Configuration Management in AKS Deployment with Azure Pipelines for Different Environments - azure-devops

I have created a ASP.NET Core WebAPI and deployed in an Dev Environment (Kubernetes) using Azure Pipelines. How can I update the configuration in the pipeline if I need to publish the same API in another environment (eg. SIT). Since I have different settings/configuration for Dev and SIT environments.
Kindly guide me.

You can use release variables to do this. Feel free to reachout if you need any assistance.

The problem occurs when I want to deploy the same API to other
environments like QA/UAT/Prod. Since each environment is having
separate databases
For this issue , there are several ways to achieve this. You can add Replace Tokens extension to the job to replace the database connection string in appsettings.json.
You can define your variable like below:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "#{connectstring}#"
You can refer to this case and lab for details.
Here are some reference for the same issue:
Replacing database connection strings in the Docker image
Set Json Property task to replace the ConnectionStrings


Duplicate Override ARM Template Parameters while doing deployment

I am testing the Azure data factory deployment using ARM Templates, where I am deploying the all the ADF Instances (Data factory pipeline, linked services, data sets, data flow, Trigger etc.) from Development to UAT and Production, but before deploying to UAT and production. I included below activity in Azure DevOps pipeline-
Stopping the ADF Trigger using 'Azure PowerShell' in built task of azure Devops release pipeline. In this task I am using the Inline script to stop trigger before deployment to UAT/PROD environment.
ARM Template deployment = using ARM Template I configured following value in it.
Template -> the ARM template of the pipeline ARMTemplateForFactory.json
Template Parameters -> the ARM \TemplateParametrsForFactory.json
Override template Parameter-> When I tried to enter the Values for UAT/Prod environment. some parameter are showing double.
Q-1. PFA, the details about each step and the logs. Please guide me why trigger not taking proper format. what could be the reason behind this? How should I correct this so that it can take trigger parameters only once.
Q-2. Also Please let me know Do I need Azure function app key for UAT/Prod environment to enter that value while override template parameter? Can someone please take a look and guide me what I am missing here?
This question is answered in Microsoft Q&A platform. Thank you #sachingupta-1921 and #MartinJaffer-MSFT for the workable solution, posting it as an answer here to help the other community members.
A-1: Changing the name of the triggers without spaces resolved the problem mentioned in Q-1.
A-2: If you have different keys for dev / uat/ prod, then you would definitely need to include that.
Since you have a Key Vault, you could put the Function App key in there, and let it be taken care of by the change of key vaults. Then you would not need to enter the Function App key in the parameters.

Access agent hostname for a build variable

I've got release pipelines defined that have worked. I've got a config transform that will write a API url to a config file (currently with a hardcoded api url).
What I'd like to do is be able to have the config be re-written based on the agent its being deployed on.
eg. if the machine being deployed to is TEST-1, I'd like to write into a config using that transform step.
The can be static.
I've tried modifying the pipeline variable's value to be https://${{Environment.Name}}, but it just replaces the API_URL in the config with that literal string (does not populate machine name in that variable).
Being that variables are the source of value that is being written to configs during the transform, I'm struggling to see another way to do this.
some gotchas
Using non yaml pipeline definitions (I know I saw people put logic in variable definitions within yaml pipelines)
Can't just use localhost, as the configuration is being read into a javascript rich app that would have js trying to connect to localhost vs trying to connect to the server.
I'm interested in any ways I could solve this problem
${{Environment.Name}} is not valid syntax for either YAML or classic pipelines.
In classic pipelines it would be $(Environment.Name).
In YAML, $(Environment.Name) or ${{ variables['Environment.Name'] }} would work.

