spark scala reading text file with line delimiter - scala

I have a one text file with following format.
I want to create a DataFrame like
id | name | subject
1 | a | science
| | english
When I do this Scala I get RDD[String] only. How can I convert RDD[String] to a DataFrame
val rdd = sc.textFile(fileLocation)
val a = rdd.reduce((a, b) => a + " " + b).split("\\$\\$\\$").map(f => f.replaceAll("##","")

Given the text file you provide and assuming you want the all of your example file converted to the following (put example text into a file example.txt)
| id|name| subjects|
| 1| a| science|
| | | english|
| 2| b| social|
| | |mathematics|
you can run the code below (spark 2.3.2)
val fileLocation="example.txt"
val rdd = sc.textFile(fileLocation)
def format(x : (String, String, String)) : String = {
val a = if ("".equals(x._1)) "| " else x._1 + " | "
val b = if ("".equals(x._2)) "| " else x._2 + " | "
val c = if ("".equals(x._3)) "" else x._3
return a + b + c
var rdd2 = rdd.filter(x => x.length != 0).map(s => s.split("##")).map(a => {
a match {
case Array(x) =>
("", "", x.split("\\$\\$\\$")(0))
case Array(x, y, z) =>
(x, y, z.split("\\$\\$\\$")(0))
rdd2.foreach(x => println(format(x)))
val header = rdd2.first()
val df = rdd2.filter(row => row != header).toDF(header._1, header._2, header._3)
val ds = rdd2.filter(row => row != header).toDS.withColumnRenamed("_1", header._1).withColumnRenamed("_2", header._2).withColumnRenamed("_3", header._3)


Dynamically renaming column in dataframe, and then joining with one more table

I have a property table like below, in the dataframe
In the columns to rename,
I have to rename the column based on this input
If the cust_id flag is yes I just want to join with the customer table
In the final output I want to show the hashed column values with the actual column name
val maintab_df = maintable
val cust_df = customertable
Joining main table and customer table after renaming the main table column e to a.
maintable.a = customertable.a
Here's an example of how to do it:
|(e to a),(d to b)| Y|
val columns_to_rename = propertydf.head(1)(0).getAs[String]("columns-to-rename")
val cust_id_flag = propertydf.head(1)(0).getAs[String]("cust_id_flag")
val parsed_columns = columns_to_rename.split(",")
.map(c => c.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
.split(" to "))
// parsed_columns: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(e, a), Array(d, b))
val rename_columns = => {
val matched = parsed_columns.filter(p => c == p(0))
if (matched.size != 0)
// rename_columns: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(e AS `a`, f, c, d AS `b`)
val select_columns = => {
val matched = parsed_columns.filter(p => c == p(0))
if (matched.size != 0)
col(matched(0)(1) + "_hash").as(matched(0)(1).toString)
// select_columns: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(a_hash AS `a`, f, c, b_hash AS `b`)
val join_cond =
// join_cond: Array[String] = Array(a, b)
if (cust_id_flag == "Y") {
val result =*)
.join(cust_df, join_cond)
} else {
val result = maintab_df
| a| f| c| b|
|*****!| 1| 11| &&&&|
| ****%| 2| 12|;;;;;;;;|
|*****#| 3| 13| \\\\\\|

