How to pause a loop in autohotkey - autohotkey

I need to pause a spacebar spamming macro with a key like f10, here is my code
if not GetKeyState("c", "P")
Sleep 25 ; ms
Send {space}
I tried to add a pause similar to the getkeystate in and out of the loop but to no avail.

I always do something to the extent of this:
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle {
; do whatever you need to do here
An additional advantage here is that there's only one hotkey to remember. Press once to begin the endless loop. Press again to stop.

Click, right,
Mousemove, 0, 110, 5, Rel
click, left
Mousemove, 350, -473, 5, rel
click, left
Mousemove, -350, 363, 5, rel


Auto Hot Key - can't interrupt a loop

Here is an example auto hot key script:
WinActivate, MyWindow
WinWaitActive, MyWindow
If GetKeyState("Shift", "P")
Click, 44, 55
Sleep, 1000
Click, 144, 155
Sleep, 1000
Everything works fine but I can't interrupt the loop by pressig "Shift". What is wrong ?
You have to hold the Shift key for more than 2 seconds pressed, because of the sleep times.
Or try something like this:
If !WinActive("MyWindow")
WinActivate, MyWindow
WinWaitActive, MyWindow
Click, 44, 55
Click, 144, 155
Loop 10
Sleep, 100
If GetKeyState("Shift", "P")
exit ; terminate the hotkey's thread
Using a loop inside a hotkey definition is bad practice.
AHK doesn't provide true multithreading, so long running loops are generally a really bad idea.
Using a timer fixes this, and usage of a timer is anyway always what you want for something like this.
And it'll be much more simple as well.
So, with Ctrl+j we activate the desired window and create the timer and tell it to run our function TimerCallback (which we will shortly create) every 2secs:
WinActivate, MyWindow
WinWaitActive, MyWindow ;shouldn't be needed, but if you find it helpful, fair enough
TimerCallback() ;run the function once, since the timer is going to
;run it for the first time only after 2secs
SetTimer, TimerCallback, 2000
And then we make shift be a hotkey for turning off the timer. And we for sure want to use the ~ modifier to not consume the key when the hotkey is fired:
~Shift::SetTimer, koira, Off
And now lets also define our function TimerCallback:
Click, 44, 55
Sleep, 1000
Click, 144, 155
So here's again the script in full if something was somehow left unclear:
WinActivate, MyWindow
WinWaitActive, MyWindow ;shouldn't be needed, but if you find it helpful, fair enough
TimerCallback() ;run the function once, since the timer is going to
;run it for the first time only after 2secs
SetTimer, TimerCallback, 2000
~Shift::SetTimer, TimerCallback, Off
Click, 44, 55
Sleep, 1000
Click, 144, 155

Can someone help me with this AHK Script

I want this Autohotkey script to press the spacebar automatically with a toggle option so i dont have to hold the spacebar all the time. The toggle key should be the middle mouse button. Could you please write it correctly for me? Because the toggle part I found doesn't seem to work. Thanks in advance CptPrice :D
Main script:
Sleep 100
GetKeyState, SpaceState, Space, P
If SpaceState = U
Sleep 5
Send, {Blind}{Space}
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
if (toggle := !toggle) {
; on
} else {
; off
toggle := false
MButton:: toggle := !toggle
#If toggle
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
Sleep 100
Sleep 5
Send, {Blind}{Space}
if (!toggle) ; Press MButton to break

Click and drag one pixel in given direction

I am looking for a script that will click and hold the right mouse button down and drag in a given direction 1 pixel every "x" or 2 seconds. Something I can either tell to move in given direction by hitting the corresponding direction key or by adjusting the script manually.
Thank you!
Not entirely sure what you want, but try this:
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
direction = left
secondsBetweenMoves = 0.1
F1:: ;F1 to start it
SendInput, {LButton Down}
SetTimer, Move, %secondsBetweenMoves%
F2:: ;F2 to end it
SendInput, {LButton Up}
SetTimer, Move, Off
MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY
If (direction = "left") {
MouseMove, mouseX-1, mouseY
Else If (direction = "right") {
MouseMove, mouseX+1, mouseY
Else If (direction = "up") {
MouseMove, mouseX, mouseY-1
Else If (direction = "down") {
MouseMove, mouseX, mouseY+1
The send event command might make your life a whole lot easier. For example, what you're trying to do in a simplistic infinite loop:
coordmode, mouse, screen
setmousedelay, 0 # This makes the mouse move extremely fast
loop {
mousegetpos, mx, my
mx := mx+1
sendevent {click, r, down}
sendevent {click, %mx%, %my%, r, up}
sleep 2000
This loop will hold down the right button and move one pixel to the right every two seconds. If you want it to move to the left, change
mx := mx+1
mx := mx-1
Making it move up or down is the same mechanism, but adding or subtracting to the variable "my" instead.
This loop can be made into a timer, with hotkeys to enable or disable it.

