Q (KDB) selecting today's date within date range - kdb

I am trying to set up an dynamic threshold by different user, but only return result from today's date. I was able to return all the records from past 30 days, but I am having trouble only outputting today's date based on the calculation from past 30 days.. I am new to q language and really having a trouble with this simple statement :( (have tried and/or statement but not executing..) Thank you for all the help in advance!
select user, date, real*110 from table where date >= .z.D - 30, real> (3*(dev;real) fby user)+((avg;real) fby user)

Are you saying that you want to determine if any of todays "real" values are greater than 3 sigma based on the past 30 days? If so (without knowing much about your table structure) I'm guessing you could use something like this:
q)t:t,update user:`user2,real+(.0,39#10.0) from t:([] date:.z.D-til 40;user:`user1;real:20.1,10.0+39?.1 .0 -.1);
q)sigma:{avg[y]+x*dev y};
q)select from t where date>=.z.D-30, ({(.z.D=x`date)&x[`real]>sigma[3]exec real from x where date<>.z.D};([]date;real)) fby user
date user real
2016.03.21 user1 20.1


How do I filter my data for the same time last year - Power Query

I'm making an excel file that will be used for a report on sickness absence.
We are looking at the last 100 days (which I've been able to do with a simple filter in my Applied Steps) and we want to compare to the same time last year plus 100 days before that date AND look at 50 days after that date.
How can I filter for this in Power Query? Or do I have to write a custom formula? (In which case, does anyone know what and where to write it)
Idea is to be able to run this report every day/week and give updates on how we're doing in the winter in comparison to last year.
Any help on this will be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!
Use the drop down filter atop the date column ... Date filters ... between ... and enter some random set of dates like 1/30/2019 through 1/30/2020
That generates this code
= Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each [date] >= #date(2019, 1, 30) and [date] <= #date(2020, 1, 30))
edit it for your desired date range which could be like this
= Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each [date] >= Date.AddDays(targetdate, -465) and [date] <= Date.AddDays(targetdate, -315))
I assume -465 which is last year (365 days prior) plus 100 days back, and -315 which is -365+50
As for what to use instead of targetdate ... you didn't tell us .. perhaps hardcode a date #date(2019,10,31), use whatever you had in your original filter, or maybe the maximum of the current date column

Extract highest date per month from a list of dates

I have a date column which I am trying to query to return only the largest date per month.
What I currently have, albeit very simple, returns 99% of what I am looking for. For example, If I list the column in ascending order the first entry is 2016-10-17 and ranges up to 2017-10-06.
A point to note is that the last day of every month may not be present in the data, so I'm really just looking to pull back whatever is the "largest" date present for any existing month.
The query I'm running at the moment looks like
SELECT MAX(date_col)
FROM schema_name.table_name
WHERE <condition1>
AND <condition2>
This does actually return most of what I'm looking for - what I'm actually getting back is
which are indeed the maximal values present for every month in the column. However, the result set doesn't seem to include the maximum date value from October 2016 (The first months worth of data in the column). There are multiple values in the column for that month, ranging up to 2016-10-31.
If anyone could point out why the max value for this month isn't being returned, I'd much appreciate it.
You are grouping by month (1 to 12) rather than by month and year. Since 2017-10-06 is greater than any day in October 2016, that's what you get for the "October" group.
You should
GROUP BY date_trunc('month', date_col)

Postgres - Convert Date Range to Individual Month

I have found similar help, but the issue was more complex, I am only good with the basics of SQL and am striking out here. I get a handful of columns a,b,c,startdate,enddate and i need to parse that data out into multiple rows depending on how many months are within the range.
Eg: a,b,c,1/1/2015, 3/15,2015 would become:
Does not matter if the start date or end date is on a specific day, the only thing that matters is month and year. So if the range included any day in a given month, I'd want to output start days for each month in the range, with the 1st as a default day.
Could I have any advice on which direction to begin? I'm attempting generate_series, but am unsure if this is the right approach or how to make it work with keeping the data in the first few arbitrary columns consistent.
I think generate_series is the way to go. Without knowing what the rest of your data looks like, I would start with something like this:
a, b, c, generate_series(startdate, enddate, interval '1 month')::date

Using generate_series() to produce 30 day date ranges for each day?

My goal is to create a table that looks something like this using PostgreSQL:
date date_start date_end
12/16/2015 11/17/2015 12/16/2015
12/17/2015 11/18/2015 12/17/2015
So that I can then join to a different table to get the aggregations for each date on a rolling 30 day window. I've been doing some research and I think generate_series() is what I want to use, but I am unsure.
Something like this:
SELECT '2015-12-16'::date + g - 30 AS date_start
, '2015-12-16'::date + g AS date_end
FROM generate_series (0, 25) g; -- number of rows
I skipped the redundant date column. (You shouldn't use a basic type name as identifier anyways.)
There is a variant of generate_series() that works with timestamps, but the simple version generating integer numbers is just as good for dates. Maybe even better because you avoid possible confusion with time zones.
Always use the ISO 8601 format for date literals, which is unambiguous with any datestyle or locale settings.
Rolling sum / count / average over date interval

How to tweak the SET intervalstyle (change the Interval Output) in PostgreSQL?

I have read in this online PostgreSQL documentation... http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/datatype-datetime.html#INTERVAL-STYLE-OUTPUT-TABLE
in the point 8.5.5 something about how to tweak the default Interval Output. . I mean the default interval is shown like this...
00:00:00.000 (if the timedifference is lower than a day or month or year)
1 day 00:00:00.000 (if the timedifference reaches days, but is lower than a month or a year)
1 month 1 day 00:00:00.000 (if the timediffence reaches months, but is lower than a year)
1 year 1 month 1 day 00:00:00.000 (if it reaches years, months, days)
it evens uses plurarl cases (years, mons, days) when their values are greater than one.
All these variations make difficult to any other app when SELECTing (query) this interval values (as text) to convert it to a proper time. So I would like postgresql to always show year, month n days, even if their value are 0 (it could be even better if it could show the date part of the interval like this... 01-11-30, adding zeros to the left side when values are less than ten)
I know I can change the interval to text, using to_char() but I really would like to avoid that, I would like some good fellow postgresql programmer to tell me if it is true that there is a way to tweak the Interval Output as is said in the postgresql documentation.
Thanks Advanced.
PD: two more links about the subject
You can set the interval output style, but only to one of a few pre-defined formats that are unambigious on input, and that PostgreSQL knows how to parse back into intervals. Per the documentation these are the SQL standard interval format, two variants of PostgreSQL specific syntax, and iso_8601 intervals.
If you want something familiar and easy to parse, consider using:
SET intervalstyle = 'iso_8601'
and using an off-the-shelf parser for ISO1601 intervals.