Unrar script, error, in need of rar command for debian - perl

I'm currently trying to get this script to work:
The only problem is that I get the following error:
Entering directory 'Series'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName/Season2'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName/Season2/SerieNameS02E21.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION'
Entering directory 'Series/SerieName/Season2/SerieNameS02E21.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION/Sample'
Can't call method "List" on an undefined value at unrar2.pl line 973.
This line is rar_obj->List();
$rar_conf{'-verbose'} = $rar_ver if $rar_ver;
my $rar_obj = Archive::Rar->new( %rar_conf );
my #files_extracted = $rar_obj->GetBareList();
This is an old script, 3-4 years old and I changed a little like SHA1 to SHA and use Filesys::DfPortable; to Df
Does anyone know how I can fix this error :)?
I contacted the developer and he told me I needed to install a program that can handle rar commands. So how would I do that. I can't seem to be able to install unrar.
What my problem is now, 2 of the 3 unrar packages aren't in my architecture, armhf.
To install the script yourself::::::::::::

You need to pass the -archive parameter into the call to new() otherwise how will $rar_obj know which file it is supposed to be looking at?
I can't seem to be able to install unrar
That's not a particular good explanation of your problem. What did you try? What unexpected behaviour did you see?
From the tags on your question, it looks like you're running Debian. What do you see if you run sudo apt-get install unrar?
Update: My first comment was based on the code extract that you showed us. Looking at the full program code, I can see that %rar_conf has other values set in it (including the -archive option) before the section of code you gave us.
Looking at the source of the Archive::Rar module, it seems to assume that the program to use for dealing with the archives is called rar. So 7-Zip is not going to work.


Perl executable crashes even though file is not missing

I get the following error:
Can't load '...\AppData\Local\Temp\par-6e72616f\cache-20221205133501\5743946b.xs.dll' for module GD:
The specified module could not be found at <embedded>/DynaLoader.pm line 193.
at <embedded>/PAR/Heavy.pm line 140.
(Line breaks added for readability.)
Here is the file t2.pl:
use GD;
Here is the command to convert it to an exe (I use a batch file that timestamps it):
pp -T 20221205133501 -o t2_20221205133501.exe t2.pl
On my laptop, the exe works, but on a barebones Citrix environment it fails.
My environment:
Strawberry Perl v5.32.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-64int
GD v2.73
I know the file is simple, but that one line is enough to cause the crash.
The file it complains about exists and is located where it is looking.
I have looked and is looks like I need to add -m GD, or -l xxx to make it work. I tried adding all the dll files I could find for GD, but failed.
I have a corporate environment so I can't really use anything that depends on external programs not in Windows 10. pp_simple depends on wxpar which I do not have. I have used:
objdump -x C:\Strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\auto\GD\GD.xs.dll | find "DLL"
which got me a list of DLLs, and I did try using them with -l.
From Re: Par with strawberry-Perl
There are likely missing DLLs that need to be added to the pp call
using the --link option.
Finding these manually can be a pain, so have a look at pp_autolink or
pp_simple (the former is mine, but adapted from the latter).

Have a problem with perl or fedora bash. my source is not recognized unless pre fixed with perl

I call the program myfoo.pl, my first line is #!/usr/bin/perl.
When run from command line myfoo.pl I get command not found.
again when run using perl myfoo.pl it runs and completes. Not all my perl programs have this problem some run just using (path)/source.pl I ran head -1 myfoo.pl and got a print of my first line. no indication of problems.
Looking at the limited information you gave, I would say you are probably missing permission executable on the file myfoo.pl. To which the solution is to do
chmod +x myfoo.pl
It could also be a path to binary problem, that the perl binary is not located in /usr/bin/perl. In which case you need to figure out where it is, with which perl or where perl.
I suppose it could also be that the file myfoo.pl is not in your current directory, which it needs to be. Because of path settings, you also may have to execute it with
$ ./myfoo.pl
Because . is part of your path variable.
It is impossible to say for sure, because you are not answering questions, however. So when you eventually get around to answering questions, we may have more answers.

Using the --glob_ignores flag of SVN_Load_Dirs.PL

I am attempting to use the SVN_Load_Dirs.PL script file (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/contrib/client-side/svn_load_dirs/) to attempt to merge a platform drop.
However, I can't get the --glob_ignores flag to behave as I'd expect, and I know so little perl that I can't dig into the script to understand why. The format I am using is:
Where I want to ignore all .jazzignore files (although I am fine with anything with "jazzignore" in either the extension or name being ignored. I've looked for examples but can't find any actual usage of this flag anywhere. What I am looking for is a way to ignore all .jazzignore files and a few entire directories (like jazz5 for an example)
I assumed the flag would then be --glob_ignores="*.jazzignore *.jazz5" but that doesn't appear to be working.
It turns out that the script was failing silently because I was running it from a windows cmd (and therefore never getting to the flag option). Apparently there are some issues running it this way and it was designed to be run from a linux command line. After switching it works perfectly.

