How to limit the initial number of records fetched on Compass? - mongodb-compass

When I navigate to a particular collection, Compass tries to fetch 20 records from the server. How do I limit this to just one?
I am using version 1.15.4-win32-x64.

you can use the limit option in the Filter


Mongoose skip and limit (MongoDB Pagination)

I am using skip and limit in mongodb mongoose it returns random documents.
Sometimes it returns same documents.
I am trying to get limit number of documents and after skip i want to get next limit documents.
I guess you are trying to use the pagination concept here. In both SQL and NoSQL, the data must be sorted in a specific order to achieve pagination without jumbled data on each db call.
for example:
await Event.find({}).sort({"createdDate": 0}).skip(10).limit(10);
I'm trying to fetch the 10-20 data in the above case, which is sorted using createdDate. So, the data won't shuffled while fetching, unless you insert or delete the data.
I hope this answers your question

MongoDB Changestream Filtering with Full document

We have a active collection with 3000-5000 updates per second and average payload size being 500KB. We run changestream on the same but currently we only have one connector listening to all events in the collections. This works but we expect even more updates and are exploring ways to scale this approach horizontally. The current plan is to the hash the _id key and distirbute the events equally into three or more connectors.
The challenge is , since we use fulldocument=updateLookup we want to check if internally Mongo will now do a query to read the documents 3 times instead of the existing one time.
We tried testing this approach by using mongocat and setting log level to 2 but we are unable to see any Query logs on the collection while updating the documents even while having a active changestream with full document enabled. Any ideas on how we can test this out would really help

mongodb - retrieve multiple documents efficiently

I want to download ~100K records from mongodb.
Using pymongo.
find() returns cursor, which, i guess, go to the db (cloud) for each single doc. This takes ~0.003 per document, not so good.
Is there some way to perform "fetch all" or something like that, to reduce run time?

Mongo delete and insert vs update

I am using mongo version 3.0 db and java driver. I have a collection 100,000+ entries. Each day there will be approx 500 updates and approx 500 inserts which should be done in a batch. I will get the updated documents with old fields plus some new ones which I have to store. I dont know which are the feilds are newly added also for each field I am maintaining a summary statistic. Since I dont know what were the changes I will have to fetch the records which already exist to see the difference between updated ones and new ones to appropriately set the summary statistics.So I wanted inputs regarding how this can be done efficiently.
Should I delete the existing records and insert again or should I update the 500 records. And should I consider doing 1000 upsers if it has potential advantages.
Example UseCase
initial record contains: f=[185, 75, 186]. I will get the update request as f=[185, 75, 186, 1, 2, 3] for the same record. Also the summary statistics mentioned above store the counts of the ids in f. So the counts for 1,2,3 will be increased and for 185, 75, 186 will remain the same.
Upserts are used to add a document if it does not exist. So if you're expecting new documents then yes, set {upsert: true}.
In order to update your statistics I think the easiest way is to redo the statistics if you were doing it in mongo (e.g. using the aggregation framework). If you index your documents properly it should be fine. I assume that your statistics update is an offline operation.
If you weren't doing the statistics in mongo then you can add another collection where you can save the updates along with the old fields (of course you update your current collection too) so you will know which documents have changed during the day. At the end of the day you can just remove this temporary/log collection once you've extracted the needed information.
Mongo maintains every change log using capped collection in local db. We are creating a tailable cursor on on timestamp basis and each change in db / collection are streamed thru. Believe this is the best way to identify changes in mongo. One can certainly drop no interest document changes.
Further read
I think the easiest way is to redo the statistics if you were doing it in mongo (e.g. using the aggregation framework). If you index upsers documents properly it should be fine. I assume that your statistics update is an offline operation.

Want to retrieve records from mongodb in batchwise

I am trying to retrieve records from Mongodb whose count is approx up to 50,000 but when I execute the query Java runs out of Heap space and server crashes down.
Following is my code ;
List<FormData> forms = ds.find(FormData.class).field("formId").equal(formId).asList();
Can anyone help me syntactically to fetch records in batchwise from mongodb.
Thanks in advance
I am not sure if the Java implementation has this but in the c# version there is a setBatchSize method.
Using that I could do
foreach(var item in coll.find(...).setBatchSize(1000)) {
This will fetch all items the find matches but it will not fetch all at once but ratgher 1000 in each batch. You code will not see this "batching" as it is all handled within the enumeration. Once the loop tries to get the 1001 item, another batch will be fetched from the mongodb server.
This should lessen heap space problem.
You could still have other problems depending on what you do within the loop, but that will be under your control.
Fetching 50k entries doesn't sound like a good idea with any database.
Depending on your use case, you might want to change your query or work with limit and offset:
Note that a range based query is more efficient than working with limit and offset.