Vectorize function evaluation in MATLAB - matlab

I have the following function,
function Vectorize()
a = randn(1,5)
b = randn(1,5)
c = zeros(1,5)
for i=1:5
c(i) = (a(i) - b(i))/(1+a(i)/2+b(i)/3)
I want to vectorize the above function evaluation and replace the for loop.
I could do c = a -b, that finds the difference between two row vectors.I am not sure how to handle the division a/2 and b/2.
Could someone help?

You need the element wise division operation ./
c = (a - b)./(1+a/2+b/3)
If you divide a vector by a scalar, this is not required, but where you divide an array by an array you will have to use ./ in your case. See here for the other element wise operators.


Simplify nested loops with condition

I have a matlab program with 5 nested
loops and a
condition like this:
for x0=1:N
for y0=1:N
for k=1:N
for x1=1:N
for y1=1:N
if ~((y1-x1>N/2)||(x1-y1>N/2)) && ~((y0-x0>N/2)||(x0-y0>N/2))
where A and B are two matrices. How can I make this program run faster?
I've tried to use meshgrid but it seems doesn't work because there's a
Lets be smart about loops and conditions first, as you are using the loop indices as condition variables.
We start with
~(y1-x1>N/2)||(x1-y1>N/2), or way clearer, abs(y1-x1)<N/2.
Instead of having an if condition, why not enforce y1 to be in range, always?
The last loop can be written as y1=max(x1-N/2,1):min(x1+N/2,N), and thus the entirety of the first part of the if condition is not needed. We can do the same for the other variables, of course:
for x0=1:N
for y0=max(x0-N/2,1):min(x0+N/2,N)
for k=1:N
for x1=1:N
for y1=max(x1-N/2,1):min(x1+N/2,N)
Now, for clarity, lets reshuffle and vectorize that k. There is no need for it to be the middle loop, in fact, its only feature as the middle loop is to confuse the person reading the code. But aside from that, there is no need for it to be a loop either.
for x0=1:N
for y0=max(x0-N/2,1):min(x0+N/2,N)
for x1=1:N
for y1=max(x1-N/2,1):min(x1+N/2,N)
Now, is this faster?
No. MATLAB is really good at optimizing your code, so it is not faster. But at least its way way clearer, so I guess you got that going for you. But you need it faster! Well.... I am not sure you can. You have a 5 nested loops, that is just super slow. I don't think you can meshgrid this, even without the conditions, because you intermingle all loops. meshgrid is good when well, you do operations on a mesh grid, but in your case you use all x1,y1 for every x0,y0 and thus its not a mesh operation.
Here is a vectorized solution:
x0 = (1:N).';
y0 = 1:N;
x1 = (1:N).';
y1 = 1:N;
k = reshape(1:N, 1, 1, N);
conditiona = ~((y0-x0 > N/2) | (x0-y0 > N/2));
conditionb = ~((y1-x1 > N/2) | (x1-y1 > N/2));
a = 2 .^ (k .* (x0-y0)) .* conditiona;
b = 2 .^ (k .* (x1-y1)) .* B .* conditionb;
bsum = squeeze(sum(sum(b, 1) ,2));
A = A + reshape(reshape(a, [] , N) * bsum ,N ,N);
Note that two 3D arrays a and b are created that may/may not require a lot of memory. In such a case you need to loop over k. For example in the first iteration set k to 1:5. In the second iteration set it to 6:10 and so on. You need to addv the result of each iteration to the previous iteration to form the final A.
This function can be vectorized by implicit expansion (that is more efficient than using meshgrid) and using element-wise operators like .^ and .* instead of ^ and * operators. As a result a 5D array is created (because we have 5 loop variables) that should be summed over 3-5th dimensions to produce the final 2D matrix. However that may require a lot of memory. Another point is that functions that contains the sum of products usually can be written as efficient matrix multiplication.
The expression:
can be written as:
2 .^ (k .* (x0-y0)) .* 2 .^ (k .* (x1-y1)) .* B(x1, y1)
------- a -------- ------------- b ---------------
that is the multiplication of two sub-expressions that each has 3 dimensions, because each contains just 3 loop variables. So the 5D problem is reduced to 3D.
The if condition has also two sub-expressions that each can be multiplied by a and b sub-expressions:
conditiona = ~((y0-x0 > N/2) | (x0-y0 > N/2));
conditionb = ~((y1-x1 > N/2) | (x1-y1 > N/2));
a = 2 .^ (k .* (x0-y0)) .* conditiona;
b = 2 .^ (k .* (x1-y1)) .* B .* conditionb;
A for loop can be formed just by using two loop variables x0 and y0:
for x0=1:N
for y0=1:N
A(x0,y0)=A(x0,y0)+ sum(sum(sum(a(x0,x0, :) .* b, 3), 2), 1);
%or simply A(x0,y0)=A(x0,y0)+ sum(a(x0,x0, :) .* b, "all");
That can be simplified to the following loop by precomputing sum of b:
bsum = sum(sum(b, 1) ,2);
% bsum = sum(b ,[1, 2]);
for x0=1:N
for y0=1:N
A(x0,y0)=A(x0,y0)+ sum(a(x0,x0, :) .* bsum, 3);
% or as vector x vector multiplication
% A(x0,y0)=A(x0,y0)+ squeeze(a(x0,x0, :)).' * squeeze(bsum);
Here the loop can be prevented by using the matrix x vector multiplication:
A = A + reshape(reshape(a, [] , N) * bsum ,N ,N);
Update this solution may not be faster under Matlab, because the execution engine can optimise the loops in the original code. (It does provide a speedup under Octave.)
One trick to deal with if statements within loops is to turn the if statement (or part of it) into a logical matrix. You can then multiply the logical matrix elementwise by the matrix of values you are adding in each step. A false value will evaluate to zero and will not change the result.
This only works if each element can be computed independently of the others.
It will generally make the actual calculation line slower, but in Matlab this is often outweighed by the huge speed improvement from the the removal of the for loops.
In your example, we can use this idea with meshgrid to remove the loops over x0 and y0.
The calculation line needs to become an elementwise matrix caluclation, so elementwise operators .*, .^ and | replace *, ^ and |.
% Warning: Y0 and X0 are swapped in this example
[Y0, X0] = meshgrid(1:N,1:N);
% Create a logical matrix which represents part of the if statement
C = ~((Y0-X0>N/2) | (X0-Y0>N/2));
for k=1:N
for x1=1:N
for y1=1:N
if ~((y1-x1>N/2)||(x1-y1>N/2))
% Multiply by C elementwise
A = A + C.*2.^(k*((X0-Y0)+(x1-y1)))*B(x1,y1);
You could even take this concept further and remove more loops using multidemensional ndgrids, but it becomes more complex (you have to start summing over dimensions) and the multidimensional arrays become unwieldy if N is large.
Note: be careful with index order. meshgrid defines y as rows and x as columns, so matrix indexing is A(y,x) but you are using A(x,y). So to make your example work I've switched x and y in the output of meshgrid.

