Swift: Instantiate class (AnyClass) conforming to protocol - swift

I want to implement something like "registerClassForAction".
For that purpose, I have defined a protocol:
#objc protocol TestProt {
func testMe() -> String
Let's do a class declaration:
class TestClass: NSObject, TestProt {
func testMe() -> String {
return "test"
I define the function to register the object in another class:
func registerClassForAction(aClass: AnyClass) { ... }
Switching to the REPL, I'd simulate the register method:
let aClass: AnyClass = TestClass.classForCoder() //or .self
let tClass = aClass as NSObject.Type
let tInst = tClass() as TestProt
This currently works but is there another way to instantiate tClass, other than with
let tClass = aClass as NSObject.Type
Reason for asking, I'd like to explore the chance of getting rid of the NSObject so my TestClass does not to inherit from NSObject. Delegation was considered, but I'd like to control the lifetime of tInst and be able to dealloc it at a specific point in time.
thanks for helping

This is possible in Swift 2.0 without requiring #objc or subclassing NSObject:
protocol TestProt {
func testMe() -> String
class TestClass: TestProt {
// This init is required in order
// to construct an instance with
// a metatype value (class.init())
required init() {
func testMe() -> String {
return "Hello from TestClass"
let theClass = TestClass.self
let tInst: TestProt = theClass.init()


Is there a way to initialize a class in swift by using a variable which contains the name of the class?

Suppose I have a simple factory which returns various subclasses of a custom ModelObject class like:
class func testModelObject(className: String) -> ModelObject
let obj = // instance of the subclass of ModelObject specified by className
return obj
Is there a way to do this? Will Swift freak out when I try to call any methods of that object? Should I have something else for my return type?
For best type safety, you should let testModalObject to accept a meta-type like:
class ModelObject {
required init() {}
class Subclass: ModelObject {
required init() { super.init() }
func testModalObject(_ type: ModelObject.Type) -> ModelObject {
return type.init()
If you really need a string input, you will need to rely on the Objective-C runtime and do some casting (see how to create instance of a class from a string in swift 3):
class ModelObject: NSObject { // <---
required override init() {}
#objc(MOSubclass) // <-- tell ObjC the name is "MOSubclass" instead of "????.Subclass".
class Subclass: ModelObject {
required init() { super.init() }
func testModalObject(_ typeName: String) -> ModelObject? {
let cls = NSClassFromString("MO\(typeName)") as? ModelObject.Type
return cls?.init()

Swift 3: Any way to declare a static class function to restrict closure type to Self?

I'm trying to create a static method on a generic class which takes in a closure as parameter and creates an instance of the class and passes it the closure. The catch is that I want to subclass this and ensure that the closure conforms to any subclass I use.
I know that you can use "Self" as a return type for a static method, but when I try to use it in the method header, I get the following error:
"'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method
in a class"
I'd like to do something like this:
class GenericClass: NSObject {
required override init() {
static func createAndExecuteAsync(block: (Self) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.global().async {
let instance = self.init()
class OtherClass: GenericClass {
// ...
Somewhere else...
OtherClass.createAndExecuteAsync { (instance: OtherClass) in
// Do stuff to instance
Thanks to Hamish's solution in this post, I'm closer to a solution. I can use Self in the desired way if I first create a protocol for my generic class. However that forces me to make OtherClass final, which isn't desirable for my situation.
Without making OtherClass final, I get the following error:
Protocol 'GenericClass' requirement 'createAndExecuteAsync(block:)'
cannot be satisfied by a non-final class ('OtherClass') because it
uses 'Self' in a non-parameter, non-result type position.
Here's what it would look like:
protocol GenericClass {
static func createAndExecuteAsync(block: #escaping (Self) -> Void)
extension GenericClass {
static func createAndExecuteAsync(block: #escaping (Self) -> Void) {
DispatchQueue.global().async {
let instance = self.init()
final class OtherClass : GenericClass {
var myProperty = 1
required init() { }
// Somewhere else...
OtherClass.createAndExecuteAsync { (instance) in
instance.myProperty = 2
Perhaps you could use a global generic function with a slightly different usage syntax.
for example:
func createAndExecuteAsync<T:GenericClass>(_ objectType:T.Type, _ block:#escaping (T) -> Void)
let instance = T.init()
createAndExecuteAsync(OtherClass.self){ $0.myProperty = 2 }
// instead of OtherClass.createAndExecuteAsync{ $0.myProperty = 2 }

