Kafka does not start blank output - apache-kafka

Im workign to install Kafa and Zookeeper.
I have already run the Zookeeper and it is currently running.
I set up everything as in [https://dzone.com/articles/running-apache-kafka-on-windows-os]
when i finally run in my cmd,
.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\server.properties
there is no output, it just moves shows the next command line started.
Please help me out.

Finally I find someone with with the same issue I had! Zookeeper running, but kafka not doing anything at all except returning to the next line with no log, error, or anything. Dunno if the cause is the same, but the solution for me, oddly enough, was to download and open cygwin, and run the command exactly as you have it, except with flipping all the \s to /s and it worked.

After lot of search this is the way I solved
You have to add in User path in Environment Variable:
In User %PATH% Environment variable, and not in system %PATH% Environment variable.
this question already replied on this page:
Kafka server not returning anything

Solution that worked for me:
Create the logs folder and mention it on the sever.properties, it will not create the folder automatically.
go to your cmd and run kafka-server-start.bat D:\<pathofkafka>\config\server.properties


Classpath is empty error when running zookeeper instance

I am trying to follow the instructions on https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart to try and start a Kafka install and then send some messages from a scala client.
I am using a windows system.
I am getting this error(see screencap) when i run the zookeeper instance.
The reason most probably is because your directory path has a space - “Development Tools”. Try running this in a path which has no spaces. I guess the space is causing some path issues in the shell script.
Also, I assume that you downloaded the binary and not the source files?
Hope it works and let us know.

Access Denied Error when issuing Install-AzureWinRMCertificate

I have been working diligently to get Dynamics Installed on Azure, I have made it a good way through the Example-1VM.ps1 before encountering a failure to 'Install-AzureWinRMCertificate' error message indicating access denied.  The error is coming while running the PowerShell script 'New-NAVAdminSession.ps1'  I can see from looking in Azure, much of the work has been done properly from the Example-1VM.ps1 file, but I'm not sure what is next,  Can I manually install the certificate and if so may I know how?  If not, how do I correct this so I can re-run the Example-1VM.ps1 script.
Thanks to Walter slapping me upside the head (kindly of course) to double check if I was running PowerShell ISE as Administrator I was able to get this resolved.
Once I exited PowerShell ISE and re-entered the desktop application with the option 'run as Administrator' all worked fine.
Just goes to show sometimes we are too close to our own problems.
Cheers Walter
According to your error log, it seems a permission issue. Please close your PowerShell and run PowerShell Run as Administrator.

starting warden after zookeeper of MapR

I am installing the MapR and I stucked at starting warden after start zookeeper on a single node.
# service mapr-warden start
Error: warden can not be started. See /opt/mapr/logs/warden.log for details
On this file there is no detail. Does anybody have a hint? Thanks =)
If you aren't getting anything in warden.log, then it's likely that the warden JVM is never even being started by the mapr-warden init script.
In some MapR versions, the mapr-warden init script will log some details into /opt/mapr/logs/wardeninit.log. You can try checking there.
However, I will also caution that currently the logging done by the init script is sparse and not necessarily user friendly to read. If you can't discern the cause from the contents of the wardeninit.log you can post them here and maybe I can help.
Another thing you can do is edit /etc/init.d/mapr-warden and add "set -x" towards the top of the file, right before the "BASEMAPR=" line, then try starting warden again and you'll get a bunch of shell debugging output on your screen. If you copy and paste that output here that should be enough to tell the root cause of the problem.
One more thing to mention, you may be better off using the http://answers.mapr.com forum as that is MapR specific and I think there may be more users there that could help.
Was configure.sh (/opt/mapr/server/configure.sh -C nodeA -Z nodeA)run on the node? Did zookeeper come up successfully?
service mapr-zookeeper status
Even when using MapR in a single node configure.sh is still required. In fact, without configure.sh warden, zookeeper, cldb and other MapR components will lack their configuration and in many cases will fail to start.
You must run configure.sh after installing the software packages (deb or rpm).

JConsole can't find process

I tried to run JConsole to analyze the memory used by a running process, but JConsole doesn't show me processes even though I am absolutely sure that one is running (in addition to that it should show JConsole in the process list as well but it doesn't).
Does anyone have an idea why it doesn't show any processes?
at window prompt, run echo %TMP%, it will give you default temp dir. Go to that directory and find directory named hsperfdata_user where user is your login. This is directory to store your process id. Any new process you created such as java application will have a new file named by process id. Jconsole will pick up the process ids from this directory. If you cannot create a file in this directory, that means you need change permission to allow write. Once done that, start a new java application to see if new process id file is in the dir. Once confirmed, start jconsole
I have the same problem. But if I explicitly specify the PID, as in jconsole 1234, jconsole is able to analyze the process.
If you are running jconsole on windows - simply :
Find jconsole.exe
Right click it
Select run as administrator.
In my case, removal of hsperfdata_USERNAME directory (in %TMP% directory) and closing all the JVMs has helped.
This happens when %TMP% value is different for monitored JVM and the monitoring tool (JConsole/JMC/Java Mission Control, maybe even VisualVM).
This may be the standard scenario with Cygwin (at least in my case: Cygwin+Babun)
Easiest solution is to set value of the TMP environment variable to the default value used by Windows, at least in scope of shell launching the JVM.
You have to start jconsole with the same user as the process you want to analyze is started by.
Just ran into this issue
If you are using multiple jdk's by any chance (ex. SDKMAN), then make sure that jconsole is run using the same jdk as the application
8 years later... I had the same problem. I could only see certain processes but couldn't see and monitor any java processes running in a docker container in Linux.
Inspired by the Windows solution by RoyalBigMack:
Solution 1. Run terminal as super user (su command) and run jconsole
Solution 2. Run solution 1 as one command, sudo jconsole
Only the first solution worked for me, and once the jconsole UI popped up- all the hidden processes were now visible.

Why doesn't WebBBS work now that I've migrated to a new server?

I've moved a WebBBS board from one server to another. Ever since the board doesn't work.
I'm getting an Apache error whenever I try to access the board. Don't even know where to start the debugging, I'm not a Perl person. The file paths remained the same and there isn't any DB involved.
Any ideas?
After a bit of testing I believe that the problem has something to do with the index.cgi which is located in that folder (not getting the error when renaming it).
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Says it all. You will have to find the error log and look at it.
If you are using CGI, the first step is to check you have given it the right permissions so it is an executable script at all.
chmod 755 index.cgi
This is caused by Apache config errors. Set LogLevel debug and tail -f the error log. It will probably be something to do with .htaccess permission for override, or, it's requiring a module which isn't loaded. The error log will tell you instantly.