Roblox - creating a multistory maze - roblox

I am trying to create a multistory maze. I found it fairly easy to create the first level, then I realized I had no idea how to simply raise this first level up in order to create a second level beneath it.
Also, is there a way to 'fuse' all of these wall parts into one object and then raise this object up?
Edit: Much to my embarrassment, their is a way to fuse objects. The 'Union' tool is what I needed, but had no idea existed. I 'fused' (unioned) the various parts that made up my walls and joined them together into one big part. After that unioning, moving the entire maze upwards became quite easy.

I don't understand your problem but I think that you're making a 3D maze in roblox and you want the first level to go up and the second level to form below the level.
If the maze is NOT procedurally generated AND the maps are built by hand. Then you can make the script detect if the player won, and then raise the first level by either using tween or using loops (I'd recommend tween because loops and linear tweening does the same), and then make an effect that shows it forming (Transparency, parts coming back together, etc..).
I will show you the simplest example. But you can add whatever you want
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local ti =, Enum.TweenStyle.Linear, Enum.TweenDirection.Out) --Customize it to your liking
local levels = game.LevelStorageParent.LevelFolderOrModelHere:GetChildren()
local pos = workspace.Level1.Position --Change (Not the levels because we are not cloning this)
local levelYRaise = 10 --Put any number or just get bounding box for full raise
ts:Create(workspace.Level1, ti, {Position =, pos.Y+levelYRaise, pos.Z):Play()
local newLevel = levels.Level2:Clone()
newLevel.Parent = workspace
newLevel.Pos = workspace.Level1.Position -, workspace.Level1.Size.Y, 0)
newLevel.Transparency = 1
ts:Create(newLevel, ti, {Transparency = 0}):Play()
Change the code to your liking and your hierarchy names and parenting


MIT-Scratch : Sequential cloning without delay

I am just starting to play with this as an educational tool for a youngster and encounter strange behavior whilst attempting to clone sprites.
I setup a global variable for position x,y in sprite_1 and clone a sprite_2 object. This object immediately copies the global x,y to local x,y and exits. Later sprite_2 renders using the stored local x,y.
I expect the four sprites to clone diagonally up/right on the screen according to this small reproduce-able example. Instead I appear to get four sprite_2 objects all on top of each other:
If I add a delay of 1 second onto the end of the clone(x,y) function however all is well:
As all four sprite_2 objects appear to be where the last clone was placed, I have a suspicion that the clones are not created immediately but instead created as a batch all at once, at some time and therefore are all taking the last coordinates from the globals _clone_enemy_x/y.
Is this the case? is there are way to circumvent this behavior or what is the solution?
I have 2 possible solutions to this problem:
Go to the "define clone()()" block, right click it, open up the advanced dropdown, and tick "run without screen refresh".
Get rid of the custom block all together, but use the original source for that block in the actual code.
I hope this helps!

Why is my "waterproof" polyhedron causing "WARNING: Object may not be a valid 2-manifold and may need repair!"?

In the script
difference() {
the polyhedron alone works fine (is rendered without warnings), but adding the cube above causes the warning WARNING: Object may not be a valid 2-manifold and may need repair! to be logged and the output to only render some parts of some surfaces.
I'm using OpenSCAD 2015.03-1 on Ubuntu 16.04.
This is because your polyhedron has some faces pointing into the wrong direction, causing issues when calculating the difference().
See the Manual and FAQ for details.
Changing the winding order of the affected polygons fixes the polyhedron:
difference() {
The difference is still non-manifold as cutting the cube results in 2 prism shaped objects just touching at one edge. That's also by definition not 2-manifold, so the warning remains.
Depending on how the exported model is supposed to be used, you could choose to ignore this warning and hope the tool processing the 3d model can handle that.
To remove the issue, for example the cube could be made a bit smaller like cube([1, 1, 0.999]).
An unrelated, but still useful strategy for preventing issues later on is to always make the cutting object a bit larger to ensure that no very thin planes remain, e.g. use cube([2,3,1.999], center = true). That will also remove the display artifacts in preview mode.

