2 separate facebook pixels - one integrated into shopify, one on GTM - How to make it work? - facebook

I have a fairly unique business model in which I need to use a retail partner to sell my produce because licensing is difficult. They have to collect money and transfer it to supplies on my behalf so my product must be sold on their site.
They have their own acquisition campaigns running through facebook and therefor have a facebook pixel passing data for those ads and it's directly integrated into shopify. Our products end up just being another sku on their site but we would like to also support those with facebook ads so would need to have our pixel as well. Unfortunately shopify only allows one tracking code from facebook.
Would there be any issue is setting our facebook pixel up on Google Tag Manager (we have the container across their site) and expecting it to fire in parallel with the pixel that they have integrated into shopify?
Followup, same scenario for Google Analytics, Google Adwords, etc.


How to dynamically change content depending on data from Facebook analytics?

Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API so there is no way to push content to a users phone based on segments anymore, correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that I want to analyse Facebook analytic data programatically and display different products to my customers based on how they use the app, to do this I need access to Facebook analytics through a PHP SDK or JavaScript SDK. How do I access Facebook analytics programatically? I can't find anything in their PHP SDK which would let me do this.
Furthermore, I want to push notifications to specific segments of users, now that Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API, how can this be accomplished?
Could it be worth switching to Firebase / Google analytics, would these services allow me to accomplish these tasks?
Analytics is primarily about post-event analysis, vs real-time optimization. All of the products you mention focus on post-event analysis and don't support you reading data out for a single individual (i.e. the current user), through an API or otherwise.

Notification from Facebook for App - This account has enhanced targeting data set to off

I recently created an app on developers.facebook.com to learn OAuth using OpenFB. I got it working but from yesterday I've been getting a notification message written below in my facebook app account - to be frank I don't understand what they are trying to say. Can anyone please shed some light?
This account has enhanced targeting data set to off. We are removing the opt out setting, effective October 15. Note that data received through the use of our pixel and mobile app events has not been used for targeting to date, and we do not have plans to do so beyond small-scale tests. If we start using this data to improve ad targeting, we will ensure that this data makes up only a small percentage of the inputs into each targeting segment. You can also remove the Facebook pixel, app events and Social Plugins from your websites and apps before the effective date.
In essence, Facebook can collect data about what a user does on your app/site to build a more dynamic profile of that individual, and target them better.
This article does a good job of explaining what it is - note: the article is from when the advanced targeting data collection first started to roll out.

How do we figure out to track facebook app installs to a specific marketing campaign and associated that with our own internal user ID?

This seems like a pretty basic need but I am unsure how to do it. Use case:
Company pays FB $$$ for mobile app install.
User clicks on facebook add to install your app
User starts the app. The code in the initialization function (appDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions on IOS) calls FBAppEvents activateApp]
Presumably somewhere in the
Facebook SDK the IDFA is sent to facebook.
Facebook correlates
the IDFA with the facebook app events to figure out what facebook
add was clicked. This data is then fed to facebook analytics so you
can see what campaign was used.
What I need is that after step 5 completes a way to figure what user ID's are associated with the specific facebook campaign. We would use this in our own internal tools to measure the campaign success. Preferably I would do this on the mobile end and send up the campaign source. Alternatively, we could do it server side. But I just don't see a way to get at the campaign data.
You could use Deferred Deep Linking with a parameter flagging the campaign install source. You'd miss out on view-through attribution (you could use Ads Manager to scale it up in aggregate), but it'd get you some user-level tracking.

users cannot be redirected to website from facebook advertisement

We publish advertisement on facebook and we have a new domain. The problem is that advertisement click rate on facebook panel is 6193 but only 1682 person enter website accordşng to google analytic.
There are about 4500 hit which is lost. AS you know, users are redirected to our website after click on facebook advertisement but they cannot access to our website. we are waiting your kindly response.
our website: testmastersatinal.com
Try using Google's URL builder to properly code the landing page URL in such a way that GA will recognize the traffic as having come from your FB advertising campaign. Here's a blog describing how it is done.
For reasons that I do not yet completely understand - but apparently have to do with the internal FB redirect process for ads, much of my traffic from Facebook shows up in Google Analytics as (direct)/(none). I've found that setting the GA UTM codes on the landing page URL will help by using Google's URL builder helps with this issue.
More generally, in my experience, advertiser reported clicks are often different from what you see in GA. In fact, I'm working on trying to resolve this issue now with another advertising platform (not FB) who is billing us for 2.5x the number of clicks we are seeing in Google Analytics.
There are many possible causes for this, and you can find relevant discussions on
webmasters, moz.
One thing you should try is segmenting the referrals by device (mobile, tablet, desktop) or operating system, etc. See if the percentage of traffic is much lower from your ad on one particular device or operating system. This may indicate that the GA tracking is not working correctly on that device or OS.

How do users rate Facebook Connect site?

The fairly new addition of the Facebook app center raises a question for me. I have a facebook connect site. App Center allows websites to be listed there as well as canvas apps. I see sites like Pinterest are there and they have ratings (1-5 stars). The app center listing process even requires that you have a certain rating and enough positive feedback before they will list your app publicly. I do not see any API or social plugin to allow my site visitors to rate the site. How do these other sites have a rating?
There is no API to rate an app at the moment, instead Facebook randomly ask users to rate apps they've used based on a variety of criteria.
The primary reason for this is to make it harder to manipulate the ratings so users can have confidence that the score they see is accurate.