Visual Studio Code - Drag Explorer Feature - visual-studio-code

My request to VSCODE repo was dropped, but I still want to add it, even if I don't know how to do it by my self
Drag the heck explorer to the bottom panel, same as search or source control
Any idea of how to do it? can be possible creating an extension?
dropped issue:

right click beside search and check explorer


How do I restore the stashes menu in Visual Studio Codes Source Control panel?

I can't find the Stashes (nor REMOTES, BRANCHES, FILE HISTORY) menu in the Source Control (the one you open up with Ctrl-Shift-U) tool bar.
This is how my Visual Studio Code looks like:
And this is a picture I found on the web with the menu options I'd like to restore:
I couldn't find an option to restore these menu options.
it seems like somehow GitLens, instead of replacing the Source Control panel, add his own:
You need to install (or enable if you have it disabled) the GitLens extension. That is what adds those sub-sections seen in your second screenshot.
Alternatively, if you click the ellipsis that is to the right of each of your repositories, you should see a "Stash" menu item that should also meet most of your needs.
Note that the GitLens extension is apart of the Git Extension Pack extension, which contains a few other extensions as well (including Git History, which you appear to have already).
Just for reference, in case anybody else stumbles upon this issue.
I created this issue at GitLens github repo and the solution was to right click on the original 'Source Control' icon and select the option "Reset location"
It seems it's not the first time that something like this happened.

How do I remove a section from the Visual Studio Code left side bar?

I've recently re-downloaded Visual Studio Code, but I'm having troubles trying to remove a section in the left side bar. That section is called WWW and it's from the ftp-simple extension. If you don't know what it is, it's a simple extension that allows you to connect to a remove server and manage the files from your editor.
I've uninstalled the extension but the section is still there.
Is there a way to remove it permanently?
Go to the View menu and select Open View. A panel opens and you can select what is displayed in sidebar. If you don't want anything displayed you can hide the sidebar by going to View/Appearance/Toggle Sidebar.

VSCode TreeItem select

I have a new TreeItem,on explorer view. How can I change items status when I click it. And I want to choose multiple items,when I press shift and click item at the same time.
Unfortunately, this is not possible with VS Code, yet.
Please check the following link and put a thumbs up reaction to the top comment, so that it will get more consideration from the VSCode developers :)
VSCode Github - Implement multi-select in left-panel file tree

Disable multiple "editors"? aka how do I fix my project explorer?

Currently whenever I open up a new file, from my understanding it's creating another editor with it's own instance of the project explorer.
I'm all for multiple editors, however it drives me nuts having multiple project explorers. (This equally drives me nuts in xcode). For me, ideally the project explorer would work the same way it does in Visual Studio. i.e. you open a new file into a new, what I will call "tab", and the state of the project explorer stays the same. If I scroll my project explorer, expand / collapse a directory and open a new tab, that explorer stays in the exact same state it was in.
Is that possible in VS Code? Is there a setting I'm missing? Thanks!
Try setting
"explorer.autoReveal": false
This should disable automatically revealing the active file in the explorer

VSCode: How to turn off auto select in File Explorer when changing window tabs?

In VSCode, if I have an editor window tab open and I click anywhere in that editor window, the selected file in the File Explorer changes to the file being edited. I would like to prevent that behavior. This is possible in Visual Studio, but I can't seem to find a similar setting in the preferences file of VSCode.
Can anyone provide some suggestions?
This has been added, see
Configuration is "explorer.autoReveal": false
You can't, at least not today. The only thing you can do, is keeping the scroll position when switching tabs. See this answer for the setting: VSCode prevent file Explorer from jumping
And here is the feature request on Github:
(Feel free to add a "Thumbs Up" via Github Reaction at the top so the request gets more attention in the future, this increases the chances that it gets implemented sooner)