Spark creating a new column based on a mapped value of an existing column

I am trying to map the values of one column in my dataframe to a new value and put it into a new column using a UDF, but I am unable to get the UDF to accept a parameter that isn't also a column. For example I have a dataframe dfOriginial like this:
| 9| 1|
| 21| 2|
| 23| 3|
| 7| 6|
And I'm trying to get a sense of the bin the numeric value falls into, so I may construct a list of bins like this:
case class Bin(binMax:BigDecimal, binWidth:BigDecimal) {
val binMin = binMax - binWidth
// only one of the two evaluations can include an "or=", otherwise a value could fit in 2 bins
def fitsInBin(value: BigDecimal): Boolean = value > binMin && value <= binMax
def rangeAsString(): String = {
val sb = new StringBuilder()
sb.append(trimDecimal(binMin)).append(" - ").append(trimDecimal(binMax))
And then I want to transform my old dataframe like this to make dfBin:
| 9| 1| 0 - 10 |
| 21| 2| 20 - 30 |
| 23| 3| 20 - 30 |
| 7| 6| 0 - 10 |
So that I can ultimately get a count of the instances of the bins by calling .groupBy("bin_range").count().
I am trying to generate dfBin by using the withColumn function with an UDF.
Here's the code with the UDF I am attempting to use:
val convertValueToBinRangeUDF = udf((value:String, binList:List[Bin]) => {
val number = BigDecimal(value)
val bin = binList.find( bin => bin.fitsInBin(number)).getOrElse(Bin(BigDecimal(0), BigDecimal(0)))
val binList = List(Bin(10, 10), Bin(20, 10), Bin(30, 10), Bin(40, 10), Bin(50, 10))
val dfBin = dfOriginal.withColumn("bin_range", convertValueToBinRangeUDF(col("high_scores"), binList))
But it's giving me a type mismatch:
Error:type mismatch;
found : List[Bin]
required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
val valueCountsWithBin = valuesCounts.withColumn(binRangeCol, convertValueToBinRangeUDF(col(columnName), binList))
Seeing the definition of an UDF makes me think it should handle the conversion fine, but it's clearly not, any ideas?
The problem is that parameters to an UDF should all be of column type. One solution would be to convert binList into a column and pass it to the UDF similar to the current code.
However, it is simpler to adjust the UDF slightly and turn it into a def. In this way you can easily pass other non-column type data:
def convertValueToBinRangeUDF(binList: List[Bin]) = udf((value:String) => {
val number = BigDecimal(value)
val bin = binList.find( bin => bin.fitsInBin(number)).getOrElse(Bin(BigDecimal(0), BigDecimal(0)))
val dfBin = valuesCounts.withColumn("bin_range", convertValueToBinRangeUDF(binList)($"columnName"))
Try this -
scala> case class Bin(binMax:BigDecimal, binWidth:BigDecimal) {
| val binMin = binMax - binWidth
| // only one of the two evaluations can include an "or=", otherwise a value could fit in 2 bins
| def fitsInBin(value: BigDecimal): Boolean = value > binMin && value <= binMax
| def rangeAsString(): String = {
| val sb = new StringBuilder()
| sb.append(binMin).append(" - ").append(binMax)
| sb.toString()
| }
| }
defined class Bin
scala> val binList = List(Bin(10, 10), Bin(20, 10), Bin(30, 10), Bin(40, 10), Bin(50, 10))
binList: List[Bin] = List(Bin(10,10), Bin(20,10), Bin(30,10), Bin(40,10), Bin(50,10))
scala> spark.udf.register("convertValueToBinRangeUDF", (value: String) => {
| val number = BigDecimal(value)
| val bin = binList.find( bin => bin.fitsInBin(number)).getOrElse(Bin(BigDecimal(0), BigDecimal(0)))
| bin.rangeAsString()
| })
res13: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction = UserDefinedFunction(<function1>,StringType,Some(List(StringType)))
//-- Testing with one record
scala> val dfOriginal = spark.sql(s""" select "9" as `high_scores`, "1" as count """)
dfOriginal: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [high_scores: string, count: string]
scala> dfOriginal.createOrReplaceTempView("dfOriginal")
scala> val dfBin = spark.sql(s""" select high_scores, count, convertValueToBinRangeUDF(high_scores) as bin_range from dfOriginal """)
dfBin: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [high_scores: string, count: string ... 1 more field]
|9 |1 |0 - 10 |
Hope this will help.

handling "correlated" lines with spark

let's say one have a plurality of files in a directory, each file being
adjacent lines with same date and value corresponding to the same event.
Two lines in two separate files can't be adjacent.
expected result:
where eN is here an arbitrary value (e1 <> e2 <> e3 ...) to clarify the sample.
does the following code provide a unique event id for all lines of all files:
case class Event(
LineNumber: Long, var EventId: Long,
Date: String, Value: String //,..
val lines = sc.textFile("theDirectory")
val rows = lines.filter(l => !l.startsWith("someString")).zipWithUniqueId
.map(l => l._2.toString +: l._1.split("""\|""", -1));
var lastValue: Float = 0;
var lastDate: String = "00010101";
var eventId: Long = 0;
var rowDF = rows
.map(c => {
var e = Event(
c(0).toLong, 0, c(1), c(2) //,...
if ( e.Date != lastDate || e.Value != lastValue) {
lastDate = e.Date
lastValue = e.Value
eventId = e.LineNumber
e.EventId = eventId
basically I use the unique line number given by zipWithUniqueId as a key for a sequence of adjacent lines.
I think my underlying question is: Is there a probabilty that the second map operation split the content of the files accross multiple process ?
Here is an idiomatic solution. Hope this helps. I have used filenames to distinguish files. A groupBy involving file name, zipindex and then join back to original input dataframe resulted in desired output.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
scala> val lines ="file:///home/fsdjob/theDir").withColumn("filename", input_file_name())
|value |filename |
scala> val linesGrpWithUid = lines.groupBy("value", "filename").count.drop("count").rdd.zipWithUniqueId
linesGrpWithUid: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(org.apache.spark.sql.Row, Long)] = MapPartitionsRDD[135] at zipWithUniqueId at <console>:31
scala> val linesGrpWithIdRdd = x => { org.apache.spark.sql.Row(x._1.get(0),x._1.get(1), x._2) })
linesGrpWithIdRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = MapPartitionsRDD[136] at map at <console>:31
scala> val schema =
| StructType(
| StructField("value", StringType, false) ::
| StructField("filename", StringType, false) ::
| StructField("id", LongType, false) ::
| Nil)
schema: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(value,StringType,false), StructField(filename,StringType,false), StructField(id,LongType,false))
scala> val linesGrpWithIdDF = spark.createDataFrame(linesGrpWithIdRdd, schema)
linesGrpWithIdDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [value: string, filename: string ... 1 more field]
|value |filename |id |
|20100101|12.34|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|3 |
|20100101|36.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|6 |
|20100102|36.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|20 |
|20100102|36.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file1.txt|30 |
|20100101|14.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file1.txt|36 |
|20100101|14.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|56 |
scala> val output = lines.join(linesGrpWithIdDF, Seq("value", "filename"))
output: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [value: string, filename: string ... 1 more field]
|value |filename |id |
|20100101|12.34|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|3 |
|20100101|12.34|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|3 |
|20100101|36.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|6 |
|20100102|36.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|20 |
|20100102|36.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file1.txt|30 |
|20100101|14.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file1.txt|36 |
|20100101|14.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file1.txt|36 |
|20100101|14.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|56 |
|20100101|14.00|file:///home/fsdjob/theDir/file2.txt|56 |

