What is he best way how to get the short version of an article? - content-management-system

What do you think? What's the best way how to get from administratior the short version of an article (in CMS)?
I have 3 possibilies in my mind:
1) Create two textareas (WYSIWYG) fro the short and for the full version of article
2) The short version will be (for example) the first 100 words of article
3) To have one sepparator (like <hr>) and the short version will be the text from the beggining up to the sepparator (full version will be up to the end)

A possibility would be to mix your first two ideas (I don't quite like the third one, where the content cannot live without the excerpt) :
Use an aditionnal textarea for the exceprt,
And if the user doesn't input anything in it, just use the first X words / sentences of the content.


How do I reduce the number of 301 redirect entries using wildcards and variables in Squarespace?

I recently renamed all of the URLs that make up my blog... and have written redirects for almost every page... using wildcards where I can... keeping in mind... all that I know is the * wildcard at this time...
Here is an example of what I have...
/season-1/2017/1/1/snl-s01e01-host-george-carlin -> /season-1/snl-s01e01-george-carlin 301
I want to write a catch-all that will redirect all 38 seasons of reviews with one redirect entry... but I can't figure out how to get rid of just the word "host" between s01e01- and -george-carlin... and was thinking it would work something like this...
/season-*/*/*/*/snl-s*e*-host-*-* -> /season-*/snl-s*e*[code to remove the word "host"]-*-* 301
Is that even close to being correct? Do I need that many *s
Thanks in advance for any help...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to reduce the number of individual redirect entries using the redirect features that Squarespace has to offer, namely the wildcard (*) and a single variable ([name]). Multiple variables would be needed, but only [name] is supported.
The closest you can get is:
/season-1/*/*/*/snl-s01e01-host-[name] -> /season-1/snl-s01e01-[name] 301
But, if I'm understanding things, while the above redirect appears more general, it would still need to be copy/pasted for each post individually. So although it demonstrates the best that could be achieved, it is not a technical improvement.
Therefore, there are only two alternatives:
Create a Google Sheet (or other spreadsheet) where the old URLs are copy/pasted in column one, a formula using arrayformula and regular expressions to parse the old URL and generate the new URL is added in column two, and in column three a formula is written to join the two cells with -> and 301. With that done, you could click, drag and highlight all cells in column 3, copy, and paste them in the "URL Shortcuts" text area in Squarespace.It can be quite time consuming to figure out, write and test the correct formula, but it does avoid having to manually type out every redirect. Whether it is less time/effort in total depends on the number of redirects and one's proficiency with writing spreadsheet formulas.It could be that using the redirect code above would simplify the formula that'd need to be written in the spreadsheet, which may save some time.
Another alternative would be to remove your redirects and instead handle the redirect via JavaScript added to the 404/Page-not-found page. Because it sounds like you already have all of the redirects in place but are simply trying to reduce the overall number, I wouldn't recommend changing to a JavaScript-based approach. There are other drawbacks to using JavaScript, in any case.

How do I generate a fixed sized list of facts (duplicates included)?

I'm new to ASP & Clingo and I need to work on a project for school. I thought about some basic music generator.
For now, I need to generate notes (I'm sticking with C major for now). I also want to generate them randomly and I don't know how to do that. How can I make the following code generate a random sequence of notes (duplicates too)?
20 { play(X) : note(X)} 30.
#show play/1.
So far, the code won't allow for more than 7 as the upper bound, because it won't show duplicate notes.
Current output: play(b) play(g) play(e) play(c)
Wanted output: play(d) play(g) play(f) ...[20-30 randomly generated notes]
I want to be able to add constraints later (such as this note should not be followed by that note, and so on). I appreciate any tips since I know so little about this.
An answer set is a set. The atoms have no order and duplicates are not possible because it is a set.
You want to guess one note for each beat.
1 { play(N,B) : note(N) } 1 :- beat(B).

