Using self in function in a protocol - swift

I have this protocols:
One to instantiate a ViewController from Storyboard:
protocol Storyboarded {
static func instantiate() -> Self
extension Storyboarded where Self: UIViewController {
static func instantiate() -> Self {
// this pulls out "MyApp.MyViewController"
let fullName = NSStringFromClass(self)
// this splits by the dot and uses everything after, giving "MyViewController"
let className = fullName.components(separatedBy: ".")[1]
// load our storyboard
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
// instantiate a view controller with that identifier, and force cast as the type that was requested
return storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: className) as! Self
One to inject Dependencies in to Viewcontrollers:
protocol DependencyInjection where Self: UIViewController {
associatedtype myType: DependencyVC
func injectDependencys(dependency: myType)
Now I want to add another one, so I can create the ViewController from the Dependency itself:
protocol DependencyVC {
associatedtype myType: DependencyInjectionVC & Storyboarded
func createVC() -> myType
extension DependencyVC {
func makeVC<T: Storyboarded & DependencyInjection>() -> T where T.myType == Self {
let viewController = T.instantiate()
viewController.injectDependencys(dependency: self)
return viewController
But I get this error for self:
Cannot invoke 'injectDependencys' with an argument list of type
'(dependency: Self)'
This is a DependencyClass I have:
class TopFlopDependency: DependencyVC {
typealias myType = TopFlopVC
var topFlopState: TopFlopState
lazy var topFlopConfig: TopFlopConfig = {
let SIBM = StatIntervalBaseModel(stat: "ppc", interval: "24h", base: "usd")
return TopFlopConfig(group: Groups.large, base: "usd", valueOne: SIBM)
init(state: TopFlopState) {
self.topFlopState = state
func createVC() -> TopFlopVC {
let topflopVC = TopFlopVC.instantiate()
topflopVC.injectDependencys(dependency: self)
let viewController: TopFlopVC = makeVC()
return topflopVC
I get this error when using makeVC:
'TopFlopDependency' requires the types 'TopFlopDependency.myType' and
'TopFlopDependency.myType' (aka 'TopFlopVC') be equivalent to use
other Solution:
protocol DependencyVC {
extension DependencyVC {
func makeVC<T: Storyboarded & DependencyInjection>() -> T where T.myType == Self {
let viewController = T.instantiate()
viewController.injectDependencys(dependency: self)
return viewController
When trying to use:
let viewController: TopFlopVC = makeVC()
I get the error that T could not be inferred.
Why can I not do this? Do you have a solution how I would get it to work?
Thank you!

You need to add another constraint. Your DependencyInjection protocol requires a very specific type of DependencyVC (myType). But your DependencyVC extension works with any DependencyVC. So you need to constrain T’s myType to be the same type with a where clause: func createVC<T: Storyboarded & DependencyInjection>() -> T where T.myType == Self
So a complete example would look like this:
protocol Storyboarded {
static func instantiate() -> Self
extension Storyboarded where Self: UIViewController {
static func instantiate() -> Self {
protocol DependencyVC {
protocol DependencyInjection where Self: UIViewController {
associatedtype myType: DependencyVC
func injectDependencys(dependency: myType)
extension DependencyVC {
func makeVC<T: Storyboarded & DependencyInjection>(type _: T.Type? = nil) -> T where T.myType == Self {
let viewController = T.instantiate()
viewController.injectDependencys(dependency: self)
return viewController
struct MyDependency: DependencyVC {}
class MyVC: UIViewController, Storyboarded, DependencyInjection {
func injectDependencys(dependency: MyDependency) {

When you call viewController.injectDependencys(dependency: self), self is known to be of some subtype of DependencyVC. However, DependencyInjection's associatedtype myType: DependencyVC just says that a type conforming to DependencyInjection will use some type for myType (that conforms to DependencyVC). So there's no guarantee that its actual type will be a subtype of myType.
associatedtypes don't quite work the same way as generic type parameters in that associatedtypes are given when "defining" a type, while generic type parameters are given when "using" a type.
It all boils down to the fact that you probably don't want to have an associatedtype myType, instead taking a DependencyVC directly.
In light of the additional information you've provided, I believe this would be the best solution:
protocol DependencyInjection where Self: UIViewController {
func injectDependency(_ dependency: DependencyVC)
protocol DependencyVC {
func makeVC<T: Storyboarded & DependencyInjection>() -> T
extension DependencyVC {
func makeVC<T: Storyboarded & DependencyInjection>() -> T {
let viewController = T.instantiate()
return viewController
As you may notice, I took the liberty of renaming injectDependencys(dependency: DependencyVC) to injectDependency(_ dependency: DependencyVC), because you're only injecting one dependency and the dependency: label doesn't really add anything at the call site.
Anyway, this allows you to create instances of view controllers using your dependency. Say you have the dependency stored in a variable named dependency, then you can create a view controller from it by going let topFlopVC: TopFlopVC = dependency.makeVC()


