I am trying to write a Writer macro using LibreOffice Basic. First I tried recording a macro that applies a style to a page. It generated code like this:
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper")
dim args1(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "Template"
args1(0).Value = "First page"
args1(1).Name = "Family"
args1(1).Value = 8
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:StyleApply", "", 0, args1())
My question is: where can I get description of parameters of uno:StyleApply? I tried searching for documentation, reference, anything but I can't find any information about this function. Please help.
The dispatch commands aren't actually part of the API. As noted at https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/The_OpenOffice.org_recorder_and_UNO_dispatch_calls, "The dispatch commands are an internal mechanism of OpenOffice.org. The arguments of each dispatch command are not documented."
Information and resources for LibreOffice macros are available at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Macros. I've found info in Andrew Pitonyak's "English Macro Document" (AndrewMacro.odt) to be particularly helpful; it's available at his site noted on the wiki page.
The latest API documentation is available at https://api.libreoffice.org/. One caveat: this API documentation might be confusing since it's more directly applicable to object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java.
I am struggling to create a handsome ABAP Doc Documentation, and when I try to link the Docs to other Repository Objects (according to the syntax from SAP Help Site), this doesn't work:
"! <h1>Method show</h1>
"! Calls {#link cl_abap_browser.METH:show_html}
"! #parameter html |
I am getting the error message:
*ABAP Doc Statement link is not valid at this Point*
Can somebody can help me with that?
This feature is only available from version 7.52 onwards, as documented in the specific release changes: https://help.sap.com/doc/abapdocu_752_index_htm/7.52/en-US/abennews-752-abap_doc.htm
I use Python for plotting geospatial data on maps.
For certain map-styles, such as ["basic", "streets", "outdoors", "light", "dark", "satellite", "satellite-streets"], I need a mapbox-access token and for some geospatial plotting packages like folium I even need to create my own link for retrieving the map-tiles.
So far, it worked great with the style "satellite":
mapbox_style = "satellite"
mapbox_access_token = "....blabla"
request_link = f"https://api.mapbox.com/v4/mapbox.{mapbox_style}/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}#2x.jpg90?access_token={mapbox_access_token}"
However, when choosing "satellite-streets" as mapbox-tile-ID, the output doesn't show a background map anymore. It fails with inserting "satellite-streets", "satellitestreets" and "satellite_streets" into the aforementioned link-string.
Why is that and how can I come to know what's the correct tile-ID-name for "satellite-streets"?
I found an answer when reaching out to the customer support.
Apparently, one has to access the static APIs which have specific names listed on their website:
"In general, the styles that you mentioned including
"satellite_streets" that you are referencing are our classic styles
that are going to be deprecated starting June 1st. I would recommend
using our modern static API the equivalent modern styles. This
will allow you to see the most updated street data as well.
Like the example request below:
Here is more info on the deprecation of the classic styles and
the migration guide for them."
My personal adaptation after having tried everything out myself, is:
Via combining the above-mentioned with the details on how to construct a Mapbox-request link on this documention from mapbox' website,
I finally managed to make it work.
An example request looks like so (in python using f-strings):
mapbox_tile_URL = f"https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/{tileset_ID_str}/tiles/{tilesize_pixels}/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}#2x?access_token={mapbox_access_token}"
The tileset_ID_str could be e.g. "satellite-streets-v11" which can be seen at the following link containing valid static maps.
I am trying to export some text from Python into a Libre/OpenOffice Writer document which I created according to these instructions.
For example, using
cursor.setPropertyValue("CharHeight", 20)
cursor.setPropertyValue("CharWeight", 150)
document.Text.insertString(cursor, "This Is Heading One", 0)
I can make a line of text look like a heading, but it's just text and not an actual heading. What property values do I have to modify to generate a heading line that's picked up for the TOC?
In general, where is the documentation for the properties, and how to navigate the Writer document in general? I'm having a very hard time digging up anything at all!
I guess this hasn't attracted much interest on stackoverflow :) Neither has it in the forum over at LibreOffice.
