Animation Script not working in ReplicatedStorager - roblox

I have a a Gun model that shows up on my screen using the code from youtube video. But when I try to add animations to it the animations dont work. What I think is happening is that the script isnt loading in because its in Replicated Storage. I Know this because I tested a simple print command and it worked when the script was in the workspace but not in replicated storage. I cant move the model to the workspace because the code depends on it being in replicated storage. If anyone could help me that would be much abliged. Thank You! Im not new to the Roblox scene but im just starting as a Scripter, Either then a mesh modeler.[Picture of Explorer][1]
Here Is the code that puts the viewmodel on my screen
local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
local run = game:GetService("RunService")
local reps = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local model = reps:WaitForChild("Henry Rifle"):Clone()
for i,v in pairs (model:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then
if v ~= model.PrimaryPart then
local weld ="Weld")
weld.Part0 = model.PrimaryPart
weld.Part1 = v
weld.C0 = model.PrimaryPart.CFrame:inverse()
weld.C1 = v.CFrame:inverse()
weld.Name = v.Name
weld.Parent = model.PrimaryPart
model.Parent = cam
model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(cam.CFrame *,-1.5,1.5))
Here is the simple code that start the animation when the game starts
(Used for Testing)
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local controller = script.Parent.Humanoid
local inspect = controller:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Inspect)
inspect.Looped = true

I'm pretty sure your script doesn't work because Roblox forces Filtering Enabled now.
Filtering Enabled (FE)
Difference with non FE and FE games
With FE, Changes made by the Client/Roblox Player is sent to the server, but the server will never replicate the changes made by the Client to others Clients in the same game server.
That video was made when FE was still an option. Roblox forces FE now, this is why your script doesn't work.
Only way for Client to replicate with others Clients, You must use Remotes.
Roblox wiki explains better than me FE and Remotes, so check it out:


Im making a PropHunt game in roblox but the whenever i morph the player character into a new form the UI keeps on being called

I have this project, im creating a prophunt game, however im in a little road block that i can't understand.
Here is how my code works, I have a local script which tells me which team the player is in, since the player does not have a team yet they are always assumed as neutral, then the local script is called whenever the players are added, which a GUI appears, allowing for them to pick the team.
Heres what i did for the Local script GUI, I'm just learning this for now so not really the best way i could have coded it right now, but it does simulate what i want to happen.
if player.Team == TeamService.Blue then
Frame.Visible = false
Frame.Visible = true
local result = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer(TeamHiders)
if result == true then
Frame.Visible = false
Frame.Visible = false
Here's what i did for the server script to assign the players a team, I'm sorry I'm still fairly new to roblox so i don't know if my approach is correct im just going with what closely gets me to the output.
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = function (player, Team)
if Team == teamService.Blue then
player.Team = Team
return "player Team is blue"
if Team == teamService.Red then
player.Team = Team
return "player Team is red"
And here is my script for the Morph, so i got this click detector which should tell the game that whenever its clicked transform the player into whatever form this is scripted on.
local model = script.Parent.Parent
if player.Team == teamservice.Blue then
local oldCharacter = player.Character
local newCharacter = model:Clone()
newCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
player.Character = newCharacter
newCharacter.Parent = workspace
The players under blue side should only encounter this once since the UI should only appear when they do not have a team or are loaded in the game, but what happens is the blue players whenever they morph into a block they encounter the GUI prompt again.
I was expecting by limiting the player teams to nil it would only show the UI, and if the player has a team already then the UI would not show itself, the same goes to when the player decides to morph the player UI should not be visible.
So turns out i can just turn off spawn on reset.

Roblox - creating a multistory maze

I am trying to create a multistory maze. I found it fairly easy to create the first level, then I realized I had no idea how to simply raise this first level up in order to create a second level beneath it.
Also, is there a way to 'fuse' all of these wall parts into one object and then raise this object up?
Edit: Much to my embarrassment, their is a way to fuse objects. The 'Union' tool is what I needed, but had no idea existed. I 'fused' (unioned) the various parts that made up my walls and joined them together into one big part. After that unioning, moving the entire maze upwards became quite easy.
I don't understand your problem but I think that you're making a 3D maze in roblox and you want the first level to go up and the second level to form below the level.
If the maze is NOT procedurally generated AND the maps are built by hand. Then you can make the script detect if the player won, and then raise the first level by either using tween or using loops (I'd recommend tween because loops and linear tweening does the same), and then make an effect that shows it forming (Transparency, parts coming back together, etc..).
I will show you the simplest example. But you can add whatever you want
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local ti =, Enum.TweenStyle.Linear, Enum.TweenDirection.Out) --Customize it to your liking
local levels = game.LevelStorageParent.LevelFolderOrModelHere:GetChildren()
local pos = workspace.Level1.Position --Change (Not the levels because we are not cloning this)
local levelYRaise = 10 --Put any number or just get bounding box for full raise
ts:Create(workspace.Level1, ti, {Position =, pos.Y+levelYRaise, pos.Z):Play()
local newLevel = levels.Level2:Clone()
newLevel.Parent = workspace
newLevel.Pos = workspace.Level1.Position -, workspace.Level1.Size.Y, 0)
newLevel.Transparency = 1
ts:Create(newLevel, ti, {Transparency = 0}):Play()
Change the code to your liking and your hierarchy names and parenting

