What Visual Studio Code plugin download from "cs22.wpc.v0cdn.net" - visual-studio-code

I use GlassWire to manage my internet connection. I see that Visual Studio Code download 43.8 MB in background. It spent my mobile data.
I wonder which VSC plugin download from "cs22.wpc.v0cdn.net" to disable it.
Thanks and sorry for my bad English.


Does Windows 10/11 contain the C# Visual runtime routines?

I wrote a small APP using Visual C# and want to donate it, but since I installed Visual Studio in order to develop it, I don't know if the folks installing my APP need to install the C# runtimes or if they are already there.
Also, as I understand it, the.NET run code does come with Windows. Is this correct?
Thank YOU!
I have (2) PCs and used them both to develop by using Visual Studio. Haven't tested w/ a PC that doesn't have it.

This type of file may harm your computer when i installed visual studio code on Linux. advice me download it or not?

I'm trying to download VSC but chrome said that what should I do
This is just a security warning since this file is an executable. Provided you are downloading the file from the official Microsoft Visual Studio Code site here; then you are okay to decide and proceed to download it.

open projects in visual studio code offline

I have installed Visual studio code (VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.29.1). But when I launch the visual studio code after disconnecting my laptop from internet, it doesn't open to me. But when I connect to internet and open it, it really open and works properly. So how can I open it when I want to use offline?
Try this ZIP download instead.

Does eclipse still work for android development.?

Basically I'm asking is if I was to download eclipse right now(8/3/17), would I still be able to get all the required plugins to effectively develop android applications.
if so can some one tell me where I could get them.? Everyone keeps sending me to the android studio page but I can't find a link to the stand alone sdk without downloading android studio
Any help will be appreciated
Here you can find the SDK tools package.

Deploying Silverlight applications to WinPhone7 emulator without Visual Studio

As per title, I would like to deploy my application without its Visual Studio project. I would prefer to place all executables/images/manifests in one directory and deploy it without needing the source or opening Visual Studio.
There is a way to do that for XNA apps, but it doesn't work for Silverlight apps for some reason. Other people had the same problem.
EDIT I know Phone Developer Tools are free and I am not trying to eliminate VS from my workflow. I just want to be able to grab the latest binary from the build server and quickly run it up in demo situations.
When you install the latest developer tools you get an application called "XAP Deployment" which can install a pre-built XAP onto either the emulator or the phone.
How to: Use the XAP Deployment Tool for Windows Phone
Visual Studio Express is free, and I think you can get a version of VS2010 now too.