Geodestic measures in OL 5? - openlayers-5

This example, url below, uses OL-3 with an option to do geodestic measures uses "var wgs84Sphere = new ol.Sphere(6378137);"
How can I set the same variable ("wgs84Sphere") to be used by OL version 5?!

ol/Sphere no longer exists in OpenLayers 5, if you want to measure use ol/sphere methods getArea and getDistance.
Follow the link to see this and some use examples:


API for getting language server info from extension (bracket pairs, function begin/end, ...)

I'm currently writing an extension for VSCode which needs to have some good knowledge about the currently shown code in the editor and I'm wondering if there is some API available which can give me the needed information (e.g. from the current language server) or if I have to do the heavy lifting myself by implementing all the needed code parsing etc.
What I need in detail is the following:
Given is a position in code (line + col no)
What I'd like to know about the given position:
Is pos inside a function and if so, where does the function start & end?
Is pos inside a string and if so, where does the string start & end?
The extension is going to provide some kind of "vim selection light".
You can have only half of that via VS Code APIs.
Is pos inside a function and if so, where does the function start & end?
Using the vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider command, you can gather all functions from a file and check if the current position is inside one of the functions.
Something like this to retrieve the functions:
const symbolsToFind = [SymbolKind.Function, SymbolKind.Method, SymbolKind.Constructor];
const docSymbols = await commands.executeCommand(
) as DocumentSymbol[];
const docSymbolsFunctionsMethods = docSymbols
? docSymbols.filter(symbol => symbolsToFind.includes(symbol.kind))
: undefined;
Each Symbol provides you with a Range, which defines the start and end of the function declaration and body.
Be aware that you will probably need a recursive approach (each Symbol can contain other Symbols). A complete sample is available on my Separators extension (
Is pos inside a string and if so, where does the string start & end?
Unfortunately, there is no API for that, as VS Code does not expose language tokens or the AST. So, you will have to deal with it yourself, maybe using regex.
Hope this helps

How to get nifty and sensex data using Alpha Vantage api key

Is possible to get nifty 50 data using Alpha Vantage?
Also the current price of gold?
As of now, Alpha Vantage only has 100% support for US ETFs, so to get NIFTY data you can download the 50 tickers, you can download the list here, and then make a call to each ticker.
Yes, use the CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE function, and "from_currency=XAU" parameter. XAU is the symbol for gold.

Get the number of features displayed on a map after a filter (with featuresIn)

First of all, I'm aware that querySourceFeatures could fix that. But unfortunately the new version is effective with all types but not with symbols, which I'm using. So I'm still coding under version 0.14.x.
That said, I filter my map with the setFilter function and I need to catch back the number of features displayed once the filter is done.
I thought about transform the whole world (-90,-180,90,180) map coordinates into pixels and then pass it into a featuresIn function.
With fiddle below, featuresIn returns nothing [EDIT : that was due to not setting interacive : true, now it's done but issue is still here]. Do you have any idea how to get the number of features displayed on my map?
EDIT : Please find my jsFiddle :
No features are being returned from featuresIn because you did not set "interactive": true on the "route" layer, as specified in the documentation (but no longer on our official docs page because we have changed this API).
/*Now I want to know how many features are still displayed after that filter
My thought was to get the bbox of the whole map (-180,-90,180,90) and make a featuresIn of that bbox.*/
More fundamentally, this approach will not work. featuresIn only returns features in the current viewport. It does not return all features.

What is he best way how to get the short version of an article?

What do you think? What's the best way how to get from administratior the short version of an article (in CMS)?
I have 3 possibilies in my mind:
1) Create two textareas (WYSIWYG) fro the short and for the full version of article
2) The short version will be (for example) the first 100 words of article
3) To have one sepparator (like <hr>) and the short version will be the text from the beggining up to the sepparator (full version will be up to the end)
A possibility would be to mix your first two ideas (I don't quite like the third one, where the content cannot live without the excerpt) :
Use an aditionnal textarea for the exceprt,
And if the user doesn't input anything in it, just use the first X words / sentences of the content.

pygraphviz/networkx external label (xlabel)

I have a question regarding external labels in pygraphviz. Sadly, I haven't found anything regarding this on the internet.
I want to use networkx to create/parse a graph in tree structure and then use pygraphviz/pydot to draw it. I need external labels on top of the normal labels for the nodes because I want to display values for the nodes + the node name itself.
Let's say I have the following graph (very simplified example of what I'm doing later):
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_edges_from([('A','B'), ('A','C')])
p = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(g)
So I'm using the last line to generate a tree like hraph and I need external labels for B and C.
How to do it?
For pygraphviz you can pass through arbitrary graphviz attributes, so you can do:
dot.node('point', '', shape='point', xlabel='Label')