Value of protocol type 'InheritingProtocol: Protocol' cannot conform to 'Protocol'

I have the below code which aims an abstraction -without being have to casting Decodables - for DataModels across the app. I wanted use these DataModels to centrelize them. This is how I far I came right now and I am kind of in dead end.
In this configuration, the code tells me that ProfileResponseDelegate cannot conform to ModelDelegate when ProfileResponseDelegate is a protocol, which makes sense.
protocol ModelDelegate: class {
associatedtype DataType: Decodable
func didReceive(data: DataType)
class Model<Type, Delegate: ModelDelegate> where Type == Delegate.DataType {
var data: Type?
weak var delegate: Delegate?
func requestData() { return }
protocol ProfileResponseDelegate: ModelDelegate where DataType == ProfileResponse {}
//throws Value of protocol type 'ProfileResponseDelegate' cannot conform to 'ModelDelegate'; only struct/enum/class types can conform to protocols
class ProfileResponseModel: Model<ProfileResponse, ProfileResponseDelegate> {
override func requestData() {
guard let data = data else {
// go to api to get data
delegate?.didReceive(data: data)
class Controller: UIViewController, ProfileResponseDelegate {
let model = ProfileResponseModel()
override func viewDidLoad() {
model.delegate = self
func didReceive(data: ProfileResponse) {
//tell view code to update regarding data
When I change ProfileResponseDelegate to be a class -without not being a delegate anymore, but anyway- the code does not allow Controller to inherit from both UIViewController and ProfileResponseDelegate reasoning a class cannot inherit from multiple classes. which again makes sense.
class ProfileResponseDelegate: ModelDelegate {
typealias DataType = ProfileResponse
func didReceive(data: ProfileResponse) {
class Controller: UIViewController, ProfileResponseDelegate {
let model = ProfileResponseModel()
override func viewDidLoad() {
model.delegate = self
override func didReceive(data: ProfileResponse) {
//tell view code to update regarding data
With respect to first configuration, I could not make it work. However for the second one, when Controller just inherits from ProfileResponseDelegate it works just fine.
I have to find a way to make this work -preferably the first configuration- and need your advise. Much appreciated in advance.
So I have removed the associatedType from the ModelDelegate and removed ProfileResponseModel. Right now code looks like this.
protocol ModelDelegate: class {
//associatedtype DataType: Decodable
func didReceive<T: Decodable>(data: T)
class Model<Type: Decodable> {
var data: Type?
weak var delegate: ModelDelegate?
func requestData() { return }
//protocol ProfileResponseDelegate: ModelDelegate where DataType == ProfileResponse {}
class ProfileResponseModel: Model<ProfileResponse> {
override func requestData() {
guard let data = data else {
// go to api to get data
delegate?.didReceive(data: data)
class Controller: UIViewController, ModelDelegate {
let model = ProfileResponseModel()
override func viewDidLoad() {
model.delegate = self
func didReceive<T>(data: T) where T : Decodable {
//I want this `data` to come as what it is.
if let response = data as? ProfileResponse {
print(type(of: response))
It works likes this, however my ultimate purpose for doing this to not being have to cast the data to ProfileResponse here -and in other places to other Decodable type-.

