Callback Handlebars - callback

Good morning guys, all right?
I render a grid with handlebars, after that, I need to adjust the height of the cards and activate another jquery plugin referring to a select options that is rendered by handlebars.
When I call the functions to adjust the height of the cards and activate the aforementioned plugin, right after the handlebars process does not work, but if I put a settimeout, most often works, but AI depends on the speed of the Internet, hard code....
I didn't find any reference to callback in relation to handlebars.
Following part of the code:
var source = $("#nome_template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
setTimeout(function() {
funcaoAuxiliar();// function that adjusts height and activates the Select options plugin.
}, 3000);
Can someone give a help?
Thank you

Depending how your script containing the funcaoAuxiliar function is loaded.
If you load it via a script tag : This answer may help you
Verify External Script Is Loaded
If you load the script via an ajax call : use a callback function (example via jquery below)
$.getScript( "js/funcaoAuxiliar.js", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
console.log( data ); // Data returned
console.log( textStatus ); // Success
console.log( jqxhr.status ); // 200
console.log( "Load was performed." );
// Do your stuff here once script is loaded
<script src=""></script>


TinyMCE 3 - textarea id which fired blur event

When a TinyMCE editor blur occurs, I am trying to find the element id (or name) of the textarea which fired the blur event. I also want the element id (or name) of the element which gains the focus, but that part should be similar.
I'm getting closer in being able to get the iframe id of the tinymce editor, but I've only got it working in Chrome and I'm sure there is a better way of doing it. I need this to work across different browsers and devices.
For example, this below code returns the iframe id in Chrome which is okay since the iframe id only appends a suffix of "_ifr" to my textarea element id. I would prefer the element id of the textarea, but it's okay if I need to remove the iframe suffix.
EDIT: I think it's more clear if I add a complete TinyMCE Fiddle (instead of the code below):
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {
ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
/* BEGIN: Added this to handle JS blur event */
/* example modified from: */
var dom = ed.dom,
doc = ed.getDoc(),
el = doc.content_editable ? ed.getBody() : (tinymce.isGecko ? doc : ed.getWin());
tinymce.dom.Event.add(el, 'blur', function(e) {
var event = e || window.event;
var target = || event.srcElement;
console.log('the above outputs the following iframe id which triggered the blur (but only in Chrome): ' + 'idPrimeraVista_ifr');
tinymce.dom.Event.add(el, 'focus', function(e) {
/* END: Added this to handle JS blur event */
Maybe it's better to give a background of what I'm trying to accomplish:
We have multiple textareas on a form which we're trying to "grammarcheck" with software called "languagetool" (that uses TinyMCE version 3.5.6). Upon losing focus on a textarea, we would like to invoke the grammarcheck for the textarea that lost focus and then return the focus to where it's supposed to go after the grammar check.
I've struggled with this for quite some time, and would greatly appreciate any feedback (even if it's general advice for doing this differently).
Many Thanks!
TinyMCE provides a property on the Editor object for getting the editor instance ID:
It also seems overkill to check for doc.content_editable and tinyMCE.isGecko because Editor.getBody() allows for cross-browser compatible event binding already (I checked IE8-11, and latest versions of Firefox and Chrome).
Note: I actually found that the logic was failing to properly assign ed.getBody() to el in Internet Explorer, so it wasn't achieving the cross-browser functionality you need anyway.
Try the following simplified event bindings:
mode : "textareas",
setup : function (ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function (ed) {
/* onBlur */
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'blur', function (e) {
console.log('Editor with ID "' + + '" has blur.');
/* onFocus */
tinymce.dom.Event.add(ed.getBody(), 'focus', function (e) {
console.log('Editor with ID "' + + '" has focus.');
…or see this working TinyMCE Fiddle »
Aside: Your Fiddle wasn't properly initializing the editors because the plugin was failing to load. Since you don't need the plugin for this example, I removed it from the Fiddle to get it working.

Using jquery-ias with async-loaded content

I've somewhat successfully integrated the jQuery Infinite Ajax Scroll plugin into my development site - it is used twice, first on the thread list on the left, second when you load up an individual topic - but I'm having trouble with the second ias instance here.
Basically the content of a topic is loaded via $.get and then rendered into the page, and then I trigger setupThreadDetailDownwardScroll() in JS which creates an instance of ias:
var iasDetail = jQuery.ias({
container: "#reply-holder",
item: ".post",
pagination: ".threaddetail-pagination",
next: ".load-next-inner-link a",
delay: 2000,
if (iasDetail.extension) {
iasDetail.extension(new IASPagingExtension());
iasDetail.extension(new IASTriggerExtension({
text: 'More Replies',
html: '<div class="scroll-pager"><span>{text}</span></div>',
offset: 10,
iasDetail.extension(new IASNoneLeftExtension({html: '<div class="scroll-message"><span>No more replies</span></div>'}));
iasDetail.extension(new IASHistoryExtension({
prev: '.load-previous-inner-link a',
iasDetail.on('load', function() {
iasDetail.on('rendered', function() {
But the problem is that this only works with whatever the first topic you load is - you'll get working pagination in the first thread, but then it'll fallback to anchor links when you open the next thread.
So I figured that I needed to rebind ias once this new content is inserted, and this is why I have added the unbind() call in rendered, and then I re-call setupThreadDetailDownwardScroll() whenever another thread is loaded. This doesn't work either though.
Is there a correct procedure here?
You are using jQuery.ias(...) which binds to the scroll event of $(window). In your case you probably want to bind to an overflow div. Therefor you should specify the scrollContainer like this:
Based on you comment I took another look at it and might have found an answer. When you call jQuery.ias({...}); IAS gets setup and waits for $(document).ready to initialize. You say you want to initialize IAS in your setupThreadDetailDownwardScroll function. You can try to initialize IAS yourself with the following code