Script to open right-click menu and choose menu item

In a specific program, I want to assign a hotkey to the action of right clicking at the cursor's current position, then moving the cursor to choose an item on that menu, then moving the cursor again to choose an item on the sub-menu. I've gotten as far as the first two commands. When I get to the mousemove, no matter what coordinates I put in, the cursor shoots to the upper left corner of the screen, when what I would like it to do is first move 100 pixels to the right and 60 pixels up, then 100 pixels to the right, zero pixels on the y-axis. Clearly I am misunderstanding something. Please advise.
Click right
sleep, 100
MouseMove, 60, -60, 5, R
Sleep, 100
MouseMove, 200, 0, 5, R
MouseClick, L
Ellen, first of all, if at all possible try if you could use keyboard shortcuts.
Please check: Control Panel\Ease of Access Center\Make the keyboard easier to use\Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys. This will show the shortcuts that you can use. This way you might even find the keyboard shortcut for the menu, instead of using the mouse location.
^+b:: ; Record the location of the menu at the beginnin with [Shift]+[Ctrl]+b
SoundBeep, 500, 500
ToolTip, Click on the "XYZ" Link
KeyWait, LButton, D
MouseGetPos, xPos, yPos
Send, {Esc}
MouseClick, Right, xPos, yPos
;Mousemove, 100, 60 R
Send, e : OR WHATEVER Shortcut letter OR.....
Send, {Down 3}{Enter} ; IF you want to use down arrow 3 times to get to the item.
Modified, where YOU have to position the mouse on the always changing menu position.
MouseClick, Right ; presses where the mouse is located
;Mousemove, 100, 60 R
Send, e : OR WHATEVER Shortcut letter OR.....
Send, {Down 3}{Enter} ; IF you want to use down arrow 3 times to get to the item.
If you can identify the menu ID (with AHK Windows Spy, place the mouse over the menu and look at "under the mouse"), you could use controlsend. This would be location independent since controlsend will use the menu ID to send a signal. If you tell me which application you try to control, I could see if controlSend could be used....
Oh b.t.w. I did not know you used XP, the enable shortcut instructions were for Windows 7.
Shouldn't Mousemove be MouseMove instead? It's like that in the docs.
This AutoHotkey script, including a user-created AutoHotkey function should do what you require.
It automates right-clicking a program, and then selecting 3 items on subsequent menus.
The script has been written to work on Media Player Classic,
but certain lines just need to be edited to make it work for your program, TypeTool 3. You specify a comma-separated list with one or more items, i.e. the name of the item to choose in the first menu, and in the second menu item etc.
The vast majority of programs use standard context menus,
so it should work on your program; this is in contrast
to menu bars and other types of controls/resources that vary more between programs.
;note: requires Acc.ahk library in AutoHotkey\Lib folder
;on right of screen right-click Raw, Save target as...
;the currently assigned hotkey is ctrl+q
;e.g. Media Player Classic, open right-click menu, click items
#IfWinActive, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
WinGetClass, vWinClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
if vWinClass not in MediaPlayerClassicW
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, vPosX2, vPosY2
WinGetPos, vPosX, vPosY, vPosW, vPosH, ahk_id %hWnd%
vPosX := Round(vPosX + vPosW/2)
vPosY := Round(vPosY + vPosH/2)
MouseMove, %vPosX%, %vPosY%
vList = View,On Top,Default
MouseMove, %vPosX2%, %vPosY2%
MenuRCSelectItem(vList, vDelim=",", vPosX="", vPosY="", vDelay=0)
DetectHiddenWindows, Off
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, vPosX2, vPosY2
(vPosX = "") ? (vPosX := vPosX2)
(vPosY = "") ? (vPosY := vPosY2)
if !(vPosX = vPosX2) OR !(vPosY = vPosY2)
MouseMove, %vPosX%, %vPosY%
Click right
Loop, Parse, vList, %vDelim%
vTemp := A_LoopField
WinGet, hWnd, ID, ahk_class #32768
if !hWnd
MsgBox error
oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "1", 0, "ahk_id " hWnd)
Loop, % oAcc.accChildCount
if (Acc_Role(oAcc, A_Index) = "menu item")
if (oAcc.accName(A_Index) = vTemp)
if (1, oRect := Acc_Location(oAcc, A_Index), vIndex := A_Index)
vPosX := Round(oRect.x + oRect.w/2)
vPosY := Round(oRect.y + oRect.h/2)
MouseMove, %vPosX%, %vPosY%
Sleep %vDelay% ;optional delay
WinWaitNotActive, ahk_id %hWnd%, , 6
if ErrorLevel
MsgBox error
MouseMove, %vPosX2%, %vPosY2%

Can someone help me an AutoHotKey script?

I've read the help and guide for it but I just can't figure it out. All I want to do is create a hotkey that when pressed will move my mouse until the hotkey is pressed again. Can anyone tell me how to do this? It should be really simple but apparently I'm missing something.
This is pretty much the most annoying HotKey ever, but here you go (hotkey is Ctrl+Alt+C);
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 1
if DoMouseMove
DoMouseMove := false
DoMouseMove := true
Sleep 100
Random, randX, 1, 1028
Random, randY, 1, 800
MouseMove, randX, randY, 25
Sleep, 100
if not DoMouseMove
DoMouseMove := false
I will throw in my solution.
If (Toggle := !Toggle) ; Toggle the value True/False
ToolTip Mouse Mover,A_ScreenWidth/2,0 ; Show that Mouse Mover is active
SetTimer MoveMouse, 1000 ; 1000 ms = 1 sec. Every minute (60000 ms) is probably enough.
Tooltip ; Turn Mouse Mover alert window off
SetTimer MoveMouse, Off ; Turn the timer off
MouseMove, 1, 0, 1, R ;Move the mouse one pixel to the right
Sleep, 50 ; Wait 50 ms. Not realy required, but makes the move visible
MouseMove, -1, 0, 1, R ;Move the mouse back one pixel