Write List of Map data into csv

val rdd = => Row.fromSeq((
scala.xml.XML.loadString("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" + line(1)).child
.filter(elem =>
elem.label == "name1"
|| elem.label == "name2"
|| elem.label == "name3"
|| elem.label == "name4"
).map(elem => (elem.label -> elem.text)).toList)
I do rdd.take(10).foreach(println), My is RDD[Row] then produced the output something like this:
[(name1, value1), (name2, value2),(name3, value3)]
[(name1, value11), (name2, value22),(name3, value33)]
[(name1, value111), (name2, value222),(name4, value44)]
I want save this into csv with (name1..name4 are header of csv), anyone please help how can I implement this with apache spark 2.4.0
name1 | name2 | name3 | name4
value1 | value2 |value3 | null
value11 | value22 |value33 | null
value111 | value222 |null | value444
I adjusted your example and added some intermediate Values to help get each step:
// define the labels you want:
val labels = Seq("name1", "name2", "name3", "name4")
val result: RDD[Row] = { line =>
// your raw data
val tuples: immutable.Seq[(String, String)] =
scala.xml.XML.loadString("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" + line(1)).child
.filter(elem => labels.contains(elem.label)) // you can use the label list to filter
.map(elem => (elem.label -> elem.text)).toList // no change here
val values: Seq[String] = =>
// take the values you have a label
tuples.find{case (k, v) => k == l}.map(_._2)
// or just add an empty String
// create a Row
Now I am not sure - but in essence you have to insert the title Row as the first row:
[name1, name2, name3]

How to append List[String] to every row of DataFrame?

After a series of validations over a DataFrame,
I obtain a List of String with certain values like this:
List[String]=(lvalue1, lvalue2, lvalue3, ...)
And I have a Dataframe with n values:
dfield 1 | dfield 2 | dfield 3
dvalue1 | dvalue2 | dvalue3
dvalue1 | dvalue2 | dvalue3
I want to append the values of the List at the beggining of my Dataframe, in order to get a new DF with something like this:
dfield 1 | dfield 2 | dfield 3 | dfield4 | dfield5 | dfield6
lvalue1 | lvalue2 | lvalue3 | dvalue1 | dvalue2 | dvalue3
lvalue1 | lvalue2 | lvalue3 | dvalue1 | dvalue2 | dvalue3
I have found something using a UDF. Could be this correct for my purpose?
TL;DR Use select or withColumn with lit function.
I'd use lit function with select operator (or withColumn).
lit(literal: Any): Column Creates a Column of literal value.
A solution could be as follows.
val values = List("lvalue1", "lvalue2", "lvalue3")
val dfields = => s"dfield ${idx + 1}")
val dataset = Seq(
("dvalue1", "dvalue2", "dvalue3"),
("dvalue1", "dvalue2", "dvalue3")
).toDF("dfield 1", "dfield 2", "dfield 3")
val offsets = dataset.
map { idx => idx + colNames.size + 1 }
val offsetDF =
foldLeft(dataset) { case (df, (off, col)) => df.withColumnRenamed(col, s"dfield $off") }
val newcols =
map { case (v, dfield) => lit(v) as dfield } :+ col("*")
scala> _*).show
|dfield 1|dfield 2|dfield 3|dfield 4|dfield 5|dfield 6|
| lvalue1| lvalue2| lvalue3| dvalue1| dvalue2| dvalue3|
| lvalue1| lvalue2| lvalue3| dvalue1| dvalue2| dvalue3|