Netbeans 8.2 sass argument --cache-location bug on Mac OSX - netbeans

I install sass 1.15 with HomeBrew on Mac OSX .
I'd like to use the auto process of Netbeans 8.2 on saving but Netbeans add an deprecated argument "/usr/local/bin/sass" "--cache-location"
So impossible to use !
Can anyone can Help me ?

I had the same problem: I created a bash script sass wrapper in my home bin directory that removes the first two arguments. Since I never use additional command line options with sass I hardcoded the options as shown below. You could create a loop through the options and and use case or if statements to pass all the arguments on to sass executable. my file only has two lines:
/usr/local/bin/sass $3 $4 $5
make sure you make the file executable.

You can fixed this issue with:
sudo gem install sass


How to make Eclipse recognize file types such as Bash and Python by shebang `#!`?

E.g. I have a file:
#/usr/bin/env python
#/usr/bin/env bash
echo hello
the syntax highlighting is not working. It does work when I have files with extension however such as or, so it seems that it is unable to recognize those file types by shebang.
Is this just a bug on both the Python and Bash plugins? Or is there some more global setting for it? Or is it just not possible in Eclipse currently?
I looked under the "Association" settings but I could only see filename based methods there.
Tested on Eclipse CDT 2022-09 with extensions PyDev 10.0.1 and Bash Editor 2.8.0.

Raku: Installation of Gnome::Gtk3 on Windows

I am trying to install the Raku module «Gnome::Gtk3» module on a Windows pc, without success.
Powershell> zef install Gnome::Gtk3
This fails with a lot of "Cannot locate native library"-messages.
I have installed Raku with choco, along with git. And have fixed the path.
That alone took quite some time to figure out, due to missing documentation.
I have installed Gtk, as described here:
But Raku is unable to locate the libraries. Is this something that can work, or do
I have to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux?
(I am aware of the «GTK::Simple» module, but cannot use that as a replacement as it lacks support for keyboard interrupts - which I need.
I have installed it, as it states that it installs the GTK dll's as well.)
In order to make this kind of modules work, you need the -dev version of the library, that is, the DLLs which are actually the ones that NativeCall uses. This tutorial shows how to set them up for C++ and Python, Raku shouldn't be too different.
This now installs on MSYS2, Windows 10. First download the latest version of rakudo from here and extract the zip file to e.g. C:\rakudo-2020.11. Then install MSYS2, and when finished open the MSYS2 terminal window and install the following packages:
$ pacman -Syu
$ pacman -S base-devel gcc git libcrypt-devel libreadline
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
Then add the following to the MSYS2 ~/.bashrc configuration file:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/mingw64/lib/pkgconfig
export PATH="$PATH:/c/rakudo-2020.11/bin:/c/rakudo-2020.11/share/perl6/site/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:/mingw64/bin"
Save the updated .bashrc and reload it from the MSYS2 terminal prompt:
$ source ~/.bashrc
Finally, install Gnome::Gtk3:
$ zef install Gnome::Gtk3

Neovim error: E492: Not an editor command: PlugInstall

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
I just installed neovim using sudo apt-get install neovim and added the folder and file ~/.config/nvim/vim.init. At this moment the file has no content, but when I open up nvim and type :PlugInstall I get error: E492: Not an editor command: PlugInstall. I am clueless, what is going wrong?
I think you are trying to use vim-plug without previously installing it.
I changed my plug#begin to
call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim')
and it worked for me now
I followed this and it worked:
I also wrote call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged) and made a directory at that location. Then the reload command is also source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim where init.vim is the configuration file. And then I just ran :PlugInstall and it worked :D
I got this error too, but in my case I was typing :pluginstall instead of the case-sensitive :PlugInstall and you have to use the correct case or it won't work. Oddly, :PlugUpdate was able to work before :PlugInstall but that was just because I typed the case correctly.
I see I have the vim.plug correctly installed here
I also created a "plugged" folder here and I see this is where vim-plug put the downloaded files from running :PlugInstall
To be overly pedantic, I typed 'cd' to get to the user directory, then cd .vim to go into my dotted .vim folder, then "mkdir plugged" to create the plugged directory. Not sure if this was 100% necessary or if :PlugInstall would have created it by itself.
I also needed to :source ~/.vimrc between adding addition plug line items and typing :PlugInstall, so make sure you "source" or you can also completely quit and restart your Vim so it will reload your .vimrc file, otherwise it won't know anything about your file edits.
I'm on a Mac. I installed vim-plug for standard vim and this gave me this file
My .vimrc is this:
" add line numbers
set number
call plug#begin()
" The default plugin directory will be as follows:
" - Vim (Linux/macOS): '~/.vim/plugged'
" Make sure you use single quotes
Plug 'tomasiser/vim-code-dark'
Plug 'tpope/vim-sensible'
call plug#end()
I had the same problem and come here for leave my contribution ( I hadn't find this solution in anywhere ). In my case, it's caused by permissions in my linux. I always start my vim for ocults archives with:
sudo vim .vimrc
In this case, the Vim just use the default commands ( I don't know why but I think this is by the security ). If you just run:
vim .vimrc
All the user commands will be able.
In my case, I had multiple terminal windows open. I still had the Vim window open after installing vim-plug in another window. Solution was to close and re-open Vim.
Instead of
call plug#begin()
I did
call plug#begin(has('nvim') ? stdpath('data') . '/plugged' : '~/.vim/plugged')
Worked 100%
If you have followed the steps in, but still didn't work.
Try run ':source ~/.config/nvim/vim.init' in vim (not source ~/.config/nvim/vim.init in shell).
Make sure git is installed.
In my case, I was trying to do :PlugInstall in a docker container and did not have git installed. I installed git, and it worked.

