Customising Moodle - moodle

I am using Moodle LMS Management system for our project. We have different roles in the project like a principal, admin, tutor, course creator, student, IQA, EQA. The problem we are facing is, restricting the comment section. See, Tutor will give feedback on a student assignment and submission.
So if the tutor comments, all the other roles can see the comment. If IQA person gives feedback on particular student submission means, that comment should be visible only to principal, tutor, admin, EQA. It should not be visible to the student. My doubt is, how to restrict the comments in moodle? Any Help Appreciated..


NetSuite: Online Customer Form

I'm looking to create an Online Customer Form that won't create a lead in NetSuite nor update an existing customer record. Specifically, I want to be sent an email through a form without having to use a third-party. If NetSuite supported PHP, I could program the email script myself.
I'm looking to create a "website review form" via Online Customer Form.
NetSuite support hasn't been helpful in giving me an AnswerID to find and read through; they sent me the usual scripted response for anyone who's asking a question.
I hope that I am clarifying this as much as possible; they don't seem to understand me in the NetSuite forums in what I am trying to accomplish.
I need to create certain fields so that I can get the necessary information:
review headline
Comments (this is a default field)
email (this is a default field)
When viewing the "set up workflow" subtab, would I uncheck "Allow update", "Allow update on customer record" and "allow update on contact record"?
If yes, great! then all I need to do is figure out how to add the additional fields.
The Online Forms functionality is specifically for automatically creating and updating records in your account. If you don't want this to happen, you'll need a different solution instead of an Online Form.
If you are familiar with SuiteScript, you can build and publish your own form using an "External Suitelet."
If support and the forums aren't helping you out enough, check out the free NetSuite Professionals Slack group.

GitHub Enterprise Admin Function - Add Arbitrary User to Organization

Is it possible in GitHub enterprise to arbitrarily add a user to an organization if you are a site administrator. I am evaluating the software, but cannot seem to do this reliably. A site admin who is not themselves part of an organization cannot pull up the organizations dashboard, nor see which users are part of it, although they can view and contribute to the repositories within (in a round about way). I know that it is possible to impersonate a non-admin user, but you would have to know who already is a part of that organization to do this, which is hidden. There has to be a better way because what if some nefarious employee and removed everyone but themselves. The organization would effectively be orphaned.
Thank you
I think I have found where all the members are, under "Members & Teams", duh. I can usurp their account and make myself an owner if needed. Seems cumbersome though.
You most likely want ghe-org-admin-promote

Restrict courses from displaying on Moodle conditionally based on user profile field?

I have an installation of Moodle 2.8.3 and I've added a custom user field, "role", to the user profiles. I can hide activities and documents based on that user field, however, if there is an entire course that is only for one role, the other roles see it.
I'm a client and I'm looking through the course catalog. I see a course "XYZ" and click on it to enroll but the course is totally empty because it's for employees only.
Are there any examples of this being done? I've done some research and found IOMAD but it's a completely custom deployment of Moodle and would need to go through a lengthy approval process and then be reinstalled on dev, imp, and prod.
Totara has audience visibility, so you can restrict courses to members of an audience.
Totara is a distribution of Moodle, aimed at enterprises.
I think the audience visibility code would be difficult to port to Moodle though. You can try out the Totara seedlings code from this link.
Then once installed, switch on audience visibility using the help link above

OrientDb: Managing security/permissions based on relationships?

The OrientDB documentation on record level security uses a blog as example. The user “Steve" can grant rights to individual blog posts for another user “Luke”.
However, in my situation I want Steve to be able to grant Luke access to the whole blog, so that Luke can create, edit etc all blogPosts connected to the blog as long as he has this access. And if it's revoked he shouldn't be able to edit any posts in Steve's blog even if he created them.
Can this be done somehow? I suppose record level security can't be used as it's not the same record? But maybe this behavior can be altered with a hook, or creating a user "group" for "Steve's blog" that gets the _allow rights, and both users are part of the group instead.
I'm very new to OrientDB, graphs and java, so sorry if it's a stupid question.

Analysis class diagram - associating classes

New user so I can't post images. Image link provided below:
This is for a walk-in booking system not an online reservation system.
Normal Booking scenario:
User/Member gives information to receptionist. Users can book up to a month in-advance.
Receptionist searches user/member info. Receptionist must be logged in to search user/member or make a booking.
if details are found the booking continues as normal, if not user details are added to the users file.
Booking time/date/type is then checked for availability. If available then a booking is made.
There are two types of staff account 'normal-user' (Receptionist) and 'admin' (Manager).
Manager can reset staff account passwords and create new staff accounts.
Manager can edit session details on the timetable (time, date, type) etc. Do i need a timetable class here??
In order to answer that, we would need a much more developed specification.
I would suggest you develop with what you have, meeting only the minimum requirements for each iteration. Then, if you find your users need a timetable of some sort, then add it at that point.
In general, don't add more complexity than you need until you know you need it. The more moving parts a system has, the harder it is to maintain and use and to put together in the first place. Get the application up and functioning and in the users' hands. Until you get real feedback from them, you are just taking stabs in the dark. Let the users' tell you what they need and want.