Workaround for simple protocol inheriting conformance

In our app, we have a service that helps us decide which Modal UIVIewController should we present next. Every ModalVIewController has common function such as dismiss() but also a specific function it implements. So that's what we tried:
The base protocol that is common to all VC's base functions.
protocol ModalScreenDelegate: AnyObject {
func modalScreenWantsToDissmiss(_ modalScreen: ModalScreen)
A base protocol that every UIViewController implements
protocol ModalScreen: UIViewController {
var delegate: ModalScreenDelegate? { get set }
Now we create a protocol with specific-implementation of ModalScreenDelegate base protocol like so:
protocol ShareToFacebookDelegate: ModalScreenDelegate {
func someCustomMethod()
And assign it to:
class ShareToFacebookViewController: UIViewController, ModalScreen {
weak var delegate: ModalScreenDelegate? // **WORKS**
weak var delegate: ShareToFacebookDelegate? // **DOESN'T WORKS**
If I'm trying to use ShareToFacebookDelegate to instead of ModalScreenDelegate the compiler throws an IDE error saying I have to change it back to ModalScreenDelegate.
Why wouldn't it work? It's ShareToFacebookDelegate conforms to ModalScreenDelegate.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you!
UPDATE Based on Alexandr Kolesnik:
Your method works. But when I try to "fetch" the correct VC within the service under one method like so:
func fetchModal<T: ModalScreen & UIViewController>() -> T? {
return AddInstagramViewController.create() as? T
And then have a coordinator that wants to get this vc:
guard let currentModalViewController vc = modalScreenSupplierService.fetchModal() else {
I'm getting:
Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
And I can't really say what T will be, all I know that it's going to conform to UIViewController & ModalScreen. Is it solvable?
If I understood you correctly you can use generic types to manage the problem. Look through the code below. Hope it helps
protocol ModalScreenDelegate: AnyObject {
typealias T = ModalScreenDelegate
func modalScreenWantsToDissmiss(_ modalScreen: T)
protocol ShareToFacebookDelegate: ModalScreenDelegate {
func someCustomMethod()
protocol ModalScreen: UIViewController {
associatedtype T
var delegate: T? { get set }
class ShareToFacebookViewController: UIViewController, ModalScreen {
typealias T = ShareToFacebookDelegate
weak var delegate: T?
override func viewDidLoad() {
class AddInstagramViewController: SuperVC {
typealias T = ShareToFacebookDelegate
private var instaDelegate: ShareToFacebookDelegate?
override var delegate: ModalScreenDelegate? {
set {
instaDelegate = newValue as? ShareToFacebookDelegate
get {
return instaDelegate
static func create() -> AddInstagramViewController {
return AddInstagramViewController()
class SuperVC: UIViewController, ModalScreen {
typealias T = ModalScreenDelegate
var delegate: T?
class Supplier {
func fetchModal<M: ModalScreen>() -> M? { return AddInstagramViewController.create() as? M }
class SupplierImpl {
let modalScreenSupplierService: Supplier? = nil
func goto() {
let vc: SuperVC = modalScreenSupplierService?.fetchModal()
else {
This solution:
protocol ModalScreenDelegate: AnyObject {
func modalScreenWantsToDissmiss(_ modalScreen: ModalScreen)
protocol ModalScreen: UIViewController {
var delegate: (ModalScreenDelegate & ShareToFacebookDelegate)? { get set }
protocol ShareToFacebookDelegate: ModalScreenDelegate {
func someCustomMethod()
class ShareToFacebookViewController: UIViewController, ModalScreen {
weak var delegate: (ModalScreenDelegate & ShareToFacebookDelegate)?
or inheritance:
protocol ModalScreenDelegate: AnyObject {
func modalScreenWantsToDissmiss(_ modalScreen: ModalScreen)
protocol ModalScreen: ShareToFacebookDelegate where Self: UIViewController {
var delegate: ModalScreenDelegate? { get set }
protocol ShareToFacebookDelegate: ModalScreenDelegate {
func someCustomMethod()
class ShareToFacebookViewController: UIViewController, ModalScreen {
func someCustomMethod() {
func modalScreenWantsToDissmiss(_ modalScreen: ModalScreen) {
weak var delegate: ModalScreenDelegate? // **WORKS**

