Calculating age using date of birth stored in the database - datediff

does anyone know if DATEDIFF function is working in Google App Maker - Calculated SQL models? I would like to calculate the age by reporting the date of birth from the database at the current date. Thank you.

DATEDIFF does work however it's not going to give you as accurate an age as TIMESTAMPDIFF. Use this instead:
SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR, date_of_birth, CURDATE()) AS age from your_table;


Report Today minus 1 day

need help with this query DB2 IBM
SDLITM AS Artikel,
SDDSC1 AS Beschreibung,
SDSOQS AS Menge, date(digits(decimal(SDIVD+1900000,7,0))) AS Invoice,
decimal(SDUPRC/10000,15,2) AS Einzelpreis,
decimal(SDAEXP/100,15,2) AS Gesamtpreis,
SDDOCO AS Dokument,
AIAC01 AS Region
Now my question is , how can I get the today date minus 1 day ?
Thank you so much
have test it with ADD_DAYS doesn´t work.
I do not see the point in your query where a date is referenced but your query seems incomlete anyways because join contions are missing.
In general you get todays date with current date and you get yesterday with current date - 1 day
Check out this query:
SELECT current date, current date - 1 day
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
Per the DB2 documentation, ADD_DAYS is valid with negative numbers for previous days. See example 4 on that page. So usage like this should have worked:
ADD_DAYS(DATE(...), -1)
You should post your specific attempted usage of it and the error that is reported when you try it.

How to get data according to a user defined date in Tableau?

I am creating a tableau dashboard and it should load data according to the date the user enters. This is the logic that I am trying.
select /*+ parallel (bill ,40 ) */ distinct account_num, sum(INVOICE_NET_mny + INVOICE_TAX_mny)/1000 SUM_BILL
from bill
where account_num in (Select account_num from MyTable)
and trunc(bill_dtm) > ('07-Aug-2021') –-Refmonth+1 month and 07 is a constant. Only month and year is changing
and cancellation_dtm is null
group by account_num
)xx , account a
where xx.ACCOUNT_NUM = A.account_num
Here is what I tried. First created a parameter called ref_Month. Then created a calculated field with this.
[Ref_Month]=MAKEDATE(DATETRUNC('year',(DATEADD('month', 1, [Ref_Month])), 07))
But I am getting an error. I am using a live connection. Is there any method to achive this?
I don't understand what this statement is trying to do:
[Ref_Month]=MAKEDATE(DATETRUNC('year',(DATEADD('month', 1, [Ref_Month])), 07))
If Ref_Month is a date, which it has to be for DATEADD to be a valid operation, why not make it the 7th of whatever starting month and year you are starting with? Then DATEADD('month',1, [Ref_Month]) will be a month later, still on the 7th. So you don't need DATETRUNC or MAKEDATE at all.
That said, how, when, and where are you trying to COMPUTE a PARAMETER,
let alone based on itself?

Calculate date of birth from age in SAS

This might seem to be a question to which I can check the answer myself. However I am not able to access SAS at the moment.
My question is this: Can I calculate the date of birth based on the date of death and the age at death?
If I e.g. want to select the births between 2012 and 2013 is it possbile to do the following:
data new_data;
set old_data;
where "01Jan2012"d le date_of_death-age le "31Dec2012"d;
Would that do the intended selection based on births from 2012-13?
Best regards
Edit: We assume the age variable to be measured in days..
It should be rather like this:
data new_data;
set old_data;
where year(date_of_death) - age = 2012;

PostgreSQL 8.2 extract week number from a a date field

This might be a simple one but I haven't got a solution yet. I have a create_date field which is a date type, and a revenue number. I want to see weekly break down of revenue.
I can get the numbers easily in tableau because of built in functionality but doing it in PostgreSQL is where I need some help.
If you want the revenue by week, you'll need to group and aggregate:
select extract (week from create_date) as week, sum(revenue) from table group by week

Q (KDB) selecting today's date within date range

I am trying to set up an dynamic threshold by different user, but only return result from today's date. I was able to return all the records from past 30 days, but I am having trouble only outputting today's date based on the calculation from past 30 days.. I am new to q language and really having a trouble with this simple statement :( (have tried and/or statement but not executing..) Thank you for all the help in advance!
select user, date, real*110 from table where date >= .z.D - 30, real> (3*(dev;real) fby user)+((avg;real) fby user)
Are you saying that you want to determine if any of todays "real" values are greater than 3 sigma based on the past 30 days? If so (without knowing much about your table structure) I'm guessing you could use something like this:
q)t:t,update user:`user2,real+(.0,39#10.0) from t:([] date:.z.D-til 40;user:`user1;real:20.1,10.0+39?.1 .0 -.1);
q)sigma:{avg[y]+x*dev y};
q)select from t where date>=.z.D-30, ({(.z.D=x`date)&x[`real]>sigma[3]exec real from x where date<>.z.D};([]date;real)) fby user
date user real
2016.03.21 user1 20.1