Fortunately, the folks over at OpenOffice had a few good pointers, and a thread with above questions and more is here. I'm going to keep discussing various aspects of document creation over there.
Say I've written a class in a package, called mypackage.myclass. I've written my own HTML documentation for the package and the class, and have included this within the MATLAB help browser as described in the MATLAB documentation.
I can display this HTML documentation by using the help browser to navigate directly to it, but typing doc mypackage.myclass does not display it; instead it displays some HTML documentation that is auto-generated by helpwin (which is a nice feature, but not what I want - the auto-generated documentation is too techy for my users).
How can I force doc to display my documentation, rather than the auto-generated documentation?
When you run doc docTopic, inside the doc command the Java class com.mathworks.mlservices.MLHelpServices.showReferencePage(docTopic) gets called. If a reference page for docTopic exists, it displays it and returns a success value. If a reference page doesn't exist, it returns a failure value, which then causes helpwin(docTopic) to get called. Somewhere there must be some catalog that connects values of docTopic with individual reference HTML files. How can I fiddle with that catalog - or can I create one for my package?
MathWorkers and #Yair, please give me enough undocumented rope to hang myself with :)
As far as I know this is not possible and not intended by MathWorks. I don't know of an undocumented way of doing this either. As far as I remember the keywords for doc are hard-coded somewhere.
Depending on your setup you can try the following: Prepare your own doc command that uses web(..., '-helpbrowser') to display HTML pages in MATLAB's help browser:
function doc(topic)
my_topics = {
'foo', 'foo.html'
'bar', 'bar/help/intro.html'
for i = 1 : size(my_topics, 1)
if strcmpi(topic, my_topics{i, 1})
web(my_topics{i, 2}, '-helpbrowser');
% Fall back to MATLAB's doc. Note that our doc shadows MATLAB's doc.
docs = which('doc', '-all');
old_dir = cd();
c = onCleanup(#() cd(old_dir));
If you put that function in a file doc.m and put the corresponding directory at the beginning of the MATLAB path (see help addpath) then it will be called instead of the built-in doc.
Of course you could use some other place to store your custom doc mapping (a file, for instance) or use some kind of dynamic lookup scheme.
UPDATE: As of MATLAB R2012b, the '-helpbrowser' option of web is undocumented. This is probably related to the GUI changes in that MATLAB version, which also include the help browser. web(..., '-helpbrowser') still works as intended, but that may change in future versions of MATLAB. As far as I know, there is no documented way of opening any HTML page in the help browser in R2012b.
As the title suggests, I have a .Net application which uses interop to open documents in Word. I have set
app.AutomationSecurity = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable
before opening the document. According to the documentation, thhis "Disables all macros in all files opened programmatically, without showing any security alerts"
However, when I attempt to open one specific document I get a dialog box on the screen that says "could not load an object because it is not available on this machine". It's a customer document but I believe it contains a macro with references to a COM object which I don't have installed.
Am I doing something stupid? is there any way to actually disable macros when opening a Word document?
WordBasic.DisableAutoMacros 1
Bizarrely, this relies on a throwback to pre-VBA days, but still seems to be the most-reliable way to ensure that no auto macros are triggered (in any document - you may want to turn it back using the parameter "0").
I recently had a project where I had to process 6,000 Word templates (yes, templates, not documents) many of which had oddball stuff like macros, etc. I was able to process all but 6 using this technique. (I never did figure out what the problem was with those 6).
EDIT: for a discussion of how to call this from C#, see: http://www.dotnet247.com/247reference/msgs/56/281785.aspx
For c# you can use
(_wordApp.WordBasic as dynamic).DisableAutoMacros();
The whole code I'm using is:
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
private Word.Application _wordApp;
_wordApp = new Word.Application
Visible = false,
ScreenUpdating = false,
DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone,
FileValidation = MsoFileValidationMode.msoFileValidationSkip
_wordApp.Application.AutomationSecurity = MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable;
(_wordApp.WordBasic as dynamic).DisableAutoMacros();