Eclipse CDT created makefile cannot "clean" on Windows

I have a makefile project with makefiles generated by Eclipse CDT (Helios, MinGW). The "clean" command does not work because the "del" command is executed with arguments like ./src/myfile.o, but on Windows this doesn't work (should be .\src\myfile.o).
How can I either tell Eclipse to use the Windows Path Separator or otherwise maybe replace the command "del" by something different (I could easily write a batch script which replaces the forward-slashes by backslashes)?
Thanks for any hints!
There is simple solution, create a makefile.defs file in your project's main directory with the following content:
RM := rm -rf
Basically this file lets you override variables from auto-generated makefile and RM is wrapper for remove command.
The best option is to download and install GnuUtils
and add the installed directory (C:\ProgramFile???\GnuWin32\bin)to your windows path and restart eclipse.Eclipse should execute rm-rf now...if it still doesnt ...restart windows and check your path again to see if it has \GnuWin32\bin ...then restart eclipse...
in your msys bin directory (C:\msys\1.0\bin on my machine) create a copy of rm.exe and rename it del.exe.
this is a hack. i am not familiar with the differences between the rm and del arguments. the base functionality is there. (delete file1 file2 filen)
in windows there is no del.exe, the delete functionality is built into CMD.exe. eclipse runs the commands in the msys shell which does not have the del functionality. this prevents you from adding a path to eclipse in which to search for del.exe.
i tried many different things to get the managed make to put "RM := rm" in the makefile but failed.
Edit the makefiles to use the mingw rm command instead?
Before you rename rm.exe to del.exe, check the path in Eclipse. The path has to have Unix path separators (forward slash, /) and not the Windows path separator (backslash, \).
This has fixed the problem on my side.

How do I get perl-support.vim to recognize Perl files?

I installed perl-support.vim into ~/.vim (unzipped). When I create a new .pl file it shows me the default template, which means my installation is successful (I guess). I have already added filetype plugin on in ~/.vimrc & /etc/vimrc.
How do I enter a perl-support command?
The write up recommends typing \isu in normal mode for creating a new sub, but the moment I hit i vim changes into insert mode and nothing intended happens.
What am I doing wrong?
Make sure you've enabled ftplugins with the filetype plugin on command in .vimrc, and of course make sure that the file you're editing is recognized as a Perl file (usually, by having a known extension, but you can force the matter by issuing the command set filetype=perl. If filetype plugins aren't enabled, or if the filetype isn't recognized, then the rest of perl-support won't get loaded at all.
As recommended by hobbs, set filetype=perl works.
However, I wanted to do this everytime I open a .t test file — which my vim does not recognize as perl files because the interpreter statement is also custom.
I checked out :help syntax in vim and saw this:
mkdir ~/.vim/ftdetect
cd ~/.vim/ftdetect
vim t.vim
which contains
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.t set filetype=perl
which means: if the file extension is .t then do set filetype=perl.
This can be useful for any other custom extension.
I found I had to install Perl::Tags before most things (esp. \ commands). Installing Perl::Tags made an error message thrown by filetype plugin on go away.
cpan> install Perl::Tags # make sure you say yes to any offer to install dependancies