Doxygen , generate documents only for added/updated apis - doxygen

I am using doxygen to generate docs on some java file written by someone else.
I need to generate doc only for my added or updated api or field. Please suggest if this is possible.


How can I include a swagger/openapi yaml file into doctoolchain and get a swagger-like output without using a confluence plugin?

I've tried using to create an HTML or PDF doc that includes a swagger/openapi yaml file. It looks like the only output for this is into confluence which also requires an additional confluence plugin. Is this the only option at this time? I am able to do other asciidoc and diagram formatting using docToolchain and I'd be very happy to include swagger. I can publish to confluence but cannot get either of the swagger plugins added to our system.
Beside being able to publish it to confluence, you could generate HTML or PDF files.
For this to work it is necessary to configure it properly and to execute command for generating respective output format (generateHTML|generatePDF). Currently, result will be static (no interactive Swagger-UI page, so you will not be able to make any requests from generated output).
Regarding configuration, you would need to declare location of OpenAPI spec as json file in config.groovy, like:
openApi.with {
specFile = 'src/docs/petstore-v2.0.yaml'
infoUrl = ''
infoEmail = ''
InfoUrl and InfoEmail are just meta parameters which will be used for the HTML/PDF header.
Interactive SwaggerUI generation via docToolchain is one of the features we would like to implement soon, but unfortunately we can't give any ETA at the moment. Nevertheless, PRs at github project are welcomed :)

Is it possible to index custom documents in Faceted Search (ke_search) ?

My requirement is to index content of documents uploaded by user e.g PDF / DOC etc. Is it possible to index content of these documents by building custom indexers for the Faceted Search extension ke_search? If so, then can anyone provide any guide as to how would I create such indexers?
I am new to Typo3 so any help would be appreciated.
Hello and welcome to TYPO3 - the almost everything is possible CMS :-)
For your own indexeres you will need an own small extension and then register your indexers to the ke_search. Since the customers indexeres are written in PHP, you can use the whole power of PHP. So you just need some PHP libs on your server that are able to read the content of PDF and DOC files and then store the result to the TYPO3 database.
Check the docs:
Example configuration with an indexer:
EDIT: You should also check the build in indexers of ke_search. I guess there is already an indexer for PDF / DOC files included.

How to generate XML from Java POJO using VTD XML

I am not able to find any document/tutorial/example, hence, posting it.
Can someone help point to a document which shows how to convert a POJO to XML using VTD-XML library? I looked into their API doc, but didn't find anything there.

Tableau: can a visualization be created via javascript or other language?

I am trying to create a new visualization (sheet) in a tableau online workbook via javascript API or by another language. Not by using Tableau Desktop or "manual" interaction into Tableau Online.
I know that the JS API allows me to control (filter, display, etc.) existing visualizations, and the SDK can extract data and publish, but my need is to "create" a new visualization into an existing workbook.
Is there a way to do this?
The only methods of creating Tableau content that I'm aware of is using Tableau Desktop or Web authoring of something that is already published.
I explain how to do what you're asking on the blog post linked below. You can use Python with Jinja2.
The basics ...
Create a template of your XML.
Put in the necessary Jinja2 templating language code into your template as placeholders for the data and XML that needs to be rendered by Jinja2. You can render data conditionally as well.
Create a CSV file that specifies what the Python program needs to know to create your workbooks.
Run your Python application to generate a TWB file based on your template and input file. You can also easily create TWBX by zipping the TWB and data together.
The link gives code examples and an example CSV file for specifying your input.

change html output doxygen link

I am working on a project that is heavily documented with doxygen.
In a UI I have a list of all the classes available - I would like to be able to open the right documentation page of the class I select. In order to do that I need an easy to read link, so I can dynamically build it and run it.
Is it there any way I can control the generated link of the html file? Because the ones I have right now are impossible do be built dynamically.
You could use Doxygen's tag file mechanism for that (see GENERATE_TAGFILE in the config file).
A tag file is a reasonably easy to understand and parse XML file that basically lists all symbols in your project, with for each symbol the corresponding (relative) URL to the documentation.
So you could parse the tag file from your UI to resolve the links to the doxygen generated documentation in a robust way.