New fish session on iTerm2 get (standard_in) 1: parse error - fish

I recently updated iTerm2 to version 3.2.4 and then to 3.2.5 and I get (standard_in) 1: parse error every time I start a new fish session. (on both versions - nothing on the previous ones).
I use fortune -a -s as greeting, and don't think that is the cause of the error.
My version of fish is 2.7.1
Renaming file, "solved" the error! I believe the real problem is in
My file :
set -gx OMF_PATH /Users/<my-user>/.local/share/omf
set -gx OMF_CONFIG /Users/<my-user>/.config/omf
source $OMF_PATH/
set -g fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 5
My file was never altered, so the file is still equal to the original one:

I had a similar issue although it didn't affect me from starting a fish shell. However, I believe the similar outcome was related. When I added quotes in certain spots, and used brackets to separate a variable to be expanded before appending the rest of a string to it that seemed to work. In your case try editing like so:
set -gx OMF_PATH "/Users/anonirato/.local/share/omf"
set -gx OMF_CONFIG "/Users/anonirato/.config/omf"
source "{$OMF_PATH}/"
set -g fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 5
Let me know if that does anything for ya. If not, then I will dig deeper and edit my answer.


What causes the fish shell to change input while typing?

I understand, that when I start typing that fish can give me either auto-suggestions or tab completion.
But: I also noticed that sometimes I get updates to my command line while typing. Example: I have a command a lengthy command line to enable some tooling of mine, lets say it looks like:
python3 -bla -blub --property fubber:blub
I start typing "py2" and fish suggests
python3 -bla -blub --property fubber:blub
OK. So I use alt-left arrow to accept up to
python3 -bla -blub
and now I start typing --property ( not accepting, typing that word ). Thing is: as soon as typed the last char (y) from property fish will somehow insert content into command line. Worse: it also happens frequently, that the whole isn't showing correctly any more in my iterm session - I actually have no way of seeing the exact current command before hitting enter.
I know that the above isn't exactly an MCVE - but I can't disclose my actual command here, and I was unable to create that MCVE. In that sense, my question boils down to: which events make the fish shell insert content into the "current" command?
For completness:
I am running fish, version 2.7 on Mac Os 10.13.3, installed via brew
default bindings
I am sure that just pressed "y", no modifier key added to that
But I am also unable to repro at this point in time. So, although I am very sure that I didn't dream this up, I consider this to be a strange hick-up for the moment that hopefully stopped bugging me for now.

How can I set environment variables in fish?

I'm new to the fish shell, and just trying to set my $EDITOR variable so that's it's persistent across sessions and reboots. Here's what I've tried so far:
Running set -gx EDITOR vim from the command line.
Running set -Ux EDITOR vim from the command line.
Running those commands, prefixed by set -e EDITOR to unset any previous value.
Adding the above commands to my ~/.config/fish/ file (it complains set: Warning: universal scope selected, but a global variable “EDITOR” exists.)
Uninstalling oh-my-fish and removing all fish configs to start from scratch.
No matter what I do, the EDITOR variable always ends up being /usr/bin/nano whenever I open a new terminal, start a new session, or reboot. What's even more strange is that in ~/.config/fish/, I see SET_EXPORT EDITOR vim, and nothing about nano. Is this some kind of fish default? If so, how can I set this correctly?
Edit: I'm running Fish 2.6.0 on Antergos Linux.
First, the fish config file is ~/.config/fish/ Editing the file you named won't have any effect. Second, fish does not have any default for, nor does it set, the EDITOR or VISUAL variables. So whatever is setting it to /usr/bin/nano is a customization unique to your system.
If you set -Ux EDITOR vim and do not set it in it should be set to vim even if it is already set when fish starts. Run that set command then do set -U | grep EDITOR and env | grep EDITOR to see that it is set as a universal variable and exported. Now type fish to start a sub-shell. Run the previous two commands and you should see that it is still set to the same value. Now type set -U EDITOR nano in the sub-shell followed by exit. In the earlier shell you should now see that EDITOR is set to nano.
Personally I don't like to use uvars for this since at the moment they are per-machine. I just do set -gX EDITOR (type -p vim) in my ~/.config/fish/ This ensures that if I start fish on a new machine on which I've installed my ~/.config/fish directory I get my expected defaults.
The other reason not to use a uvar in this way is that the resolution order is local scope, global scope, universal scope. Since environment vars imported when fish starts running are placed in the global scope they will shadow the uvar you defined. Do not export universal variables. It is unlikely to produce the desired results. Simply set -gx the var in your script.
P.S., When asking questions of this nature you should always include pertinent facts such as the OS you're using and the fish version.