Roblox - while testing trusses work when i drag them in, but when i use script to set all the stuff, then i cant climb it

I am using a script to set cancollide = true and transparency = 0, but i cant climb the truss. but when I'm already in testing mode (in studio) and i drag in the same truss, i can climb it, and i am looking at properties, its same, both anchored is true, they are touching same parts, i dont know why this is happening. Please help thanks :)by the way, i am making tycoon and this is script i am using:
amount = 0 -- cost of model
owner = script.Parent.Parent.Owner
local stun = false
if hit.Parent ~= nil then
player = game.Players:findFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name)
if not stun and player ~= nil then
if player.Name == owner.Value then
if player:findFirstChild("leaderstats") ~= nil then
stats = player:findFirstChild("leaderstats")
if stats.Money.Value >= amount then
stun = true
stats.Money.Value = stats.Money.Value - amount
script.Parent.ladder.CanCollide = true
script.Parent.ladder.Transparency = (0)
stun = false
dont worry about other stuff, it works, its just this part that matters now:
script.Parent.ladder.CanCollide = true
script.Parent.ladder.Transparency = (0)
Please help :( this is the problem with the ladder using script not working and same dragged in from toolbox truss working, iv done this with many trusses and ladders and same result :(
So, a error I noticed in your code, is that you erase your Character's Head, which would kill your character, or possibly throw a error if the .Touched event fires two times.
There are many efficency errors in this script, such as .Transparency = (0), or doing script.Parent.ladder instead of using variables, but it really is no problem most of the times. Something you could try, is to use to create the ladder.If this game is FilteringEnabled on (Expermiental mode off), please note your script won't work as intended if it is a LocalScript, it will only work well on Server-Side (aka, a normal Script instead of a LocalScript)

Sending a model through remote functions? ROBLOX

well hello there,
So I'll get right to the point..
Everyone knows that in Roblox you have a ReplicatedStorage (for Client and Server) and a ServerStorage (only for Server).
So I want to store all my assets in ServerStorage .. you know, since exploiters/hackers can't see the ServerStorage if they tried.
However my game has virtual worlds..meaning that the client sees different objects than the other clients at any given time, so I can't just load an object from a server scripts because then everyone will see it.
Heres the question: Can I perhaps set up a remote function that lets the Client invoke the Server, and then the Server returns a model object or its location or something like that? And can I then use the Client to load the model into the player's workspace?
^That way I can securely store my important game assets in the serverstorage
The answer to your question is "Yes, you can!"
First off, you're going to want to create a RemoteFunction in the ReplicatedStorage. Call this RemoteFunction, 'GetModel'
Now, we're going to set up a local script inside of the StarterPack. This local script should have the following code:
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RF = RS:WaitForChild("GetModel")
local model = RF:InvokeServer("ModelName") -- This code can go anywhere you'd like it to go. 'ModelName' is the name of the model you want to get.
print(model.Name) -- This will print the model's name.
Alright, so we've setup our code to invoke the remotefunction. Now, let's make that RemoteFunction do something. We'll create a server script inside of ServerScriptService. Here's the code:
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RF = RS:WaitForChild("GetModel")
RF.OnServerInvoke = function(player, modelName)
local model = game.ServerStorage:FindFirstChild(modelName)
if model == nil then
return nil
return model
Most of this is basic code, and from what you said in the question it seems you understand lua fine. Hope I helped you! :)

Managing Place Instances in Roblox

So, apparently Roblox now has a way to Teleport players between places.
That's great, but for the game I have in mind I need to have very fine-grained control over which players are let into which servers (or as Roblox seems to call them, "place instances"). How can I explicitly teleport a player or group of players to a new place instance with no other players in it?
You can find the relevant article on the wiki here
Here is an example code:
local AssetService = Game:GetService(“AssetService”)
local TeleportService = Game:GetService("TeleportService")
local NewPlaceName = "New place #: " .. math.random() * 100
local NewPlaceId = AssetService:CreatePlaceAsync(NewPlaceName , [ID of template] )
for i,Player in ipairs(Game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
TeleportService:Teleport(NewPlaceId , Player)
The code will make a new instance from an template with the id [ID of template] and then send all players in the current game to that instance.
You can get more control by using the DataStore (as seen in example)
Try making a Reserve Server. Reserve servers are generated to lock players out and hide the server, players can only join the server when the script you have made teleported them to the place it is running with the code it generated.