inject a javascript function into an Iframe

This link (archived version) describes how to inject code from a script into an iframe:
function injectJS() {
var iFrameHead = window.frames["myiframe"].document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var myscript = document.createElement('script');
myscript.type = 'text/javascript';
myscript.src = 'myscript.js'; // replace this with your SCRIPT
That's ok, but what if I want to insert a function object into an iframe and get it executed in the iframe context? Let's say I have:
function foo () {
console.log ("Look at me, executed inside an iframe!", window);
and I want to insert foo's code inside an iframe? (function foo could be something loaded dynamically, I can't just wrap it in quotes)
I naively tried:
var scriptFooString = "<script>" + foo.toString() + "</script>"
to get the code inside function, but
I don't know how to insert it in the iframe HEAD (maybe with jquery?)
I don't know if it's the right way
I don't know what happens when if function is way more complex than that
I don't know what happens with double and single quotes in scriptFooString
Any hint?
First of all you can only accomplish this if your frame and the page displaying it is within the same domain (Due to cross-domain rules)
secondly you can manipulate dom and window objects of the frame directly through JS:
frames[0] = function(){
console.log ("Look at me, executed inside an iframe!", window);
to get your frame from a DOMElement object you can use:
var myFrame = document.getElementById('myFrame'); = function(){
console.log ("Look at me, executed inside an iframe!");
Note that the scope in foo is NOT changed, so window is still the parent window etc. inside foo.
If you want to inject some code that needs to be run in the context of the other frame you could inject a script tag, or eval it:
frames[0].window.eval('function foo(){ console.log("Im in a frame",window); }');
Though the general consensus is to never use eval, I think its a better alternative than DOM injection if you REALLY need to accomplish this.
So in your specific case you could do something like:
This code is the result of my research. The accepted answer also helped me a lot.
First of all, I create a simple iframe:
<iframe id="myiframe" width="200" height="200" srcdoc="<h1 id='title'>Hello from Iframe</h1><button type='button' id='fire'>Click Me!</button>
For access to iframe's window and document I used this code.
const iframe = document.getElementById('myiframe');
const iframeWin = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
const iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframeWin.document;
Finally I injected js codes into iframe:
var script = iframeDoc.createElement("script");
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById("fire").addEventListener('click', function() {
const text = document.getElementById('title').innerText;
Here's my solution. I'm using jquery to insert the content, then using eval to execute the script tags in the context of that iframe:
var content = $($.parseHTML(source, document, true));
var cw = document.getElementById("content").contentWindow;
[]"script"), function (el, idx) {

Isotope callback not happening after window resize

I need to run a script after window get resized and isotope finish operating.
I thought callbacks would help but they're not fired in case of window resize.
As I need the updated container 's width value after resize, is there another way ?
Thanks for your help!
this worked..
Similiar to a callback, onLayout is a function that will be triggered after every time an Isotope instance runs through its layout logic.
onLayout: function( $elems, instance ) {
// `this` refers to jQuery object of the container element
console.log( this.height() );
// callback provides jQuery object of laid-out item elements
$elems.css({ background: 'blue' });
// instance is the Isotope instance
console.log( instance.$filteredAtoms.length );
i was looking into that eather and couldnt find a solution. so i picked this ugly one:
$(window).smartresize(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
//your function
}, 810);
so on resize i set a timeout that calls 810ms after isotope relayout, which should take 800ms in jquery, or 0.8s in css3.
like is said, its ugly, but for now i fits the purpose..

How to manipulate forms with Mootools

I'm trying to manipulate forms with Mootools. My purpose is to inject the response content of a form into a div element named result.
Here a code that works, but it replaces the content of the result div. This is not what I want : I want to ADD the form response content to the result div existing content. I just can't find on the web how to do this, and I've tried many things that are not working ... Please help
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('myform').addEvent('submit', function(e) {
var result = $('result').empty();
url: this.get('action'),
data: this,
onSuccess: function() {
result.set("html", this.response.text);
If it's only text you want to add, just remove the empty method, and replace result.set() with result.appendText().
If you need to append an element tree, repeat the first step, and do:
onSuccess: function(){
Btw. It's all in the documentation -