How do we figure out to track facebook app installs to a specific marketing campaign and associated that with our own internal user ID? - facebook

This seems like a pretty basic need but I am unsure how to do it. Use case:
Company pays FB $$$ for mobile app install.
User clicks on facebook add to install your app
User starts the app. The code in the initialization function (appDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions on IOS) calls FBAppEvents activateApp]
Presumably somewhere in the
Facebook SDK the IDFA is sent to facebook.
Facebook correlates
the IDFA with the facebook app events to figure out what facebook
add was clicked. This data is then fed to facebook analytics so you
can see what campaign was used.
What I need is that after step 5 completes a way to figure what user ID's are associated with the specific facebook campaign. We would use this in our own internal tools to measure the campaign success. Preferably I would do this on the mobile end and send up the campaign source. Alternatively, we could do it server side. But I just don't see a way to get at the campaign data.

You could use Deferred Deep Linking with a parameter flagging the campaign install source. You'd miss out on view-through attribution (you could use Ads Manager to scale it up in aggregate), but it'd get you some user-level tracking.


How to Use Firebase Dynamic Link in Facebook App Install Ad?

I'm trying to create app install ads on Facebook for an App. I would like to track installs via Dynamic Links so I can see the effectiveness of each ad/campaign for user retention & various conversion events down the funnel.
With Facebook Ads, the only option for tracking is to add a dynamic link to the ad. However, the Firebase link is not a dynamic link, but a web link, so it isn't accepted by Facebook Ads.
I'm curious if others have had this problem and if there is a solution.
I believe this may not currently be possible.
At, we have a workaround for this by inputting a backup URI scheme link into the Facebook ad. But it appears the Firebase dynamic link does not have the required App Links tags set to support this method.
You may either need to rely on the Facebook console to track these, or use a different deep link provider.

Is this the best way to integrate and use the Facebook API "toolset" in my quiz game?

Im currently building a simple time based quiz game with Javascript. In this game im looking to enable the option of being able to challenge your facebook friends.
This has naturally had me look at the Facebook (API) tools available that would allow me to interact with the targeted friends to be challenged.
Im wondering if anyone could comment on my approach of the Facebook tools intended to be used and whether there's actually some better approach or even Facebook tools that I have missed and should consider in my setup.
My intention is to interact and engage with the friends I challenge / invite using the most relevant Facebook tools available.
The user connects through Facebook login - either creating a
user profile or automatically getting logged in upon visit, if the
fb_uid already exists in the DB. We get access token, email and all the basic stuff.
The user clicks a "Challenge your friends" button and the Facebook Request dialog is initiated showing the inbuilt Facebook multi friend invite selector box. The user click some friends and submits.
= RESULT - A request to the friend is now viewable and visible in the App center
3. FB App Notifications - Engage more "visible" with your challenges friend
Upon submit from step nr 2, we would also initiate a App Notification call to the Graph API, that would eneable us to "post" a notification direct into the challenged notification tray.
There are some restrictions on which user you can post directly into the tray at, which would leave us to do some pre-checking on the basis of:
3.1 - First check if the challenged/invited user already has authorized the app
3.2 - If 3.1 is true, then initiate the App notifications Graph API call = notification posted to the tray.
One important note to this step - i've read that before you can initiate this call, then you need to fetch the Access token of the app itself and make the call to the Graph API with the app access token and not the user access token - not sure if anyone can confirm this.
3.3 - If 3.1 is false, then we're just left with the request to the app center.
Q1. The intended interaction of challenging/inviting your friends in step nr 2 "worries" me a bit. Seeing the request ends up in the App center ONLY, the only way the user will see the notification is "accidently" seeing a number next to the App center left menu link. To me it seems unlikely few people will react to this??
Q2. The real engaging interaction seems to be in App Notifications - however you can only use this with users that ALREADY have accepted your app, leaving out a big chunk of people to interact more "visible" with.
I do know this restriction is probably due to spammy behaviour.
Are this really the most optimal approach of the Facebook toolset I can use in my little game?
The general idea of your approach seems fine. I've never had any experience with App Center, so i can't really comment on how effective and easy it would be implementing that approach, but there is an alternative.
Instead of inviting friends through App Center, you can simply leave a message on their wall using JS feed dialog, asking them to join you in the game (Leave a link or something that will handle the challenge part)

