netbeans - debugger exited with code 0xc0000135 - netbeans

I need to install debugger in netbeans. I have already installed gdb in the mingw/bin directory with mingw-get.exe install gdb. I have added the line C:\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe. However when i run the debugger it gives out this message:
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135.
Can anyone explain how to solve this issue?

I think that i have found the solution. I added the line C:\MinGW\bin to the "Path" environment variable (in the control panel) . Now the message error doesnt appear and the debugger is running.


Eclipse CDT Error in GDB debugger target is null

I want to debug my test.out program with the the gdb debugger from mingw. Calling the gdb debugger with the image file is running successful on the terminal window, but every time I started the debugger from eclipse I got the
**Error message from debugger back end:
You can't do that when your target is `None'
Failed to execute MI command:
load C:\Temp\test.out
The gdb commander was configured as path/gdb.exe and image and symbol files are the out file.
In the debugger console view I only see the the information about the installed gdb version simular the output that I got when I type only gdb in the terminal window. No MI command.
Any hints how I can solve my problem or find more informatio about it?
I found the solution, I was too stupid. I configured my debug configuration as gdb hardware debugger, but since it is a c-application, I have to configure it as such one.

Visual Studio Code - PHPCS error (Unknown error ocurred. Please verify that returns a valid json object)

I am trying to set up the PHPCS plugin, but so far I am only getting this error:
phpcs: Unknown error ocurred. Please verify that /home/[user]/Documents/offprojects/vet_direct/vetsdirectapp/vendor/bin/phpcs --report=json -q --encoding=UTF-8 --error-severity=5 --warning-severity=5 --stdin-path=/home/[user]/Documents/offprojects/vet_direct/vetsdirectapp/app/Http/Controllers/JobController.php - returns a valid json object.
I followed the installation guide from the plugin page and installed PHPCS both globally and in the project. Also, the command in terminal shows this error:
zsh: command not found: phpcs
Any idea what is wrong here?
This might not help you, but for me, the executable path wasn't correct and the version of PHPCS didn't support PHP 7, it was still using PHP 5.
I'm going to assume you're on Linux based OS.
Since you have already installed PHPCS globally, access the phpcs file. This should be somewhere like ~/.config/composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/bin if you're on Debian based Linux OS (like Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04LTS). But it might differ depending on versions.
If you use a text editor to peek the phpcs file inside it (this will be the same on your Executable Path), it might say PHP 5, that's how I found I needed to upgrade mine.
To upgrade your PHPCS do composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*" this might fix your issue. After that, you might need to fix your Executable Path again, I had to do mine.
To edit the executable path on Visual Studio Code Command + , (or go to settings) then search for PHP CodeSniffer. Go down to Executable Path and make sure it's correct.
This might not work, but it's worth a try.
After trying a lof of different things, this is what worked for me. I'm on a Mac and using Zsh.
First, installed PHP Code Sniffer (phpcs) with Composer, as Hugo suggested on the answer above:
composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
But then, I had to edit my .zshrc and added this line:
export PATH=/Users/YOURUSER/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
After that, close the Terminal and I was able to run phpcs -h
In my case an error was being thrown by various processes "Could not load xdebug because it is already loaded". This did not show in VSCode, but did if I ran php -v or php --ini.
This is what cleared the error for me:
Edit the /etc/php/8.0/apache2/conf.d/xdebug.ini file and comment out the line Restart apache with sudo systemctl restart apache2, then try php -v. The "Could not load xdebug because it is already loaded" error should be gone. Restart VSCode and this phpcs error should stop showing.
I have VSCode configured to debug php and have the xdebug configuration settings in both the etc/php/php8.0/apache2/php.ini and etc/php/php/8.0/cli/php.ini files.
How I discovered this is I downloaded the source code and searched for where that error was being thrown. What I found was that ANY error in stderr outside of a very narrow range gets this error message. I had noticed this error showing in my terminal, and I researched how to clear it. When I did, the VSCode phpcs error went away!
On Windows:
Open the XAMPP Control Panel.
Apache -> Config -> php.ini
Search for or something the like and delete it.
Restart Apache.
Try again.
In my case, It was happening due to XDebug and resolved after disabling xdebug from Xampp.
Goto C:\xampp\php\php.ini
find and disable (add ;) before following lines
Change :
zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
to :
;zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll"
Restart Apache and then vscode. It should fix that.

Eclipse + GDB: Cannot find bounds of current function

I have problems debugging a program in Eclipse 2019-03 using GDB on Windows 10 with MinGW.
Whenever I stop in the program, I get the error message ERROR: Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-step 1". Cannot find bounds of current function.
I got this also when debugging a new C/C++ project with just printing a line to the console, so it seems unrelated to the actual program that was executing.
Both programs could be debugged fine when running gdb manually on the command line.
Answering my own question: the problem was caused by a number of watch expressions that I had configured in Eclipse. I discovered this when I enabled GDB traces in Eclipse to see the MI commands between Eclipse and GDB.
Removing all watch expressions in Eclipse solved the problem for me.

'Failed to execute MI command: -exec-run' error when trying to debug a GNU project with Eclipse

I wish to debug GNU Emacs in Eclipse IDE for C/C++ on my macOS Sierra. I have downloaded the source code with Git and built the project successfully via the command line. I then imported the project to Eclipse as an existing Makefile project with the GNU autotools toolchain setting.
I can now run the Emacs GUI from Eclipse. However, when I try to debug it (with gdb), I get the following error message:
'Launching emacs-' has encountered a problem.
Error in final launch sequence
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
During startup program terminated with signal ?, Unknown signal.
During startup program terminated with signal ?, Unknown signal.
I managed to get rid of this error by specifying the full path to the .gdbinit file in the Run > Debug Configurations... > C/C++ Application > emacs- > Debugger > GDB command file: textbox.
I now get a different error, but this is a matter for another question...
I had a similar error message while using the debugger for a small dummy code. I used the suggestion given in this link and got it fixed. In short, I had to change the debugger to an older one. Hope that helps if you are still having the same issue.
The problem for me was using USB 3.0 port. Connected board to USB 2 port and it was working fine.

GDB Eclipse not finding Source Files

Recently I had a bug with my CDT eclipse application, so I downloaded GDB for debugging. It has brought me a lot of frustration. Finally, I have managed to properly install GDB, however when I try debugging my application, I get this error: No source file named /Desktop/workspace/TopVM/src/ShadowStack.h., as you can see there is an unnecessary . at the end of the path and it causes eclipse to freeze, so I have to force quit it. How would I go about fixing this?
as you can see there is an unnecessary . at the end of the path and it causes eclipse to freeze
This is not an unnecessary ., it is simply a full stop in the error message. It comes from GDB, probably this line:
throw_error (NOT_FOUND_ERROR, _("No source file named %s."), filename);
To fix the problem it would help if you identified if the problem is GDB or CDT, to do this, you can try running GDB without CDT and see if it freezes.
I assume you have found the following resources on setting up GDB on Mac (as I am guessing you are using?):