DSHOME not found in Datastage - datastage

i want to run a job from putty, when I use DSjob the message, not found I tried to find the DSHOME also it is return not found? can you help me? thank you

You need to source the dsenv file first - this will set the necessary paths.
Go to you Infosphere installation directory and run
. ./dsenv
You can also add it to the .profile of your user so it gets set automatically at login time.


Kafka does not start blank output

Im workign to install Kafa and Zookeeper.
I have already run the Zookeeper and it is currently running.
I set up everything as in [https://dzone.com/articles/running-apache-kafka-on-windows-os]
when i finally run in my cmd,
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties
there is no output, it just moves shows the next command line started.
Please help me out.
Finally I find someone with with the same issue I had! Zookeeper running, but kafka not doing anything at all except returning to the next line with no log, error, or anything. Dunno if the cause is the same, but the solution for me, oddly enough, was to download and open cygwin, and run the command exactly as you have it, except with flipping all the \s to /s and it worked.
After lot of search this is the way I solved
You have to add in User path in Environment Variable:
In User %PATH% Environment variable, and not in system %PATH% Environment variable.
this question already replied on this page:
Kafka server not returning anything
Solution that worked for me:
Create the logs folder and mention it on the sever.properties, it will not create the folder automatically.
go to your cmd and run kafka-server-start.bat D:\<pathofkafka>\config\server.properties

hubot coffee script - how to set and get brain into file

How do I save the robot brain into a file and load brain data from the file again?
I need it to keep brain persistence in case hubot crashes and want to use his last thoughts when getting it up again.
I have faced the same problem but this worked for me. In order to start redis-brain, you will have to install redis from your browser(same for Windows,Linux, etc,.). After downloading, go to command prompt and open it as an "Admin". In cmd go to Program Files and open Redis and run this "redis-server.exe". Now you have completed setup redis-brain for your project. Hope this would help you!

How to get PostgreSQl log

How can I get log information from PostgreSQl server?
I found ability to watch it in pgAdmin Tolls->ServerStatus. Is there a SQL way, or API, or consol way, to show content of log file(s)?
I am command line addict, so I prefer “console” way.
Where you find logs and what will be inside those depends on how you've configured your PostgreSQL cluster. This the first thing I change after creating a new cluster, so that I get all the information I need and in the expected location.
Please, review your $PGDATA/postgresql.conf file for your current settings and adjust them in the appropriate way.
The adminpack extension is the one providing the useful info behind pgAdmin3's server status functionality.

Can't create folder using mkdir in perl, permission denied?

I'm trying to create a directory with a perl script after calling it via Ajax through a web interface. I'm using IIS7.5 to run my webserver.
The problem arises when I use either mkdir($path) or system("mkdir", $path), with the errors being "Permission denied" or "Access is denied", respectively. I believe I've set up the permissions correctly to give read/write/execute permissions as well as special permissions to create files and folders to the script.
Please let me know also if this should should be posted elsewhere, thanks!
I would think you could find the user running the script with "whoami".
Also, I'm not clear on what context the script is running in, nor where is the directory it is trying to create. It might be necessary to add the "-p" option so that necessary parent directories are created.
No comment on the safety of this ... I assume that those checks are being made elsewhere.
Please keep in mind that , the folder that you are planning to create this new folder in , must be owned by apache ( or any other web server software, you might be using ).
sudo chown apache *rootfolderfornewfolder*
I hope this helps

Hiding few steps in an already existing installer

Is there a way to hide few steps during an installation of an already existing installer? Like, hide the steps for the inputting of username or password? I want to hide these steps during the installation and run a batch file or script to set the default username or password instead.
Is there a possible way for this? How can I do this?
For example, installing postgreSQL, I'd like to hide the steps/windows for the username/password input, and run a batch file to set the username and password.
PS: I am not the author of the installer, I just want to modify it that way, if it is possible.
I already found an answer for my problem. It is performing an unattended installation where a user interaction is not needed anymore. Installation can be done in the command line where parameters can just be added (a config file can also be used for these parameters).
See the following links:
For command line options reference:
Although this installation process only displays a progress bar, my problem is already solved since no user interaction is already needed. :)
I don't think it is possible to just hide particular one step from installer. Moreover AFAIK One Click Installer is only closed source, so you can't change its behaviour. However there are two alternative ways:
show visually that step, but with other default values, so user can simply click next
run installer in non-interactive mode (--mode unattended)
First of all check available options with Installation Guide and:
cmd>postgresql-9.0.4-1-windows_x64.exe --help
For example you can adjust --superaccount MyCustomizedUser --superpassword 12345 with such result (default is postgres and blank password):