Github webpage - Error 404 file not found - github

I have created a personal website and committed it to Github. It has several pages. The problem is with one of them: when I load it in locahost, it works, but it doesn't when I try to load it in github.
The link to my github repository is
The page/file that doesn't work is

The file name in the URL is case sensitive. Since the file is METADATOS.html, using the link fixes the issue.


Unable to host project to GitHub Pages

My repo:
When following a link :
404 File not found The site configured at this address does not contain the requested file. If this is your site, make sure that the filename case matches the URL. For root URLs (like you must provide an index.html file. Read the full documentation for more information about using GitHub Pages.
I read the documentation, watched videos and discussions on the topic, renamed the repository to the username, but it still does not work. Tell me what should be done here?
first things first: please leverage the usage of the .gitignore file (in the root directory of your repository). You can copy-paste the content provided in this file: into your .gitignore file. This will ignore the node_modules directory from getting staged and ultimately from getting pushed into the repository.
Now, the problem you described occures when there is no information for GitHub Pages. GitHub Pages is searching for an index.html which isn't there, as by default GitHub Pages is watching the root directory of your repository.
Please have a look at GitHub Actions to Deploy your project to GitHub Pages. This is the best source I could find in a short matter of time:
If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask.
TL;DR: You need to provide the built static-website content for GitHub Pages to work with.

Why I am not able to see the the webpage after hosting it in github?

Why I am not able to see the the webpage after hosting it in github? It's just showing a url with the name in same as in Readme but does't redirect
You GitHub Pages is working as expected. The only file in the repository is the README, so that is the only file built on Pages.
If you wanted to build a Pages site at, you'd have to make a new GitHub account under the username myportifolio.
By default, github displays the "" file.
And, your repo doesn't have anything to show in particular!
Try adding a dummy ".html" file and then open the website. If GitHub can't find anything to display it will display the "" file.
Make sure you follow the steps mentioned below-
index.html is your root file.
You have changed your Github repo name at least one or two times,refresh the page & visit the page after a few minutes.

Using Github to create a webpage but it returns a 404 error

Am trying to test out hosting a website from Github using Github pages.I created a skeleton website using Jekyll and uploaded it into a repository:
I then enabled github pages from the setting.
So right now if I go to: I should be able to see the Jekyll site. However all I get is a 404 error...
I know its not an index issue as I have an file in my repository. I've enabled github pages so what am I doing wrong? I have tried searching for the problem online but none of the solutions seem applicable..
Thanks internet people
I deleted everything and created a new repository. Seems to be working now. Dont know what the problem was but at least its working..

404 Error on files that exist in the proper place on GitHub Pages

This is my first attempt at using GH Pages, and I have a pretty simple blog site created with Vuejs.
I've created my repo, then deployed the built code to a gh-pages branch, and the settings are pointed to that branch.
However, I get a WSOD when I try to view my site, and when I look in the console, I get a list of messages that the referenced files can't be found.
When I look in the /static directory in the gh-pages branch, though, all of the files that it says are missing are actually there where they're supposed to be in relation to index.html.
What am I missing that keeps the site from showing?
If you look into the requests, you would find out requesting
This has missed the /smga/ part, and is not what published in your git pages. As the correct link should be

why jekyll tag not working on github give 404 erro but it works on localhost

I use this tutorial for create tags on jekyll its work correctly on localhost when I click on a tag link it take me to the /tags/tag_name page but when I push it to the github this directory (/tags/tag_name page) give me 404 error! how can i fix this problem?
If you site lives at, you need to set baseurl: /mysite in _config.yml, and call you pages like this :
It seems that github disables custom plugins for security reasons, thus, the .rb file that this tutorial uses will not work. There does seem to be a workaround, however, which involves compiling your Jekyll source code to the _site directory before pushing to github server. See this post