Octave complex element-wise operations

Is there a way to write 'complex' element-wise operations in one line, or do we have to separate them into multiple lines?
For example, let us have this mathematical function: 1/(1+e^-x)
Which I want to calculate for each element on x (x may be a scalar, vector or a matrix).
This is a working code I have written:
function r = sigmoid(x)
r = zeros(size(x));
r = e.^(-x);
r = 1.+r;
r = 1./r;
My question is - can we simplify it to one line?
yeah you can do it by below function
function r=sigmoid(x)
this first consider that the exp function calculate exponential values wise element and added by one and finally result divided 1 over matrix element wise and you can get what you want.

MATLAB: How to evaluate a function with multiple inputs on all possible combinations of input vectors

Say I have a simple function with three inputs
f = #(a,b,c) a+b+c
I would like to evaluate this function on combinations of inputs
A = 1:10
B = 2:2:10
C = 0.1:0.1:1
and store the output in a matrix F.
Right now I am doing this as follows:
F = NaN(length(A),length(B),length(C));
for ia = 1:length(A)
for ib = 1:length(B)
for ic = 1:length(C)
F(ia,ib,ic) = f(A(ia),B(ib),C(ic))
I am wondering if there is an efficient way to do this without the use of sloppy for loops, *and without having to vectorize the function f.
If you want neat syntax and don't care much about memory or speed, you can use:
ndgrid to generate all combinations; and then
arrayfun to call f on each combination:
The second step exploits the fact that arrayfun can be called with several arrays as input, and in that case it takes corresponding elements from each array:
[aa, bb, cc] = ndgrid(A,B,C); %// step 1
result = arrayfun(f, aa, bb, cc); %// step 2
As for the memory and speed concerns I mentioned above:
Step 1 requires quite a lot of memory if the input vectors are large, because all combinations are generated at once.
Step 2 may result in code slower than using for loops; see for example here.