How Environment variable names reflect the structure of an appsettings.json

I am using ASP.NET Core 5.0 and I have a Web API app deployed to internal cloud where few settings like DB are controlled via environment variables on the host cloud. In my Startup.cs I have the below code
string projectDbConnection = Configuration.GetSection("ProjectDatabaseSettings").GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION");
string projectDbName = Configuration.GetSection("ProjectDatabaseSettings").GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_NAME");
Here as I understand, when running locally in IIS Express it looks for appsettings.<Environment>.json and they take precedence over appsettings.json values.
But this app is always connecting to the wrong DB when I deployed to Cloud where I mentioned the PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION & PROJECT_DB_NAME as Environment variables for the app.
To make the app read from the Environment variables I had to change the above Code in Startup.cs as
string projectDbConnection = Configuration.GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION");
string projectDbName = Configuration.GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_NAME");
I am unable to understand the difference between the GetSection.GetValue and just GetValue and why I should use Configuration.GetValue() to direct app to read from Env variables.
what am I missing and when should we use what?
Naming of environment variables
There is kind of a naming convention in the environment variables for nested appsettings to env vars, see naming of environment variables.
Each element in the hierarchy is separated by a double underscore.
In your case it would work if you name the env variable: ProjectDatabaseSettings__PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION.
Config Order
Regarding to Microsoft Documentation there is a order in which the config sources are checked.
ChainedConfigurationProvider : Adds an existing IConfiguration as a source. In the default configuration case, adds the host configuration and setting it as the first source for the app configuration.
appsettings.json using the JSON configuration provider.
appsettings.Environment.json using the JSON configuration provider. For example, appsettings.Production.json and appsettings.Development.json.
App secrets when the app runs in the Development environment.
Environment variables using the Environment Variables configuration provider.
Command-line arguments using the Command-line configuration provider.
The usecase
This is useful when you are developing local using appsettings.json, but run in a cluster or cloud in production where it is more convenient to use environment variables (f.e.: in kubernetes environment variables are set via config maps).

Release Pipeline error when using Azure Dacpac Task

I'm new to using Azure release pipelines and have been fighting issues trying to deploy a database project to a new Azure SQL database. Currently the pipeline is giving me the following error...
TargetConnectionString argument cannot be used in conjunction with any other Target database arguments
I've tried deploying with and without the TargetConnectionString included in my publish profile. Any suggestions or something else to try? I'm out of ideas.
Specifies a valid SQL Server/Azure connection string to the target database. If this parameter is specified it shall be used exclusively of all other target parameters. (short form /tcs)
So please remove all other TargetXXX arguments.
(if you don't have them can you show what arguments you have inline and in publish profile - of course without data)

Updating a CloudFormation stack with a Cognito pool claims that we're adding attributes when we're not

Starting on Nov 7, 2018 we started getting the following error when updating our CloudFormation stacks:
Updating user pool schema is not allowed from cloudformation. Use the
AddCustomAttributes API or the AWS Cognito Console to update user pool
Our CF stacks don't have any changes to the custom attributes of the Cognito pool. They only have changes to the PostConfirmation and CustomMessage triggers, as well the addition of API Gateway responses.
Does anybody know why we might be seeing this? How can we avoid this error message?
We had the same problem with deployment. For now we are deploying it without CustomMessage trigger and setting CustomMessage trigger manually after deployment.
we removed the CustomMessage changes from our template and that seemed to do the trick.
Mostly by luck, I've found an answer that allows me to get around this in an automated manner.
How our scripts used to work
First, let me explain how this used to work. I used to have the following set of cloudFormation scripts:
cognitoSetup.template --> <Serverless Framework> --> <cognitoSetup.template updated with triggers>
So we'd setup the Cognito pool, run the Serverless Framework to add the Cognito Lambda functions, and then update the cognitoSetup.template file with the ARNs for the lambdas exported when the Serverless Framework ran.
The Fix
Now, we include the ARNs for the Lambdas in the cognitoSetup.template. So now cognitoSetup.template looks like this:
"CognitoUserPool": {
"Type": "AWS::Cognito::UserPool"
"Properties": {
"LambdaConfig": {
"CustomMessage": "arn:aws:lambda:<our aws region>:<our account#>:function:main-<our stage>-onCognitoCustomMessage"
Note, we're setting this trigger before the lambda even exists. The trigger just needs an ARN, and it doesn't seem to care that it's not there yet. Then we run sls deploy which creates the actual Lambda function and everything works fine.
Now our scripts look like this:
cognitoSetup.template --> <Serverless Framework>
Why does this fix this error? I don't actually know. CloudFormation seems to be fine with this modification but not okay with modifying the same file later in our process. But it works.