Writing a common subject-observer implementation in Swift

Let's say I have a class that implements a beautiful subject-observer pattern thus. (This is Swift 3; Swift 2 would be no different in essence.)
protocol Delegate : class
func method()
class Subject
private typealias WeakDelegate = WeakReference< Delegate >
private var nextAvailableDelegateId = 0
private var delegates = [ Int : WeakDelegate ]()
public func addDelegate( _ delegate: Delegate ) -> Int
let id = nextAvailableDelegateId
nextAvailableDelegateId += 1
delegates[ id ] = WeakDelegate( value: delegate )
return id
public func removeDelegate( _ idForDelegate: Int )
delegates.removeValue( forKey: idForDelegate )
fileprivate func eachDelegate( fn: (Delegate) -> Void )
for (key, weakDelegate) in delegates
// Has this weak delegate reference become nil?
guard let delegate = weakDelegate.value else
// Yes. Remove it.
delegates.removeValue( forKey: key )
fn( delegate )
private func exampleNotifier()
eachDelegate{ $0.method() }
(I'm taking the idiomatic Swift term "delegate" as roughly equivalent to the design pattern concept "observer".)
The WeakReference type above isn't strictly speaking part of this question, but in case you're curious:
public class WeakReference< T >
public var value: T?
return abstractValue as? T
public init( value: T )
abstractValue = value as AnyObject
private weak var abstractValue: AnyObject?
Now I want to create another class analogous to Subject with another delegate protocol analogous to Delegate. How do I use the implementation I've already written for Subject in the new class?
One answer is to copy and paste the code. Not a good answer.
In C++ we could create a true mixin, a class that contains all the code and data necessary to implement the Subject, templated on a generic Delegate type, and inherit from it wherever we want to make some other class act as a Subject. Quite trivial.
Protocols, protocol extensions, and generics seem to have some of the machinery necessary for this kind of code reuse, but I can't work out how to accomplish it.
You can use protocol inheritance and generics to derive from some basic protocol.
Each new delegate will inherit from a parent class:
protocol Delegate: class {
func method()
protocol DelegateA: Delegate { }
protocol DelegateB: Delegate { }
Your parent subject class can be implemented using a generic conforming to your parent protocol.
class Subject<T: Delegate> {
private typealias WeakDelegate = WeakReference<T>
private var nextAvailableDelegateId = 0
private var delegates = [Int: WeakDelegate]()
public func addDelegate(_ delegate: T) -> Int {
let id = nextAvailableDelegateId
nextAvailableDelegateId += 1
delegates[id] = WeakDelegate( value: delegate )
return id
public func removeDelegate(_ idForDelegate: Int) {
delegates.removeValue(forKey: idForDelegate)
fileprivate func eachDelegate( fn: (T) -> Void ) {
for (key, weakDelegate) in delegates {
// Has this weak delegate reference become nil?
guard let delegate = weakDelegate.value else {
// Yes. Remove it.
delegates.removeValue( forKey: key )
fn( delegate )
private func exampleNotifier() {
eachDelegate{ $0.method() }
Each new subject can be instantiated as a generic conforming to your child delegates.
class SubjectA<T: DelegateA>: Subject<T> { }
class SubjectB<T: DelegateB>: Subject<T> { }

Swift delegate for a generic class

I have a class that needs to call out to a delegate when one of its properties changes. Here are the simplified class and protocol for the delegate:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged(myClass: MyClass)
class MyClass {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: Int {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: Int) {
currentValue = initialValue
This all works just fine. But, I want to make this class generic. So, I tried this:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged(genericClass: MyClass)
class MyClass<T> {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: T {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: T) {
currentValue = initialValue
This throws two compiler errors. First, the line declaring valueChanged in the protocol gives: Reference to generic type 'MyClass' requires arguments in <...>. Second, the call to valueChanged in the didSet watcher throws: 'MyClassDelegate' does not have a member named 'valueChanged'.
I thought using a typealias would solve the problem:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
typealias MyClassValueType
func valueChanged(genericClass: MyClass<MyClassValueType>)
class MyClass<T> {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: T {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: T) {
currentValue = initialValue
I seem to be on the right path, but I still have two compiler errors. The second error from above remains, as well as a new one on the line declaring the delegate property of MyClass: Protocol 'MyClassDelegate' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
It is hard to know what the best solution is to your problem without having more information, but one possible solution is to change your protocol declaration to this:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged<T>(genericClass: MyClass<T>)
That removes the need for a typealias in the protocol and should resolve the error messages that you've been getting.
Part of the reason why I'm not sure if this is the best solution for you is because I don't know how or where the valueChanged function is called, and so I don't know if it is practical to add a generic parameter to that function. If this solution doesn't work, post a comment.
You can use templates methods with type erasure...
protocol HeavyDelegate : class {
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R
class Heavy<P, R> {
typealias Param = P
typealias Return = R
weak var delegate : HeavyDelegate?
func inject(p : P) -> R? {
if delegate != nil {
return delegate?.heavy(self, shouldReturn: p)
return nil
func callMe(r : Return) {
class Delegate : HeavyDelegate {
typealias H = Heavy<(Int, String), String>
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R {
let h = heavy as! H // Compile gives warning but still works!
return "Hello" as! R
let heavy = Heavy<(Int, String), String>()
let delegate = Delegate()
heavy.delegate = delegate
heavy.inject((5, "alive"))
Protocols can have type requirements but cannot be generic; and protocols with type requirements can be used as generic constraints, but they cannot be used to type values. Because of this, you won't be able to reference your protocol type from your generic class if you go this path.
If your delegation protocol is very simple (like one or two methods), you can accept closures instead of a protocol object:
class MyClass<T> {
var valueChanged: (MyClass<T>) -> Void
class Delegate {
func valueChanged(obj: MyClass<Int>) {
print("object changed")
let d = Delegate()
let x = MyClass<Int>()
x.valueChanged = d.valueChanged
You can extend the concept to a struct holding a bunch of closures:
class MyClass<T> {
var delegate: PseudoProtocol<T>
struct PseudoProtocol<T> {
var valueWillChange: (MyClass<T>) -> Bool
var valueDidChange: (MyClass<T>) -> Void
Be extra careful with memory management, though, because blocks have a strong reference to the object that they refer to. In contrast, delegates are typically weak references to avoid cycles.