How to vectorize this Matlab loop

I need some help to vectorize the following operation since I'm a little confused.
So, I have a m-by-2 matrix A and n-by-1 vector b. I want to create a n-by-1 vector c whose entries should be the values of the second column of A whose line is given by the line where the correspondent value of b would fall...
Not sure if I was clear enough. Anyway, the code below does compute c correctly so you can understand what is my desired output. However, I want to vectorize this function since my real n and m are in the order of many thousands.
Note that values of bare non-integer and not necessarily equal to any of those in the first column of A (these ones could be non-integers too!).
m = 5; n = 10;
A = [(0:m-1)*1.1;rand(1,m)]'
b = (m-1)*rand(n,1)
[bincounts, ind] = histc(b,A(:,1))
for i = 1:n
c(i) = A(ind(i),2);
All you need is:
c = A(ind,2);

Can I specify nargout as part of a MATLAB function call?

The problem:
I want to index into the result of a function call that returns a variable number of output arguments without storing the result in a temporary.
getel = #(x,i) x(i); #% simple anonymous function to index into a vector
x = zeros(2,2,2);
row = getel(ind2sub(size(x), 8), 1) #% desired: 2 (row 2)
#% actual: 8 (linear index)-because ind2sub is returning 1 value only
[row col dep]=ind2sub(size(x),8) #% row=2, ind2sub returning 3 values
Example usage:
x(1).val1 = [1 2 3];
x(1).val2 = [2 1 2];
x(2).val1 = [2 1 2];
x(2).val2 = [1 0 0];
#% The normal way I would do this, with a temporary variable
[~,ind] = min(x(1).val2); #% ind=2
v(1) = x(1).val1(ind);
[~,ind] = min(x(2).val2); #% ind=2
v(2) = x(2).val1(ind);
#% I'd like to be able to do this with arrayfun:
v = arrayfun(#(s) s.val1(min(s.val2), x);
-------^ returns value of minimum, not index
The above arrayfun doesn't work - the form of min that is called returns one output: the minimum value. To make it work right, one option would be the following hypothetical function call:
v = arrayfun(#(s) s.val1(getoutputnum(2, 2, #min, s.val2)), x);
hypothetical function -----------^ ^ ^ ^-func ^--func args
which form (nargout) of func ---| |- which arg to return
I realize that for the above scenario, I could use
or other tricks, but that isn't possible in all cases.
In the case of ind2sub, I may want to know the index into a particular dimension (columns, say) - but the 1-output form of the function returns only a linear index value - the n-dimensional form needs to be called, even if the value of dimension 1 is what I care about.
Note: I realize that writing a function file would make this trivial: use ~ and the [out] = func(in) form. However, when writing scripts or just on the command line, it would be nice to be able to do this all within anonymous functions. I also realize that there are undoubtedly other ways to get around the problem; I would just like to know if it is possible to specify which form of a function to call, and perhaps which output number to be returned, without using the out=func(in) syntax, thus allowing functions to be nested much more nicely.
Could you do something like this?
In its own file:
function idx=mymin(x)
[~,idx] = min(x);
In your code:
v = arrayfun(#(s) s.val1(mymin(s.val2), x);
Might have syntax errors; I don't have MATLAB on the computer I'm writing this on. The idea is there though: just wrap MATLAB's min and capture the second argument, which is the logical indexing for the position of the minimum value in x.
I can get ind2sub() to return the variable number of args like this:
x = zeros(2,2,2);
c = cell(ndims(x),1);
[c{:}] = ind2sub(size(x), 8);
The c cell array will now have the 3D indices c = {2;2;2}.
[c{:}] = ind2sub(size(x), 2);
would produce c = {2;1;1}.
Is this what you were looking for?