IFrame application to buy tickets

So I am planning to develop an IFRAME facebook app which lets users buy tickets from Facebook using our website.
Basically I would like to know whether its possible to do what I have in mind.
Each event posted in our website has a specific link associated with it and we already provide a facility whereby event organizers can integrate our app into their website using an IFRAME.
Now I would like to know whether it is possible to have the same concept applied on a Facebook App. Each event will have its own EventId and I do not wish to have all events listed on our App. Each promoter that has his own Facebook page will be able to integrated the APP and will only see his events. Is this possible since you need to bind your Facebook to a specific URL?
Yes! This is possible. What you'll need to do is have a tab application that the promoter installs on their page. Each promoter installs the exact same application so you only need to have one.
When the app is loaded within the page, it will receive a signed_request parameter. You'll need to decode it first, but once you do, you'll be able to see where the app is running because the signed_request will contain the page_id. Once you know what page is displaying your application, you'll be able to display appropriate content.

Where to begin with using Facebook's PHP SDK to create events?

I want to use Facebook's PHP SDK to create/update/cancel events on our Facebook Page, whenever they are added/modified/deleted within the "calendar of events" database table on our web site.
Where do I even begin with this? I have the SDK installed, but I am having a really hard time figuring out how to register my own custom app and install it to my Facebook user account. I did manage to get an App ID and App Secret, and I also created a minimal canvas and indicated which persmissions the app needs. But, for the life of me I can't figure out how to install the app on my FB user account.
I don't want to make the app available to others, and I don't even want to access it while I'm logged into Facebook. I just want to be able to do something like $fbapi->createEvent() within my own code on my own site.
Also, do I need to have an authenticated Facebook user session/cookie when calling the API to create the event? It seems to me that would eliminate the possibility of creating events via a command-line PHP cron job.
I feel like I am understanding bits and pieces of this, but there are gaps in my understanding and I'm not seeing how all the pieces fit together. Any direction would be immensely appreciated!
First play around with the Graph API Explorer so you can understand better how the Graph is used. From there you can then learn about the PHP SDK and how to do the same things you did with the explorer tool. Events are here documented here:

How to share from iphone app to any windows phone 7 app?

Let's say I have app on iPhone and Windows Phone 7. How to share (ex. Note) between my both apps, regardless any platform.
Guess this question is very broad, my bad.
Be more specific, I want the user to go through his contact list and share through my app. How do I identify if the other user installed my app? and what platform he/she using?
Using the contact list isn't a good way to "share" in this regard.
You're asking two questions here:
How to build a system to share data between two mobile clients, irrespective of platform?
How to best enable users to find their friends to share data?
Let's start with the 2nd question.
I would leverage services like Twitter and Facebook and have your app connect with your users facebook account. This is a well known approach, and avoids having to roll your own account system.
With facebook as an example:
Facebook connect, you can get the facebookID of your user, as well as their friends facebookID. You'll need a backend webservice which you can query users by fbID.
When a user opts to use their facebook account, store their FacebookID on your backend service. Then using facebook's api's get a list of their friends facebookID's. Your app will lookup each ID using your backend service, and if it finds one, then you know that friend has also installed the app, and connected it to facebook.
So if Alice installed your app, connects to facebook, and she is friends with Bob, who also has installed your app, your back end service would return that Bob's facebookID is known to your app, and thus the two of them can share to each other using some protocol that you design.
If their friend's ID isn't known to your system, I would send them a facebook message, or post on thier wall with a restful link that invites them to check out the note you want to share on the web, and place the link to the app on the same page.
Due to the high level of your question, this answer is a bit of a 20,000ft view, and assumes you know how to build a web service.
If you want to see a great example of an app that makes use Facebook and or Twitter to find friends who also use the same app, I recommend checking out Groupme. It's free, and available for WP7, iPhone, and Android. It's a group SMS app, and uses your contact list, facebook, and twitter, to setup friends.
For the first question, you'll need to make use of a backend webservice. User would elect to share either in-app, or by posting to their facebook, with a weblink. In-app sharing, I would use an inbox approach. A user posts a message to their friend, and it gets stored in a queue. The app periodically checks the users queue to see if any new "shares" have been posted. If so, get that data, and present it to the user. Your back end service should also take advantage of newer app concepts like push notifications, because thats what users expect.
I would suggest using a web service such as Parse. This will allow you to focus on your app development and not worry about server coding.
Currently they do not have a Windows Phone 7 SDK but it is just a matter of making the REST requests manually to the service.