Swift - class method which must be overridden by subclass

Is there a standard way to make a "pure virtual function" in Swift, ie. one that must be overridden by every subclass, and which, if it is not, causes a compile time error?
You have two options:
1. Use a Protocol
Define the superclass as a Protocol instead of a Class
Pro: Compile time check for if each "subclass" (not an actual subclass) implements the required method(s)
Con: The "superclass" (protocol) cannot implement methods or properties
2. Assert in the super version of the method
class SuperClass {
func someFunc() {
fatalError("Must Override")
class Subclass : SuperClass {
override func someFunc() {
Pro: Can implement methods and properties in superclass
Con: No compile time check
The following allows to inherit from a class and also to have the protocol's compile time check :)
protocol ViewControllerProtocol {
func setupViews()
func setupConstraints()
typealias ViewController = ViewControllerClass & ViewControllerProtocol
class ViewControllerClass : UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setup() {
guard let controller = self as? ViewController else {
//.... and implement methods related to UIViewController at will
class SubClass : ViewController {
//-- in case these aren't here... an error will be presented
func setupViews() { ... }
func setupConstraints() { ... }
There isn't any support for abstract class/ virtual functions, but you could probably use a protocol for most cases:
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someMethod()
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someMethod() {}
If SomeClass doesn't implement someMethod, you'll get this compile time error:
error: type 'SomeClass' does not conform to protocol 'SomeProtocol'
Another workaround, if you don't have too many "virtual" methods, is to have the subclass pass the "implementations" into the base class constructor as function objects:
class MyVirtual {
// 'Implementation' provided by subclass
let fooImpl: (() -> String)
// Delegates to 'implementation' provided by subclass
func foo() -> String {
return fooImpl()
init(fooImpl: (() -> String)) {
self.fooImpl = fooImpl
class MyImpl: MyVirtual {
// 'Implementation' for super.foo()
func myFoo() -> String {
return "I am foo"
init() {
// pass the 'implementation' to the superclass
You can use protocol vs assertion as suggested in answer here by drewag.
However, example for the protocol is missing. I am covering here,
protocol SomeProtocol {
func someMethod()
class SomeClass: SomeProtocol {
func someMethod() {}
Now every subclasses are required to implement the protocol which is checked in compile time. If SomeClass doesn't implement someMethod, you'll get this compile time error:
error: type 'SomeClass' does not conform to protocol 'SomeProtocol'
Note: this only works for the topmost class that implements the protocol. Any subclasses can blithely ignore the protocol requirements. – as commented by memmons
class SuperClass {
func someFunc() {
fatalError("Must Override")
class Subclass : SuperClass {
override func someFunc() {
However, assertion will work only in runtime.
This is what I usually do, to causes the compile-time error :
class SuperClass {}
protocol SuperClassProtocol {
func someFunc()
typealias SuperClassType = SuperClass & SuperClassProtocol
class Subclass: SuperClassType {
func someFunc() {
// ...
You can achieve it by passing function into initializer.
For example
open class SuperClass {
private let abstractFunction: () -> Void
public init(abstractFunction: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.abstractFunction = abstractFunction
public func foo() {
// ...
public class SubClass: SuperClass {
public init() {
abstractFunction: {
print("my implementation")
You can extend it by passing self as the parameter:
open class SuperClass {
private let abstractFunction: (SuperClass) -> Void
public init(abstractFunction: #escaping (SuperClass) -> Void) {
self.abstractFunction = abstractFunction
public func foo() {
// ...
public class SubClass: SuperClass {
public init() {
abstractFunction: {
(_self: SuperClass) in
let _self: SubClass = _self as! SubClass
print("my implementation")
Compile time check for if each subclassimplements the required method(s)
Can implement methods and properties in superclass
Note that you can't pass self to the function so you won't get memory leak.
It's not the prettiest code
You can't use it for the classes with required init
Being new to iOS development, I'm not entirely sure when this was implemented, but one way to get the best of both worlds is to implement an extension for a protocol:
protocol ThingsToDo {
func doThingOne()
extension ThingsToDo {
func doThingTwo() { /* Define code here */}
class Person: ThingsToDo {
func doThingOne() {
// Already defined in extension
// Rest of code
The extension is what allows you to have the default value for a function while the function in the regular protocol still provides a compile time error if not defined