Eclipse + GDB: Cannot find bounds of current function - eclipse

I have problems debugging a program in Eclipse 2019-03 using GDB on Windows 10 with MinGW.
Whenever I stop in the program, I get the error message ERROR: Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-step 1". Cannot find bounds of current function.
I got this also when debugging a new C/C++ project with just printing a line to the console, so it seems unrelated to the actual program that was executing.
Both programs could be debugged fine when running gdb manually on the command line.

Answering my own question: the problem was caused by a number of watch expressions that I had configured in Eclipse. I discovered this when I enabled GDB traces in Eclipse to see the MI commands between Eclipse and GDB.
Removing all watch expressions in Eclipse solved the problem for me.


Eclipse CDT Error in GDB debugger target is null

I want to debug my test.out program with the the gdb debugger from mingw. Calling the gdb debugger with the image file is running successful on the terminal window, but every time I started the debugger from eclipse I got the
**Error message from debugger back end:
You can't do that when your target is `None'
Failed to execute MI command:
load C:\Temp\test.out
The gdb commander was configured as path/gdb.exe and image and symbol files are the out file.
In the debugger console view I only see the the information about the installed gdb version simular the output that I got when I type only gdb in the terminal window. No MI command.
Any hints how I can solve my problem or find more informatio about it?
I found the solution, I was too stupid. I configured my debug configuration as gdb hardware debugger, but since it is a c-application, I have to configure it as such one.

Gdb stops when viewing variables in Eclipse

When debugging a c++ app, and hitting a breakpoint, gdb terminates the debug session when I click on a variable to expand its content in the Variables panel.
The displayed message is: <terminated, exit value: 0>gdb (
Printing the variable from the Debugger Console works correctly.
Debugging was working OK some weeks ago. The major changes that happen recently was a debian upgrade from 10 to 11 (bullseye), and an upgrade of the Eclipse version.
Activating gdb traces following where can I find GDB traces, I could see the commands sent to GDB, but no particular error before GDB stopped.
Any idea of what could cause this issue?
Eclipse Version: 2021-12 (4.22.0), Build id: 20211202-1639 running on linux debian bullseye.
I answer my own question.
After checking related answers, I suspect that the problem is linked to stl pretty printing in Eclipse (which was working fine before). I tried different version of Eclipse and gdb, and finally managed to fix the issue by using a previous version of gdb (8.3 instead of 10.1).
Here is the procedure that I followed (I'm not sure all steps are mandatory).
Reinstalled eclipse from scratch
Deleted the .metadata directory and recreated the eclipse workspace
Downloaded version 8.3 of gdb sources, and compiled it with python support ('./configure --with-python'). Note that libgmp-dev and python2.7-dev debian packages must be installed.
Copied gdb-8.3 somewhere under /usr/local/
Updated eclipse preference settings : C-C++/Debug/GDB and change GDB Debugger to the pach where gdb 8.3 executable was located under /usr/local/.
Checked in Debugger Console that the right gdb version is displayed. If this is not the case, you may have to set gdb using Debug As.../Debug Configurations/Debugger/GDB Debugger

GDB Eclipse not finding Source Files

Recently I had a bug with my CDT eclipse application, so I downloaded GDB for debugging. It has brought me a lot of frustration. Finally, I have managed to properly install GDB, however when I try debugging my application, I get this error: No source file named /Desktop/workspace/TopVM/src/ShadowStack.h., as you can see there is an unnecessary . at the end of the path and it causes eclipse to freeze, so I have to force quit it. How would I go about fixing this?
as you can see there is an unnecessary . at the end of the path and it causes eclipse to freeze
This is not an unnecessary ., it is simply a full stop in the error message. It comes from GDB, probably this line:
throw_error (NOT_FOUND_ERROR, _("No source file named %s."), filename);
To fix the problem it would help if you identified if the problem is GDB or CDT, to do this, you can try running GDB without CDT and see if it freezes.
I assume you have found the following resources on setting up GDB on Mac (as I am guessing you are using?):

Enabling breakpoints in goclipse

I'm trying to get debugging of go programs working in eclipse Luna with goclipse v0.11.0 on OS-X 10.9.5. I am using GNU gdb (GDB) 7.9.1 from brew, and go1.4.2.
I successfully installed and code-signed gdb using instructions here:
I am building my go program with -gcflags "-N -l" and I can successfully debug it at the command line, including setting breakpoints at go functions and stepping through them with the gdb command line, with source appearing as it should.
However, in goclipse I cannot set a breakpoint at all, because the 'toggle breakpoint' item on the menu is greyed out, and the 'Breakpoint Types' list says 'none available'.
If I select 'Stop on Startup at' 'main', then I can step through assembler, which is unhelpful, but proves gdb is being used.
If I keep the above option set, wait until the program hits the main breakpoint, and type (at the gdb console within eclipse) break, then cont, then a breakpoint is set in the right place, and I can step through things in the Eclipse IDE. Thus it appears the only issue is setting the breakpoints in the IDE.
The go program concerned is a single file and it works under command line gdb, and I have deleted the binary and started afresh, so this is not a 'need a rebuild' issue.
Related question: How to debug Go programs using GoClipse? however the two answers there are 'disable Stop on Startup' (which makes no difference here), and ensuring -gcflags "-N -l" is given (which makes no difference).
Any ideas?

Eclipse exits when closing Jython Eclipse console

I am using Eclipse 4.4 and Pydev 3.7.
When I create the console type "jython using VM running eclipse console" and then close the console, Eclipse exits. I don't see any errors or messages, it just shuts down. Is this the expected behavior? I don't recall seeing it work this way before. This doesn't happen with the Jython or Python consoles.
Is anybody else seeing this?
Yes it happens to me too when I close it except I do get an error message :
If I were you I wouldn't worry about it too much. For consoles I prefer using the command prompt instead.