what is 'where self' in protocol extension

I saw so many examples with below format
extension Protocolname where Self: UIViewController
What is where Self in protocol extension. I couldn't find the documentation on this.
That syntax is:
protocol Meh {
func doSomething()
// Extend protocol Meh, where `Self` is of type `UIViewController`
// func blah() will only exist for classes that inherit `UIViewController`.
// In fact, this entire extension only exists for `UIViewController` subclasses.
extension Meh where Self: UIViewController {
func blah() {
func foo() {
class Foo : UIViewController, Meh { //This compiles and since Foo is a `UIViewController` subclass, it has access to all of `Meh` extension functions and `Meh` itself. IE: `doSomething, blah, foo`.
func doSomething() {
print("Do Something")
class Obj : NSObject, Meh { //While this compiles, it won't have access to any of `Meh` extension functions. It only has access to `Meh.doSomething()`.
func doSomething() {
print("Do Something")
The below will give a compiler error because Obj doesn't have access to Meh extension functions.
let i = Obj()
But the below will work.
let j = Foo()
In other words, Meh.blah() is only available to classes that are of type UIViewController.
Here is an example which explains that what is the use of where self: UIViewController
protocol SBIdentifiable {
static var sbIdentifier: String { get }
extension SBIdentifiable where Self: UIViewController {
static var sbIdentifier: String {
return String(describing: self)
extension UIVieWcontroller: SBIdentifiable { }
class ViewController: UIViewController {
func loadView() {
/*Below line we are using the sbIdentifier which will return the
ViewController class name.
and same name we would mentioned inside ViewController
storyboard ID. So that we do not need to write the identifier everytime.
So here where Self: UIViewController means it will only conform the protocol of type UIViewController*/
let viewController = self.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier:
self.sbIdentifier) as? SomeBiewController
You can find the same example here: WWDC2015-408, (Highly recommend to watch it,it illustrates the reason)
And also, another similar example is Extensions with a Generic Where Clause
struct Stack<Element> {
var items = [Element]()
mutating func push(_ item: Element) {
mutating func pop() -> Element {
return items.removeLast()
The where clause add a requirement to the extension, so that the extension adds the isTop(_:) method only when the items in the stack are equatable.
extension Stack where Element: Equatable {
func isTop(_ item: Element) -> Bool {
guard let topItem = items.last else {
return false
return topItem == item

Swift generics, cannot infer type T

I've tried a bunch of different things but i'm not good at generics.
How do I call a function with a variable that needs to be both a solid type like UIViewController, as well as conforming to a protocol like NavBarResponder ?
weak var lastNavBarResponder: UIViewController?
func reloadExtendedNavBar() {
if let vc = self.lastNavBarResponder {
self.setup(viewController: vc) // Error: Generic parameter T cannot be inferred
func setup<T: UIViewController>(viewController: T) where T: NavBarResponder {
I suspect the error is because UIViewController doesn't naturally conform to NavBarResponder, so the compiler can't guarantee that lastNavBarResponder fits the requirements of setup.
Try changing lastNavBarResponder to be of a type that is a UIViewController that conforms to the NavBarResponder protocol.
Here is a self-contained example showing how this would be implemented.
protocol NavBarResponder {}
class NavBarResponderController: UIViewController {}
extension NavBarResponderController: NavBarResponder {}
var lastNavBarResponder: NavBarResponderController? = NavBarResponderController()
func setup<T: UIViewController>(viewController: T) where T: NavBarResponder {
func reloadExtendedNavBar() {
if let vc = lastNavBarResponder {
setup(viewController: vc)

Swift: Instantiate class (AnyClass) conforming to protocol

I want to implement something like "registerClassForAction".
For that purpose, I have defined a protocol:
#objc protocol TestProt {
func testMe() -> String
Let's do a class declaration:
class TestClass: NSObject, TestProt {
func testMe() -> String {
return "test"
I define the function to register the object in another class:
func registerClassForAction(aClass: AnyClass) { ... }
Switching to the REPL, I'd simulate the register method:
let aClass: AnyClass = TestClass.classForCoder() //or .self
let tClass = aClass as NSObject.Type
let tInst = tClass() as TestProt
This currently works but is there another way to instantiate tClass, other than with
let tClass = aClass as NSObject.Type
Reason for asking, I'd like to explore the chance of getting rid of the NSObject so my TestClass does not to inherit from NSObject. Delegation was considered, but I'd like to control the lifetime of tInst and be able to dealloc it at a specific point in time.
thanks for helping
This is possible in Swift 2.0 without requiring #objc or subclassing NSObject:
protocol TestProt {
func testMe() -> String
class TestClass: TestProt {
// This init is required in order
// to construct an instance with
// a metatype value (class.init())
required init() {
func testMe() -> String {
return "Hello from TestClass"
let theClass = TestClass.self
let tInst: TestProt = theClass.init()