How do I remove a section from the Visual Studio Code left side bar? - visual-studio-code

I've recently re-downloaded Visual Studio Code, but I'm having troubles trying to remove a section in the left side bar. That section is called WWW and it's from the ftp-simple extension. If you don't know what it is, it's a simple extension that allows you to connect to a remove server and manage the files from your editor.
I've uninstalled the extension but the section is still there.
Is there a way to remove it permanently?

Go to the View menu and select Open View. A panel opens and you can select what is displayed in sidebar. If you don't want anything displayed you can hide the sidebar by going to View/Appearance/Toggle Sidebar.


Visual Studio Code. why are the window control buttons over the menu bar on the left side?

I was working on the visual studio application.
And suddenly, my window control buttons hopped to the left side of the main menu navbar,
hiding the buttons File & Edit.
Does anyone know how to re-placing the windows control buttons back to the right side of the navbar?
In vscode v1.71.2 the window.experimental.windowControlsOverlay.enabled setting has been disabled by default.
This bug was released in vscode v1.71. It may be related to using RTL languages. I would assume this will be fixed in a point release.
Try disabling this setting:
from [windows default close button location moved on its own when updating to v1.71.0][1]

getting search box and open editors in same explorer tab in vs code

I am getting the search and open editor in same explorer tab and the search icon is missing on the left side in visual studio code can you please tell me how to get the search icon back on left side.
That is because you dragged the Search header into the Explorer view. Just drag Search from where it is onto the Side Bar.

Visual Studio Code - Drag Explorer Feature

My request to VSCODE repo was dropped, but I still want to add it, even if I don't know how to do it by my self
Drag the heck explorer to the bottom panel, same as search or source control
Any idea of how to do it? can be possible creating an extension?
dropped issue:
right click beside search and check explorer

VSCode SCM tab suddenly disappeared

I must have pressed a wrong combination of keys with my crooked fingers which caused the version control tab to disappear from the sidebar.
Then I found source control tab somewhere in VSCode, dragged it into the sidebar, it shows the changes, however, the icon is completely different and also it doesn't show the number of current changes.
What happened?
In the below screenshot the yellow icon is what I have for SCM now.
Thanks 🤞
I had to use the View: Reset View Locations command to solve this problem in Visual Studio Code version 1.47 (macOS - Catalina).
To do this, just press Cmd+Shift+P (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+P (Linux/Windows), type workbench.action.resetViewLocations, then press Enter.
Release notes - May 2020 (version 1.46)
As #rioV8 commented - what solved it for me was to right click on the icon and click "Reset Location"
I am not sure what you actually dragged to the activity bar vscode is really modular in this way; hard to say without being there, but you can re-enable SCM button.
Even if you use the short cut to open the source control view (CTRL + SHIFT + G, it will disappear again after you focus out of it (when it's not enabled).
To re-enable it, right-click anywhere on the Activity Bar and select 'Source Control'
From version 1.46 it is now possible to drag and drop panels and views
If a panel/view is not in a spot you want and you want it back in its original place you can Right Click on the panel/view header and choose Reset Location.
Try right clicking on the bar and you should see a menu like the one below
recheck the source control and the icon should appear.
For people who applied the methods above but still could not see the source control panel where you could jump to editted files quickly but only the side bar, here is the way you can fix it:
After you have got the source control panel appeared, right click any available tabs you have inside the panel, such as commits, file history, branches etc. Then make sure you chose the Source Control.
If the "Source Control" panel is not on the side/activity bar or dissapeared for some reason, you check it on the "Explorer" panel. If you don't see it on the Explorer list, you can find it on the top right menu of the explorer panel. You can just check it and then it appears on the Explorer panel list.
Then you can just drag the Source Control panel and drop it on the side/activity bar. It gets back to its original place.
As of vscode v1.75 you can reset all the view locations from the Layout Control button near the upper right:

Is it possible to duplicate the visual code side bar?

I don't know a way to duplicate the visual code side bar. I would find it useful to be able to open different views at the same time as it happens in eclipse Theila (both share same source code)
Eclipse Theila
See my newer answer at
You can put another panel on the right, in addition to the Side Bar and Panel. And then drag various views into it.
Put the Panel on the right. Right-click on one of the headers, like "Terminal" and select `Move Panel Right".
Drag your "Outline" header into that right Panel.