open projects in visual studio code offline - visual-studio-code

I have installed Visual studio code (VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.29.1). But when I launch the visual studio code after disconnecting my laptop from internet, it doesn't open to me. But when I connect to internet and open it, it really open and works properly. So how can I open it when I want to use offline?

Try this ZIP download instead.


Can't debug Maui project with target project as Windows

I've tested out my Maui project on Android and it works perfectly fine.
Now, I've been trying to test it out on Windows, but as soon as I start the application, the application closes. The output log also shows 2147942405 exit code. I've tried to run the application as admin and I've also opened up Visual Studio as admin but it's not been a help.
Is there something else I should do?
At first, did you try to create a new maui project and debug it on the windows? In addition, is your pc's system windows 10? If so, it seems an existed issue which is about MAUI apps crash on launch on Windows after Visual Studio update - code 2147942405 on the github.
And you can try the workaround in this issue which tried to download the and run its WindowsAppRuntimeInstall.exe (as admin) .
Finally, you can follow up this issue on the github.

how to change browser in live server plugin in visual studio code?

when i wanna use live server in visual studio code automatically open with Microsoft edge but I wanna open it with google chrome how I can fix this ?

What Visual Studio Code plugin download from ""

I use GlassWire to manage my internet connection. I see that Visual Studio Code download 43.8 MB in background. It spent my mobile data.
I wonder which VSC plugin download from "" to disable it.
Thanks and sorry for my bad English.

This type of file may harm your computer when i installed visual studio code on Linux. advice me download it or not?

I'm trying to download VSC but chrome said that what should I do
This is just a security warning since this file is an executable. Provided you are downloading the file from the official Microsoft Visual Studio Code site here; then you are okay to decide and proceed to download it.

visual studio for Mac unity execution failed

I am running the latest version of Visual Studio and the latest version of unity. When I open the project using Visual Studio for Mac, I am able to rebuild the app.
But, when I try to start debugging, I am getting Execution Failed without any explanation or build output.
I am able to run the app successfully on iOS through Xcode, although the iPad is refusing to start the app automatically and I have to open it manually.
The issue is that , I can't start the app on Visual Studio for Mac.
Apparently, If you open multiple instances of Unity, Visual Studio for Mac will get confused and will not know which project to attach to.
Having one instance solved the issue for me.