How to have Dexy evaluate Perl scripts?

The dexy documentation states than any language may be used. The tutorial use the py filter to run Python file, but I didn't find any filter to run Perl file.
I try to execute a very simple Perl file
I've tried to use the bash or sh filter, but with no luck, and didn't find any execute-or-like filter.
Am I missing something obvious ?
Ok, here are the different solutions I found about this.
1. A perl filter now exist
Ok, Ana is the owner of this project and is very reactive. I asked her the question about dexy and perl on IRC, and tada ! Less than 1 hour later, there was a commit on the repository with perl support.
So, if you just get latest version and install it this way :
git clone https://github.com/dexy/dexy
cd dexy
sudo pip install -e .
You should have a perl filter.
If you want to pass arguments to a script, just use the scriptargs setting.
2. Use a bash script
Another very simple solution is to embed the launch of a perl script into a sh/bash script, and use the sh/shint/bash filter that already exist.
3. Use bash script without additional files
If you fear that the latest solution will makes you add a lot of tiny scripts in your directories, you may use the contents feature of dexy. That way, the required one-liners are defined in dexy.yaml only.
Something like :
- shell-myscript.sh|sh:
- contents: "perl ./perl/myscript.pl --any-parameter"
- perl/myscript.pl
is doing the job just fine for me.

perl.exe remap error under cygwin

My Cygwin environment (Windows 7 O/S) has developed a strange problem. A couple of days ago I was running a perl script fine, but today I'm getting
0 [main] perl 5056 C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error - unable to remap \\?\C:\cygwin\lib\perl
5\5.10\i686-cygwin\auto\Socket\Socket.dll to same address as parent: 0x8F0000 != 0x960000
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0088B508 6102749B (0088B508, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
0088B7F8 6102749B (61177B80, 00008000, 00000000, 61179977)
0088C828 61004AFB (611A136C, 6123E0FC, 008F0000, 00960000)
End of stack trace
I tried running rebase, as advised here but the problem persists. Any answers appreciated, as I have a demo tomorrow for which this script is needed. Wasn't expecting a problem like this!
This is a semi-informed answer, as I have had similar difficulty and eventually flailed around until the problem went away.
rebaseall with no arguments will rebase all of the dll files that were installed from cygwin packages. However you will often have many other dlls from other programs you have built and installed, including from installed Perl modules with XS code, and you will need to tell rebaseall about these modules somehow.
There may be an easier way to do this, and I hope I haven't forgotten any steps, but I think I had some success doing something like this:
Get a list of all the dll's in your system that run under cygwin. Maybe something like find /bin /lib /usr /home -name \*.dll > /tmp/file1
exit all cygwin processes, open as ash or dash shell from a Windows command prompt, and run /bin/rebaseall -v > /tmp/file2. The -v switch sets a Verbose flag in rebase that lists all the files that get rebased with the default setting.
Use /tmp/file1 and /tmp/file2 to create a new file, say /tmp/file3 with the complete list of files you will want to rebase. From what I remember it is important for the system dlls (all the files in /tmp/file2) to be listed first,
Now run rebaseall -v -T /tmp/file3 (in ash, after closing all cygwin procs, etc.). Pay attention to the output. If there are error messages about rebasing some particular dll, remove that entry from /tmp/file3 and try again.
This may not solve your problem, but maybe it will get you most of the way there. If you do eventually figure it out, I hope you will come back and fill in some of the holes in this solution.
I think it is useful to point out that for most people running into this a simple "rebaseall" without any arguments seems to resolve this issue. I'll post a link to a very useful blog post from My Life, Starting up (I have no relation to that blog):
The action list, (copied directly from the blog) is:
Let me tell you what you can do if you don't care what's actually happening.
1) Close out of Cygwin (and all cygwin processes).
2) Open a Windows command prompt (start -> run - > type 'cmd' or on vista : start -> type 'cmd' in the start search window)
3) Go to your cygwin bin directory. For me it is c:\cygwin\bin.
4) Type ash
5) Type '/usr/bin/rebaseall'
6) Resolve any errors (I had a warning that went unresolved and it still worked fine)
7) Reboot...and you should be good.
And if you DO care what's actually happening, read the blog entry, in addition to the answer by mob here on this same question.