Broke my terminal with a bad PATH [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Wrong path set and now .bashrc throws errors [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I put an invalid path into my bashrc and now my terminal doesn't work. I've deleted my bash_profile as well as my bashrc and I still can't get it to work.
Every command I use in terminal gives me the error:
sh: parse_git_branch: command not found
This was something I had in my bash_profile for git autocompletion. The problem is once I've deleted the files using /bin/rm <file>, I can't apply my changes with source ~/.bash_profile because it's giving me errors. I've looked at this question, and this question, but I still am having no luck.
How can I fix my command line after breaking things like this?
You can export a correct PATH in your current session using a command similar to :
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
After using this, you should be able to source your bashrc.
You can always change your path right on the command line for the rest of the current shell session: PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:"
Exporting the PATH won't solve your problem. It will only export the value of PATH to child shells/processes. This only achieves the same thing as resetting/changing the PATH variable from the command-line (as shown above), because your scope is limited to the current shell process (and its children) while you are working within that shell environment (working from the command-line). If you open a new terminal (start a new login shell, which is a parent process), bash will still be trying to read from the resource files (.bash_profile and .bashrc), which no longer exist.
So, we need to be able to widen our scope and tell bash that we want to make changes for all future bashes (shell processes--new shells, shells within shells, etc.), and the way that is done is by writing those statements in the resource files.
Once you set your PATH there, every shell session will spawn with those resources (all the aliases, commands, variables, and functions stored in those files), loaded, regardless of whether you export it or not, since each shell process will always consult those files before it does anything else (so they effectively pre-emptively import what you are trying to export to them).
bash is like any other script or program. You took away all its inputs and pointers and shortcuts, and now its just been made pretty dumb, so you've got to be explicit with everything you do till you can teach it where to look for stuff (give it a PATH to search) and shorten your conversations with it.
If you don't have a backup of your .bash_profile, here's one that you can use:
# This loads in the configuration in .bashrc
# Put all configuration in there!
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
And here's a .bashrc that can get you started:
export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:"

Using the --glob_ignores flag of SVN_Load_Dirs.PL

I am attempting to use the SVN_Load_Dirs.PL script file ( to attempt to merge a platform drop.
However, I can't get the --glob_ignores flag to behave as I'd expect, and I know so little perl that I can't dig into the script to understand why. The format I am using is:
Where I want to ignore all .jazzignore files (although I am fine with anything with "jazzignore" in either the extension or name being ignored. I've looked for examples but can't find any actual usage of this flag anywhere. What I am looking for is a way to ignore all .jazzignore files and a few entire directories (like jazz5 for an example)
I assumed the flag would then be --glob_ignores="*.jazzignore *.jazz5" but that doesn't appear to be working.
It turns out that the script was failing silently because I was running it from a windows cmd (and therefore never getting to the flag option). Apparently there are some issues running it this way and it was designed to be run from a linux command line. After switching it works perfectly.

Unrar script, error, in need of rar command for debian

I'm currently trying to get this script to work:
The only problem is that I get the following error:
Entering directory 'Series'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName/Season2'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName/Season2/SerieNameS02E21.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName/Season2/SerieNameS02E21.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION/Sample'
Can't call method "List" on an undefined value at line 973.
This line is rar_obj->List();
$rar_conf{'-verbose'} = $rar_ver if $rar_ver;
my $rar_obj = Archive::Rar->new( %rar_conf );
my #files_extracted = $rar_obj->GetBareList();
This is an old script, 3-4 years old and I changed a little like SHA1 to SHA and use Filesys::DfPortable; to Df
Does anyone know how I can fix this error :)?
I contacted the developer and he told me I needed to install a program that can handle rar commands. So how would I do that. I can't seem to be able to install unrar.
What my problem is now, 2 of the 3 unrar packages aren't in my architecture, armhf.
To install the script yourself::::::::::::
You need to pass the -archive parameter into the call to new() otherwise how will $rar_obj know which file it is supposed to be looking at?
I can't seem to be able to install unrar
That's not a particular good explanation of your problem. What did you try? What unexpected behaviour did you see?
From the tags on your question, it looks like you're running Debian. What do you see if you run sudo apt-get install unrar?
Update: My first comment was based on the code extract that you showed us. Looking at the full program code, I can see that %rar_conf has other values set in it (including the -archive option) before the section of code you gave us.
Looking at the source of the Archive::Rar module, it seems to assume that the program to use for dealing with the archives is called rar. So 7-Zip is not going to work.