Google Sheets - Retrieve "A:File1" to "A:File2" where "Sheetname:File1" = "B:File2" if "C:File2" is between "E" and "F" in "File1"

Sorry for the somewhat long title, but I was told to be as specific as possible. :D
My problem will require some explantion.
So, I have 2 spreadsheets files ("Konverteringstabeller" and "Tee Posen").
In "Tee Posen" I have a sheet named "Scores MIK" (golf scorecard and my name).
In "Konverteringstabeller" I have sheets with conversion tables for multiple golf courses, but if one works, all should.
What I need is to find out what course handicap I would get if my golf handicap is "HCP 26,0" (as shown in File 2 Picture), and in this case that result should be 29 (not visible), but you should get the point.
(example: golf hcp 10 would result in course hcp 11, because 10 is between 9,9-10,7)
While I have been able to find the right result, it has only been in the "Konverteringstabeller" spreadsheet file and that is not the place I need it.
I want to have it written in E6 in the "Scores MIK" sheet in File 2.
I should mention that in "Scores MIK : File 2", cell C2 (Ikast Golf Klub) has data validation so I can easily change between the different courses in the "Konverteringstabeller" file once I add more.
What I have been messing with is something with vlookup and importrange with concatenate in it, but I can't figure out how to do it, so I ask for your help.
And I am by no means skilled in the art of Spreadsheets, so I would very much appreciate a detailed explanation.
Picture - Scores MIK (File 2)
Picture - Ikast Golf Klub (File 1)
Thanks in advance!
// Mikkel Christensen
OK so a couple notes - One is that to join a static cell where you keep the sheet name but allow it to chance you should add '$' around it, also if the rows for B8-E70 will always be the same position on the various sheets you also need to add $ around those as well.
here is an example of the whole formula
=IFERROR(ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(E5:E25;IMPORTRANGE("spreadsheet key";"'"&C2&"'!$B$8:$E$70");4;TRUE)))
And lastly - using the "&" operator to concatenate is better at least in my opinion because concatenate sometimes does not work as well with array formula - plus I find it personally quicker and easier to use that having wrap yet another function around my stuff.

Automatically generate Date + 4-digit sequence number for ID in Access 2010+

I need to automatically generate a 12 character value for my Business Key. Without any user interaction.
8 character -> Today Date (yyyymmdd or ddmmyyyy).
4 character -> Sequential Number (0001,0002,0003).
The Sequential Number must reset on each new day.
Is it possible to do this in Microsoft Access 2010+ without any coding involved?
Since you are using Access 2010+ the best way to accomplish your goal would be to use a Before Change data macro like this
To create the Before Change macro, click the "Before Change" button on the "Table" tab of the ribbon when the table is open in Datasheet View:
For more details on Data Macros see
Create a data macro
Good question, thanks for the challenge!
After some search, it seems it's possible to do that.
You can prefix the AutoNuber value by processing like the explanation available here: http://www.databasedev.co.uk/add_prefix.html
You can try to specify in the format of the field a format(now(),"ddmmyyyy").
Check this page for more informations, another user seems to have the same problem and got a solution: http://bytes.com/topic/access/answers/695188-custom-made-autonumber-show-todays-date
Hope it's helping you!

Single barcode with Code128B and Code128C with iTextSharp

I wish to generate a barcode mixing code128B and code128C with iTextSharp DLL. Do you know how to do that ? I currently know only with a single codeset.
By example, I wish to generate a barcode with the value 8L1 91450 883421 0550 001065
where "8L1 91450" is in code128B and "883421 0550 001065" is in code128C.
Barcode128 will actually automatically switch from B to C if and when it can but it sounds like you don't want this. For the control that you're looking for you'll need to set your barcode's CodeType property to Barcode.CODE128_RAW and manually set the raw values.
There's a couple of posts out there that give the basic idea but unfortunately they tend to assume to much knowledge of iText or too much knowledge of barcodes.
I'm not a barcode expert either but the basic idea is to create a string that starts with Barcode128.START_B, then the first part of your text, then Barcode128.START_C and then the second. When in raw mode, text isn't ASCII, however. You can use this site to get the character codes for various ASCII values. But basically instead of sending the letter L you'd send (char)44.
Hopefully this gets you started at least.