Install WTP on Eclipse - eclipse

I'm trying to create a new dynamic web project with eclipse, which is not an option under File -> new ->
It looks like if I install Jetty, or WTP I'll be able to do that, but there is no dropdown selection for Eclipse -> Install new Software menu., which the instructions in the previous link say I should go to.
When I search install in the help search bar, the only option that comes up is Navigate -> Open Setup -> Installation, and when I click this eclipse just opens the file installation.setup. At this point I don't know what more I can do with this file.
This question posted some type of an answer to installing jetty, but I don't really know what they're talking about or how to find out if I have the things they are talking about and other solutions post drop down instructions(e.g. Help -> Install New Software..) that don't actually seem to exist.
I'm using Version: Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2) of eclipse for MacOS

Install the newest version of Eclipse(currently photon: 2018-09 (4.9.0))
Possibly install the newest JDK and set it as the default under Eclipse -> Java -> Installed JREs
Help -> Install New Software (Do not search anything in the help bar)
Enter, as described here into the works with search bar and click add. Proceed by clicking ok, next, next .....


Dynamic web project missing in STS

I am facing one issue with Spring tool suite 4, I don't see "Dynamic web project" option. I want to create one dynamic web project but I do not find this option in my Spring tool suite. How to install those external tool in Spring tool suite, however I got few link i.e for eclipse, should I use this link for Spring tool suite as well?
Solve this issue in Spring Tool Suite 4
Tested with 4.15.1 RELEASE
Go to Help -> Install New Software..
Enter eclipse software repo link ( in Work with input box.
You will get the list of available software. Filter the list by searching for Java EE related software. Search something like "java ee" to make things easier.
Choose Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools from the filtered list and proceed further with installation.
You may need to restart the STS IDE to install the update properly.
To solve this on STS 4.x.x
Go to Install New Software.
Select the main Eclipse update site for 2019-03 ( if not added, you must click o add button and paste this URL: on both fields)
search for m2e-wtp There are four extensions showing up and you should install the ones you prefer.
Restart your IDE
see on martinlippert comment
Short version: fixed in Spring Tools 4.2.2 (coming in late May 2019), workaround is to install the m2e-wtp features from the main Eclipse update repo into an existing Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse install.
If you dont see dynamic web project in File->New and also in other
Then go to help -> install new software
copy paste this and click enter
if it is the first time then it take lot of time to download depends upon the internet
Once it get started downloading a pop will appear as trust click on that
After downloading make sure to restart STS and check whether dynamic web project is showing or not
check in file->new or else check in Others

Error in Eclipse plug-in

I have Eclipse Juno and want to add the Vaadin plug-in.
It appears though the following error:
What can I do?
To avoid this kind of network/proxy issues, You can use this offline vaadin archive.
1.Download the zip file to a location of your choice
2.Install the add-on in Eclipse
3.Select Help -> Install New Software
4.Add the archive as an update site (Add… -> Archive… -> select the downloaded file)
5.Check the “Vaadin” checkbox (or all plugins) and click ok
6.Restart Eclipse.
Follow the advice from Official Site

Installing Findbugs plugin for MyEclipse

I am trying to install Findbugs plugin for MyEclipse 6.0.1 using follwing steps:
In Eclipse, click on Help -> Software Update -> Find and Install...
Choose the Search for new features to install option, and click Next.
Click New Remote Site.
Enter the following:
Name: FindBugs update site
URL: one of the following (note: no final slash on the url) for official releases and click OK.
"FindBugs update site" should appear under Sites to include in search.
Click the checkbox next to it to select it, and click Finish.
As soon as I click Finish eclipse shows me error saying "No features found on selected sites".
Can anyone plz tell me how should I proceed for Findbugs plugin inatallation in MyEclipse v6.0.1.
MyEclipse 6.6 is based on eclipse 3.3, so I assume 6.0 is also based on eclipse 3.3. That version of MyEclipse is now unsupported. However, you might be able to download the Findbugs plugin from here (which also list several update sites) and install it manually. I don't recall how to add plugins manually to eclipse 3.3 but there is probably a section in the help that comes with MyEclipse.

Installation of EPIC within eclipse juno

I'm installing EPIC within eclipse but always get an error:
Unable to read repository at
I tried the second answer in this post which is:
1) add the line in eclipse.ini: = true
2) delete eclipse/p2/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository/cache directory
But still get the error. However I can install CDT correctly.
I'm using Mac OX Lion and Eclipse Classic 4.2.1 the mac os 64bit version. I also tried to switch to 32bit version but didn't work. Any help is appreciated.
There are 2 ways to install EPIC in Eclipse:
Way One:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Install New Software and click Add button
Enter Name as EPIC and Location as follows: (for the stable 0.5.x, older version of EPIC) (for the most recent 0.6.x version)
Follow the instruction of eclipse pop up
After successful installation go to Window -> Preferences and observe the list as "Perl EPIC" at
left side panel
Way Two:
Open Eclipse
Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
Type EPIC at Find text box and click Go button
Click Install button at "EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration" area
Follow the instruction of eclipse pop up
After successful installation go to Window -> Preferences and observe the list as "Perl EPIC" at
left side panel
This is another posible answer, besides the ones already provided.
I just hit this, and it was a firewall rule the issue.
In fact the file content.xml doesn't exist on the plugin update (it has instead a site.xml) but that is what the error says when it cannot reach outside world
Solution would be to just open ports 80 and 443 to Eclipse
PS: this happened to me while installing a new version of Eclipse which was not whitelisted in the firewall rules
Remove the site from your "Available Software Sites".
1) Go to "Help" > "Install New Software" > "Available Software Sites"
Find the URL you mentioned in the list and delete it.
Note: Then install EPIC from marketplace if required.

Eclipse Indigo "Install new Software" has "Next" button disabled in Ubuntu 10.04.4

I just downloaded the Eclipse Java EE IDE (64-bit) for Ubuntu 10.04.4. I was trying to install some plug-ins by using Help --> Install New Software. But when I select any site in the consequently appearing dialog-box, the "Next" button is not enabled.
I tried un-installing and re-installing eclipse, getting the tar file of eclipse, even the classic IDE of eclipse, running eclipse as root and nothing seems to work.
Can somebody tell me what's wrong?
P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of the problem
It looks like the install dialog got squeshed vertically. There should be a big table of stuff to install. Try making the dialog bigger.
Click on already installed link and see if the plugin is already installed. Uninstall it -> Restart -> Repeat -> Next button should be enabled