increasing player's speed when entering booster and a speed upgrade system

I'm building my first game in Unity using my limited knowledge, youtube tutorials and troubleshooting on google and even though i have a couple of idea's on how i could do this i can't seem to get it to work.
For one of the larger levels i need speedups that boost the players speed when driving over them. This is seen in a lot of racing games but to clarify i found this video where this type of boosters is used
I've tried making a script that would remove my current movementscript and replace it with a faster one, i've also tried making a script that would detect collision with the player(tag) and add force to it. Both didn't work i've also been thinking about using timescale but i don't want the rest of the world or scorecounters etc to speed up, just the player.
this is the basic script i am using for playermovement.
#pragma strict
function Start () {
var forwardSpeed:float = 35;
var turnSpeed:float = 1;
function FixedUpdate () {
var forwardMoveAmount=Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*forwardSpeed;
var turnAmount=Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*turnSpeed;
and since the player's vehicle is customizable i also want to make an upgrade that permanently increases the players base movement speed by a certain amount. i would do this by putting in an if(upgrade is active)
increase its speed by x;
this would have to stack with the booster
if you guys have any idea's on how i could do either or both of these things please share and thanks a lot in advance!
Instead of replacing the movement script with a faster one, add in an extra variable to the players movement.
var forwardMoveAmount=Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*forwardSpeed * boostSpeed;
Where boostSpeed regularly equals 1, but when the player collides with a speed boost push the value up to something higher like 2, then after a short while it gets reset to 1. As for the player speed upgrade, follow the same logic, except permanently, so it would look something like this:
var forwardMoveAmount=Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*forwardSpeed * boostSpeed * upgradeSpeed;

Adding videos to Unity3d

We are developing a game about driving awareness.
The problem is we need to show videos to the user if he makes any mistakes after completing driving. For example, if he makes two mistakes we need to show two videos at the end of the game.
Can you help with this. I don't have any idea.
#solus already gave you an answer, regarding "how to play a (pre-registered) video from your application". However, from what I've understood, you are asking about saving (and visualize) a kind of replay for the "wrong" actions, performed by the player. This is not an easy task, and I don't think that you can receive an exaustive answer, but only some advices. I will try to give you my own ones.
First of all, you should "capture" the position of the player's car, in various time periods.
As an example, you could read player's car position every 0.2 seconds, and save it into a structure (example: a List).
Then, you would implement some logic to detect the "wrong" actions (crashes, speeding...They obviously depend on your game) and save a reference to the pair ["mistake", "relevant portion of the list containg car's positions for that event"].
Now, you have all what you need to recreate a replay of the action: that is, making the car "driving alone", by reading the previously saved positions (that will act as waypoints for generating the route).
Obviously, you also have to deal with the camera's position and rotation: just leave it attached to the car (as the normal "in-game" action), or modify it during time to catch the more interesting angulations, as the AAA racing games do (this will make the overall task more difficult, of course).
Unity will import a video as a MovieTexture. It will be converted to the native Theora/Vorbis (Ogg) format. (Use ffmpeg2theora if import fails.)
Simply apply it as you would any texture. You could use a plane or a flat cube. You should adjust its localScale to the aspect ratio of your video (movie.width/(float)movie.height).
Put the attached audioclip in an AudioSource. Then call movie.Play() and audio.Play().
You could also load the video from a local file path or the web (in the correct format).
var movie = new WWW(#"file://C:\videos\myvideo.ogv").movie;
renderer.material.mainTexture = movie;
audio.clip = movie.audioClip;
Use MovieTexture, but do not forget to install QuickTime, you need it to import movie clip (.mov file for example).

CCBezierTo easeout

Working in Objective-c at the moment.
I am drawing a path for my sprite to follow and it all seems to be working fine but i just had one question that didnt seem to be answered anywhere.
My first two points in the Bezier are rather close together in relation to the third point and when my sprite animates along this path it seems like it is being eased in to the animation with an abrupt stop at the end.
Is there a way to control this i'd like to have the animation be one consistent speed or possibly be eased out?
id bezierForward = [CCBezierTo actionWithDuration:totalDistance/300.f bezier:bezier];
[turkey runAction:bezierForward];
Give this a try:
id bezierForward = [CCBezierTo actionWithDuration:totalDistance/300.f bezier:bezier];
id easeBezierForward = [CCEaseOut actionWithAction:bezierForward rate:2.0]
[turkey runAction:easeBezierForward];
You will want to play with the rate value to see what ends up looking best to you. You may have to try out some of the other CCEaseOut options like CCEaseSineOut
Link: Cocos2d Ease Actions Guide
Should probably be something like this, according to the docs:
id bezierForward = [CCEaseOut actionWithDuration:totalDistance/300.f bezier:bezier];
[turkey runAction:bezierForward];
As stated in the docs:
CCEaseIn: acceleration at the beginning
CCEaseOut: acceleration at the end
CCEaseInOut: acceleration at the beginning / end