Tableau: can a visualization be created via javascript or other language? - tableau-api

I am trying to create a new visualization (sheet) in a tableau online workbook via javascript API or by another language. Not by using Tableau Desktop or "manual" interaction into Tableau Online.
I know that the JS API allows me to control (filter, display, etc.) existing visualizations, and the SDK can extract data and publish, but my need is to "create" a new visualization into an existing workbook.
Is there a way to do this?

The only methods of creating Tableau content that I'm aware of is using Tableau Desktop or Web authoring of something that is already published.

I explain how to do what you're asking on the blog post linked below. You can use Python with Jinja2.
The basics ...
Create a template of your XML.
Put in the necessary Jinja2 templating language code into your template as placeholders for the data and XML that needs to be rendered by Jinja2. You can render data conditionally as well.
Create a CSV file that specifies what the Python program needs to know to create your workbooks.
Run your Python application to generate a TWB file based on your template and input file. You can also easily create TWBX by zipping the TWB and data together.
The link gives code examples and an example CSV file for specifying your input.


How can I include a swagger/openapi yaml file into doctoolchain and get a swagger-like output without using a confluence plugin?

I've tried using to create an HTML or PDF doc that includes a swagger/openapi yaml file. It looks like the only output for this is into confluence which also requires an additional confluence plugin. Is this the only option at this time? I am able to do other asciidoc and diagram formatting using docToolchain and I'd be very happy to include swagger. I can publish to confluence but cannot get either of the swagger plugins added to our system.
Beside being able to publish it to confluence, you could generate HTML or PDF files.
For this to work it is necessary to configure it properly and to execute command for generating respective output format (generateHTML|generatePDF). Currently, result will be static (no interactive Swagger-UI page, so you will not be able to make any requests from generated output).
Regarding configuration, you would need to declare location of OpenAPI spec as json file in config.groovy, like:
openApi.with {
specFile = 'src/docs/petstore-v2.0.yaml'
infoUrl = ''
infoEmail = ''
InfoUrl and InfoEmail are just meta parameters which will be used for the HTML/PDF header.
Interactive SwaggerUI generation via docToolchain is one of the features we would like to implement soon, but unfortunately we can't give any ETA at the moment. Nevertheless, PRs at github project are welcomed :)

Can we integrate XLSX and Syncfusion Library with LWC

We have some custom requirement to export our data into excel with custom and conditional cell styling. We have explored two libraries (xlsxjs and syncfusion) and would like to know whether it is compatible with salesforce Lightning Web Components.
Please suggest if there is any other way to achieve the same without the mentioned libraries.
PFA sample of expected excel file on export.
Greetings from Syncfusion.
It is possible to create Excel document using Syncfusion XlsIO similar to the shared screenshot.
But you have mentioned that you are exporting data to Excel, and we request you to share the below details.
Platform you are using
Control you are using to export data to Excel.
It would be helpful for us if you could share these details, so that we will check the compatibility from our side.
You can also mail the requested details to
I work for Syncfusion.

Dropbox API integration with Microsoft Mail Merge

I am trying to pass values to be shown in fields inserted in Microsoft Word documents or be an overlay (what is the correct word). Can it be done?
You can't selectively modify portions of a file on Dropbox remotely using the API, if that's what you mean. The API only allows you to upload new entire new versions. So you can download the file, modify it as desired, and upload the new version

Can I convert .docx Word documents using the DocX .NET Library?

I am currently attempting to convert a couple of .NET desktop applications that I have developed into a web application harnessing AngularJS and RESTful services.
One of the key components of these applications is in their ability to generate Word documents on the fly using a .dotx Word template. I am currently exploring the possibility of using a third party library called DocX to generate these Word documents without resorting to using a template.
I guess my question is: Can I use this library to read an existing Word document in .docx format and generate a source code representation of the document? If this is possible could someone point me in the direction of any code samples that I could use? I have looked around and have been unable to find anything that could help me get started.
Generating code representation of the document and using it with DocX seems like a time consuming effort to me. Why not using a template instead and fill it with data at runtime?
I have some experience with Docentric, which is 3rd party OpenXML toolkit. It features an Word Add-in for template design and libraries for document generation and manipulation. It took me less then a week to generate pretty complex documents. If I was in your shoes I would definitely try some 3rd party toolkits. They cost money, but save time so do some math and see it they can be useful for you.
It is possible to read an existing Word document in .docx format with following code
DocX document = DocX.Load(filename)
While it is impossible to generate a source code representation of a document.

Importing a table from an HTML file directly to Tableau

I recall seeing a direct import of a table in a Wikipedia HTML document directly into tableau. Tableau's website has a method that involves using Google doc HTML import function
to first import the tables into a Google spreadsheet and later download the spreadsheet that can be linked to Tableau.
Is there any way to import a Wikipedia table, or anyt other HTML doc directly into Tableau?
Tableau lets you paste data from any application that uses csv delimited text on the clipboard (not all apps do). Here's a knowledge based article on it.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work o nthe table you pointed out in your example, perhaps the HTML is too complex. But if you can somehow export the table as CSV, it can be loaded in Tableau.
Tableau Version 8 is due out soon, and has a couple different new APIs available that should help with connecting to data from various sources.