and 714025.
Make sure when changing f(r1) that it stays a function in the mathematical sense, that is x=y implies f(x)=f(y), or in other words the same input must always produce the same output. Breaking this would break the unicity.
The purpose of these constants and this formula for f(r1) is to produce a reasonably good pseudo-random effect. Using postgres built-in random() or similar method is not possible because it's not a mathematical function as described above.
Why these arbitrary constants? In this part of the function:
r2 := l1 # ((((1366.0 * r1 + 150889) % 714025) / 714025.0) * 32767)::int;
The formula and the values 1366, 150889 and 714025 come from Numerical recipes in C (1992, by William H.Press, 2nd ed.), chapter 7: random numbers, specifically p.284 and 285.
The book is not directly indexable on the web but readable through an interface here: http://apps.nrbook.com/c/index.html .It's also cited as a reference in various source code implementing PRNGs.
Among the algorithms discussed in this chapter, the one used above is very simple and relatively effective. The formula to get a new random number from a previous one (jran) is:
jran = (jran * ia + ic) % im;
ran = (float) jran / (float) im; /* normalize into the 0..1 range */
where jran is the current random integer.
This generator will necessarily loop over itself after a certain number of values (the "period"), so the constants ia, ic and im have to be chosen carefully for that period to be as large as possible. The book provides a table p.285 where constants are suggested for various lengths of the period.
ia=1366, ic=150889 and im=714025 is one of the entries for a period of
229 bits, which is way more than needed.
Finally the multiplication by 32767 or 215-1 is not part of the PRNG but meant to produce a positive half-integer from the 0..1 pseudo-random float value. Don't change that part, unless to widen the blocksize of the algorithm.
This function looks like a blockcipher based on a Feistel network - but it's lacking a key.
The Feistel construction is bijective, i.e. it guarantees that there are no collisions. The interesting part is: r2 := l1 # f(r1). As long as f(r1) only depends on r1 the pseudo_encrypt will be bijective, no matter what the function does.
The lack of key means that anybody who knows the source code can recover the sequential ID. So you're relying on security-though-obscurity.
The alternative is using a block cipher which takes a key. For 32 bit blocks there are relatively few choices, I know of Skip32 and ipcrypt. For 64 bit blocks there are many ciphers to choose from, including 3DES, Blowfish and XTEA.