Why am i getting 404 error in Github after creating a new repository? - github

enter image description here
I have created 3 repositories with similar names, but after accessing it to see the files created it showing as 404 Error web page not found. Is this usual or it happened because of the network connection at my end?
Is it the problem of authentication? What is the work around for that? Even after creating a repository it showing 0 public repositories and when a create another with the same name, it shows me that a repository already exists.


Why does GitHub pages now show a 404 error?

Thanks for taking the time to read my first question.
I created an hosted a repo on GitHub assigned it to my name and committed and yesterday I could see the website.
Today it seems to have gone offline with no error and with no other change.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
Site: mylokaye.github.io
Domain: mylokaye.tech
There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
If you're trying to publish one, read the full documentation to learn how to set up GitHub Pages for your repository, organization, or user account.
GitHub Status — #githubstatus
One possible solution is to ensure there is a file called CNAME on the branch your GitHub Pages site is served from, containing your custom domain name.
Root cause
When you configure a custom domain in the repo's Pages settings, GitHub generates a CNAME file and commits this to the branch or folder the site is being served from. If this file is removed, you will see a 404 page instead of your site and the custom domain configuration will be blank again.
If you are using something like Docusaurus then when a content change is made and the static site is rebuilt, the CNAME file was being wiped out.
Viewing the commit history for the branch my site was being served from (gh-pages) I saw commits which added a CNAME file to the repo root corresponding to when I configured the custom domain in the repo's Pages settings.
In the screenshot above, the commit on 2nd Jan was generated by GitHub automatically when I configured the custom domain. The commit on 3rd Jan was Docusaurus publishing a content change, which removed the CNAME file and my site returned a 404 on the custom domain url. Same thing happened on 5th Jan when I reconfigured the site and then made a content change and the GitHub Action publishing my site generated the deploy commit which removed the CNAME file again.
Fix for Docusaurus v2
My site is generated by <Docusaurus.io> and I'd missed this in the documentation where it says to create a static file in the /static folder which will be copied over to the published branch. The file contents should be a single line of text with the custom domain name eg. buildthethingright.com
For other site generators there will probably be different ways to ensure a CNAME file with a custom domain remains on the GitHub Pages branch. Note there was a different process for Docusaurus v1, so check your static site generator docs for how to do this for you.
The typical trigger for an error 404 message is when website content has been removed or moved to another URL. There are also other reasons why an error message could appear. These include:
The URL or its content (such as files or images) was either deleted or moved (without adjusting any internal links accordingly).
The URL was written incorrectly (during the creation process or a redesign), linked incorrectly, or typed into the browser incorrectly.
The server responsible for the website is not running or the connection is broken.
The requested domain name can’t be converted to an IP by the domain name system (DNS).
The entered domain name doesn’t exist (anymore).
Check this website, if you want more answer:

Github Pages 404 error after deleting repository and recreating it again

I created a github repo for the github pages with the name christianbauer1.github.io
Everything worked fine until I deleted the repo.
When I recreate a repository with the same name, the link gives me a 404 error.
What have I done wrong here?
I found the answer in an answer on his question:
How to fix HTTP 404 on Github Pages?
Just have to wait around 10 min until the browser refreshes the 10 min cache before its on the web. To preview the page you can add the index.html https://username.github.io/index.html

getting 404 github error when trying to make public page

I keep getting this error. I followed the instructions exactly.
404 There isn't a GitHub Pages site here. If you're trying to publish
one, read the full documentation to learn how to set up GitHub Pages
for your repository, organization, or user account.
I am trying to upload a simple index.html page and keep getting this error
for reference here is the page https://github.com/xrpgiftsgive/xrpgiftsgive.github.io
I downloaded the desktop client.
For testing, try and push an index.md file, as seen in "Creating your site"
In the root of the publishing source, create a new file called index.md that contains the content you want to display on the main page of your site.
Check the settings associating to your repository, to verify its publication source (which should be master for a user GitHub pages site)

Github webpage - Error 404 file not found

I have created a personal website and committed it to Github. It has several pages. The problem is with one of them: when I load it in locahost, it works, but it doesn't when I try to load it in github.
The link to my github repository is https://github.com/Econres/eS_MiData
The page/file that doesn't work is https://econres.github.io/eS_MiData/app/metadatos.html
The file name in the URL is case sensitive. Since the file is METADATOS.html, using the link https://econres.github.io/eS_MiData/app/METADATOS.html fixes the issue.

Using Github to create a webpage but it returns a 404 error

Am trying to test out hosting a website from Github using Github pages.I created a skeleton website using Jekyll and uploaded it into a .github.io repository:
I then enabled github pages from the setting.
So right now if I go to: themallardcomplexion.github.io I should be able to see the Jekyll site. However all I get is a 404 error...
I know its not an index issue as I have an index.md file in my repository. I've enabled github pages so what am I doing wrong? I have tried searching for the problem online but none of the solutions seem applicable..
Thanks internet people
I deleted everything and created a new repository. Seems to be working now. Dont know what the problem was but at least its working..